Hecno's on going organics

The just keep on powering along . I did hit them a bit hard last feed So I will cut back on the base feed next feed and drop to a 3,3,3 - Then add _Cal mag - Silca - Bio Diesel Bat Guano . This will be for the BlackBerry Gum . Big Bud will get the same base feed with Bat Guano - Bio Aloevate [ Salicylic acid ]
and Bloom Roots at point 5 ml per litre . I have just stared to use this product from Bloom . . We will see how it goes . The last photo is something I am just starting to do - Desert Rose . :thumbsup:
The just keep on powering along . I did hit them a bit hard last feed So I will cut back on the base feed next feed and drop to a 3,3,3 - Then add _Cal mag - Silca - Bio Diesel Bat Guano . This will be for the BlackBerry Gum . Big Bud will get the same base feed with Bat Guano - Bio Aloevate [ Salicylic acid ]
and Bloom Roots at point 5 ml per litre . I have just stared to use this product from Bloom . . We will see how it goes . The last photo is something I am just starting to do - Desert Rose . :thumbsup:View attachment 956652 View attachment 956653 View attachment 956654 View attachment 956655 View attachment 956656

Those desert rose plants are amazing looking!! Your cannabis looks awesome too!
:drool:.... plating up the Good Stuff, Hec' mate! :d5: MH's are looking nice and ripe, they can come down anytime now IMO, if they aren't already,... that is gonna be some zippy-trippy hippie stash for sure! :coffee::dizzy:.. pending testing, be real careful of who smokes it, as you know some folks don't fair well with intense sativa buzzes- :pass::nono: :rofl:
:headbang: - Critical looks stellar mate, beautifully formed and resined-up,.. How's her buzz and aroma now? My C+2.0 is down now, drying,... some of her filled in better, but still not the denser stuff she should be,... aroma is complex, very interesting... starts sharp sour citrus, piney, almost nose-tingly.... turning buds over on the rack today, nice resin on fingers, and found this is mellowing out, and more sweet/fruity notes showing, and a trippy backnote aroma of something between mint and eucalyptus..? Some mixing/smearing of the resin and air exposure definitely starts changing the nature of the aroma's expression! Also, this resin is greasy, not so sticky....
11 Roses is down too, solid nugg's, very frosty, lots of purple highlights,.. nice Kushy-hashy aroma, and I swear I'm getting wiff's of melon off her now....
:rofl: your MoB is ready for pick-up! Almost at least,... taking her Fri. I think,... Very happy with her, and the mold resistance is excellent, passing the test with aplomb even with very solid buds,... we have had warm high RH%, light rain for a couple days now, which the C+ and 11 R' were not holding up well against... that said, it wasn't bad, and the 11R is not the healthiest plant, plus both had the damn botryits get inside the main stem from a broken branch and where fan leaves were,.. this can allow it to travel right on up into buds via the vascular system, so after that showed, and I saw increased activity, I chopped right away,.... lesson learned about those open wound sites, and the stem bases! :doh: from now on, it'll be basted with a Sulfur "paint" I make out of powdered S used for fungal control (it's element S I believe) mixed with a little water and wetting agent to make a thick paint-like consistency...
:coffee: :hump: -- wow, whatever you hit BBG and BB, they are making the most of it! two excellent girls my friend, your streak of Winners continues! :bow:.....BBG is really stacking the nodes this round, you're going to have some nice fat colas! .... BB, is she stretching still?
@Waira Big Bud is still stretching and is going to be a solid girl , more so than the BBG now Big Bud is getting the Salicylic acid and Blackberry Gum
potassium silicate , I am noticing a difference to last grows without it , more solid looking the stems and bases are bigger on both plants , also buds are more chunky at the stage they are at . I am unsure which is better , I need to denude the plants to get a better idea . But I do like what I am seeing :thumbsup:
:cheers: :greenthumb: man are they filling up the room or what? Good thing there's only two! ........ I think they are contenders for your best auto's yet mate, a very fine bit of work on they indeed- :d5: ...it does look like BB is getting blown away speed-wise, so let's hope she makes it up in yield!

@Waira Big Bud is still stretching and is going to be a solid girl , more so than the BBG now Big Bud is getting the Salicylic acid and Blackberry Gum
potassium silicate , I am noticing a difference to last grows without it , more solid looking the stems and bases are bigger on both plants , also buds are more chunky at the stage they are at . I am unsure which is better , I need to denude the plants to get a better idea . But I do like what I am seeing :thumbsup:
... Hec', I'm missing something here,... why is one getting the salicylic acid and the other Potassium silicate, and both not getting both? They are apples-to-oranges in what they do, right? Or am I trippin' here and missed what you were testing out,...:baked: :haha: .... .... Si is a structure integrity monster for sure! It's obvious the moment you work on some branches, or break a plant down, even buds, if you have had the chance to compare with plants that have had little to no Si at all.... This year in the new spot, there was way more wind, a couple even started to grow at angles.... but the way they stiffed up quickly and the stems beefed out was impressive! The key is to have it around at low-moderate levels all-the-time :greencheck: :biggrin:
I didn't do the aspirin supp' this time, since I was using this great product called Tappin' Roots, a willow plus other botanical extracts product! It's come way down in price, so i use it all the time now,.. before it was $35+ for a L bottle, and you use it by the ounce, not by tsp/T's..:eek1: :pass:
@ Waira Bear with me here . A bit of a yarn . I'll start at the beginning as you have followed me a long time now as has @Eyes on Fire which I have the utmost respect for the both of you . So how did I start , Listening to the hype , ya got to have this brand of nutrient or soil , [ Bull shit ] :biggrin: So what does a bloke do , start at the soil and learn what I can . It can be very cheap to make your own soil . As you guys know I use as much local input as I can , which yet again takes more study . Each grow builds on the knowledge base . So you start to get your soil worked out and then I moved on to nutrients . Now this was a bugger , man did I do some fuck ups :cuss: . but hay no problem , you can only get hit in the head so often till you wake up . Which led me into the study of nutrients , man was that a big study and still on going . So next nutrients and watering and understanding the phases of the growth cycle and what the plant is telling me and ya get sick of them saying - Fuck you Henco what are hell you doing :rofl: which I now am starting to also understand , which led me into light distance form the plants again at different stages . . Climate not a problem all under control . so the reason for Silica potassium for one plant and salicylic acid for the other is because I looked at the silica and both of them have it , One salicylic acid has has a lot more inputs -
vitamins -amino acids - auxins -saponins - enzymes - Which I have also have been studying . Both plants have been getting the same base nutrients which are all Australian products as is every thing I use . I also introduced Humic and fluvic acid to the grow . , again need a bit more home work on them .to get a better understanding , So my aim is to look at the plants after harvest to make some type of judgement , which I don't think I will be able to as they are 2 different strains , but next grow will be the same strain [ 2 plants ] Big Bud . [ Seedstokers ] Here is a bit of feed back on the Blackberry Gum after 2 month cure . :smoking: This is what it doe's for me , [ W ] always pesters me about taste ect . Hecno's taste report . . I like what the name says and that is the taste I get , and one thing I really like is the taste lingers . So to the high , again my call , I smoke it when I need to chill out , as in later in the night or after a hard day at work , Smoke ability , super smooth . I now like to smoke Sativa for day time , the Mango Haze is nice , same as the critical , Taste wise -- Nice - - A good nice :biggrin: - Hang on I have to go , I''ll be back soon . :cheers::smoking: Ok sorry took so long , got side tracked , ya know how it is . So we have one system with many parts , I believe in organic . That is my choice and respect every growers choice to grow how they want - .:clapper: :thumbsup:

I hope the next 4 years I get better , If I can up hold where I am at now , I will be very happy , but as you know , arr just a bit more , It is just a bugger it takes so long to get there . :thumbsup: :bighug: Hecno .
Thank you sir.You are one of the few from early on that took what I was saying and learned,and matched the grow style that fit you and your lifestyle and what you want out of it.Pretty satisfying aint it mate?!LOL damned fine flowers too! :) IMO mate,your doing a damn fine job using the natural materials in your region. Many do, but, your region is a bit more tough, so right there says TONS about your wants,desires ,resolve and needs to grow the flower/Meds you need.As far as I am concerned you sir are doing a damn fine job with spectacular looking flowers.sorry smellovision isnt installed yet LOL