Hecno's on going organics

Hmm , The bloody smell , Lucky I have no close neighbour . I think the Blackberry Gum is only a week or 2 away from harvest as is going on 10 weeks at the moment , I also think I trimmed her a bit too hard , but we will see at the end . :shrug: As I have said before all Australian nutrients using my own NPK ratio . I have been using for Change over 7.7.7 - Early flower 5.10.7 - Mid flower 5 .15 . 7 late 4 . 10 . 7 . Not exact but thereabouts So first up BB.

And here is Big Bud . She would have to be one of the biggest plants I have grown so far . she sure as hell likes a feed . She will have the room all to her self soon , now that will be interesting . :biggrin:

And a new batch of soil . It is going on 4 months old and will be close to 6 months when I use it . It is at the stage that I am only feeding the worms and soil . With the worms they get aged cow manure and some old mangoes as it is mango season at the moment and there is just over 200 ltr . of soil

I also got given a sad and sorry Desert Rose that I will give so loving and healing . :bighug:
The just keep on powering along . I did hit them a bit hard last feed So I will cut back on the base feed next feed and drop to a 3,3,3 - Then add _Cal mag - Silca - Bio Diesel Bat Guano . This will be for the BlackBerry Gum . Big Bud will get the same base feed with Bat Guano - Bio Aloevate [ Salicylic acid ]
and Bloom Roots at point 5 ml per litre . I have just stared to use this product from Bloom . . We will see how it goes . The last photo is something I am just starting to do - Desert Rose . :thumbsup:View attachment 956652 View attachment 956653 View attachment 956654 View attachment 956655 View attachment 956656
@ Waira Bear with me here . A bit of a yarn . I'll start at the beginning as you have followed me a long time now as has @Eyes on Fire which I have the utmost respect for the both of you . So how did I start , Listening to the hype , ya got to have this brand of nutrient or soil , [ Bull shit ] :biggrin: So what does a bloke do , start at the soil and learn what I can . It can be very cheap to make your own soil . As you guys know I use as much local input as I can , which yet again takes more study . Each grow builds on the knowledge base . So you start to get your soil worked out and then I moved on to nutrients . Now this was a bugger , man did I do some fuck ups :cuss: . but hay no problem , you can only get hit in the head so often till you wake up . Which led me into the study of nutrients , man was that a big study and still on going . So next nutrients and watering and understanding the phases of the growth cycle and what the plant is telling me and ya get sick of them saying - Fuck you Henco what are hell you doing :rofl: which I now am starting to also understand , which led me into light distance form the plants again at different stages . . Climate not a problem all under control . so the reason for Silica potassium for one plant and salicylic acid for the other is because I looked at the silica and both of them have it , One salicylic acid has has a lot more inputs -
vitamins -amino acids - auxins -saponins - enzymes - Which I have also have been studying . Both plants have been getting the same base nutrients which are all Australian products as is every thing I use . I also introduced Humic and fluvic acid to the grow . , again need a bit more home work on them .to get a better understanding , So my aim is to look at the plants after harvest to make some type of judgement , which I don't think I will be able to as they are 2 different strains , but next grow will be the same strain [ 2 plants ] Big Bud . [ Seedstokers ] Here is a bit of feed back on the Blackberry Gum after 2 month cure . :smoking: This is what it doe's for me , [ W ] always pesters me about taste ect . Hecno's taste report . . I like what the name says and that is the taste I get , and one thing I really like is the taste lingers . So to the high , again my call , I smoke it when I need to chill out , as in later in the night or after a hard day at work , Smoke ability , super smooth . I now like to smoke Sativa for day time , the Mango Haze is nice , same as the critical , Taste wise -- Nice - - A good nice :biggrin: - Hang on I have to go , I''ll be back soon . :cheers::smoking: Ok sorry took so long , got side tracked , ya know how it is . So we have one system with many parts , I believe in organic . That is my choice and respect every growers choice to grow how they want - .:clapper: :thumbsup:
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I hope the next 4 years I get better , If I can up hold where I am at now , I will be very happy , but as you know , arr just a bit more , It is just a bugger it takes so long to get there . :thumbsup: :bighug: Hecno .

:d5:yeah grobro
grow learn share
Hmm , The bloody smell , Lucky I have no close neighbour . I think the Blackberry Gum is only a week or 2 away from harvest as is going on 10 weeks at the moment , I also think I trimmed her a bit too hard , but we will see at the end . :shrug: As I have said before all Australian nutrients using my own NPK ratio . I have been using for Change over 7.7.7 - Early flower 5.10.7 - Mid flower 5 .15 . 7 late 4 . 10 . 7 . Not exact but thereabouts So first up BB.View attachment 963185 View attachment 963186
And here is Big Bud . She would have to be one of the biggest plants I have grown so far . she sure as hell likes a feed . She will have the room all to her self soon , now that will be interesting . :biggrin:
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And a new batch of soil . It is going on 4 months old and will be close to 6 months when I use it . It is at the stage that I am only feeding the worms and soil . With the worms they get aged cow manure and some old mangoes as it is mango season at the moment and there is just over 200 ltr . of soil
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I also got given a sad and sorry Desert Rose that I will give so loving and healing . :bighug:
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all starts with the soil
life unseen
transforms the unknown
giving us lands
of green

Hec's ona roll!
Well it is 10 days down the track . Black berry gum is coming on to day 80 , I have stopped feeding her and I am just keeping a eye on the trichomes , The way I see it she has about a week to go . I am unsure about topping and the trimming I have done at this stage I am not too keen about it . I was hoping for 7 ounces off her but I don't think I will get it even though the strain is easy capable of it , but we shall see .

Now , Big Bud , She is quite a heavy feeder this one one and doe's not mind a bit of nitrogen . She is at day 66 .

I am impressed wit both these strains . Also the Australian Organic Nutrients . I have added some new products to the line up but I will get to that after the harvest , so fellow Aussies can see the products and results . :thumbsup:
:passit: :bighug: G'day Hecno! ...pardon the lagging here, you know I've been "busy",...:eyebrows:

So how did I start , Listening to the hype , ya got to have this brand of nutrient or soil , [ Bull shit ] :biggrin: So what does a bloke do , start at the soil and learn what I can . It can be very cheap to make your own soil . As you guys know I use as much local input as I can , which yet again takes more study . Each grow builds on the knowledge base . So you start to get your soil worked out and then I moved on to nutrients . Now this was a bugger , man did I do some fuck ups :cuss: . but hay no problem , you can only get hit in the head so often till you wake up . Which led me into the study of nutrients , man was that a big study and still on going . So next nutrients and watering and understanding the phases of the growth cycle and what the plant is telling me and ya get sick of them saying - Fuck you Henco what are hell you doing :rofl: which I now am starting to also understand , which led me into light distance form the plants again at different stages . . Climate not a problem all under control . so the reason for Silica potassium for one plant and salicylic acid for the other is because I looked at the silica and both of them have it , One salicylic acid has has a lot more inputs -
vitamins -amino acids - auxins -saponins - enzymes - Which I have also have been studying . Both plants have been getting the same base nutrients which are all Australian products as is every thing I use . I also introduced Humic and fluvic acid to the grow . , again need a bit more home work on them .to get a better understanding , So my aim is to look at the plants after harvest to make some type of judgement , which I don't think I will be able to as they are 2 different strains , but next grow will be the same strain [ 2 plants ] Big Bud . [ Seedstokers ] Here is a bit of feed back on the Blackberry Gum after 2 month cure . :smoking: This is what it doe's for me , [ W ] always pesters me about taste ect . Hecno's taste report . . I like what the name says and that is the taste I get , and one thing I really like is the taste lingers . So to the high , again my call , I smoke it when I need to chill out , as in later in the night or after a hard day at work , Smoke ability , super smooth . I now like to smoke Sativa for day time , the Mango Haze is nice , same as the critical , Taste wise -- Nice - - A good nice :biggrin: - Hang on I have to go ,
>>> Mate, you're the Sensei on this matter anymore! :bow: :clapper: very much respect for you on the entire journey and how much of an excellent grower you have become! Bloody few here have even come close starting with what you have to work with, and achieve the current results-- if any at all? There are growers here with fat $acks, high-tech gear, etc etc. and they still get left in the organic dust with your grows! :amazon: .... I think this really comes home with what you said about your own custom soils, and then the supp' and nutes you started working into the soils and grows,.. all with no lab testing, which is simply amazing! You have instinctual gifts, and all your hard work with research combines to make you flatten the learning curves quickly...:thumbsup: some things you just have a gift for, and you my friend, are gifted! :chimp: :rofl:
....yes, that one product is loaded with the Goods! ...But I agree, a more apples-to-apples test someday will be a better tell on the effects of one over the other, though one would think the more complete product prove superior... sure makes the mixing sessions less of a pain! I also think another notch-up could come from select foliar feedings, which should include the low molecular weight fulvics since they can be taken directly into the plant, unlike the huge humics... the orchids got nutters for this method as you know, but the Si does work magic with them, that I've seen at least,...I use the Ful-Gro pure fulvic in their feeds now- :hump:

>>> :spels::spels: = :drool: oh man, they are just a joy to eye-hump! :rofl: That BBG is MANDATORY next season-- I'm just dyin' here I want some so badly! A great sign on the stank she makes, plenty of the aromatic production needs around,.... I dunno about the topping and training, as far as yield goes at least.... so much can vary in other areas of the plant, I take it as a generalization, not dogma... but usually they do help improve yields!
:vibe: Big Bud! She gonna be a jar-buster mate no doubt...I also agree on the little extra N going in,.. it's still a muchly needed building block, and there's serious construction going on there, and to come! those buds look to be going to be very girthy- :hump: .. I can't wait to see her by harvest time!
Awesome hec' always a pleasure,... :smoker1: :slap: boom!