.... plating up the Good Stuff, Hec' mate!

MH's are looking nice and ripe, they can come down anytime now IMO, if they aren't already,... that is gonna be some zippy-trippy hippie stash for sure!

.. pending testing, be real careful of who smokes it, as you know some folks don't fair well with intense sativa buzzes-

- Critical looks stellar mate, beautifully formed and resined-up,.. How's her buzz and aroma now? My C+2.0 is down now, drying,... some of her filled in better, but still not the denser stuff she should be,... aroma is complex, very interesting... starts sharp sour citrus, piney, almost nose-tingly.... turning buds over on the rack today, nice resin on fingers, and found this is mellowing out, and more sweet/fruity notes showing, and a trippy backnote aroma of something between mint and eucalyptus..? Some mixing/smearing of the resin and air exposure definitely starts changing the nature of the aroma's expression! Also, this resin is greasy, not so sticky....
11 Roses is down too, solid nugg's, very frosty, lots of purple highlights,.. nice Kushy-hashy aroma, and I swear I'm getting wiff's of melon off her now....

your MoB is ready for pick-up! Almost at least,... taking her Fri. I think,... Very happy with her, and the mold resistance is excellent, passing the test with aplomb even with very solid buds,... we have had warm high RH%, light rain for a couple days now, which the C+ and 11 R' were not holding up well against... that said, it wasn't bad, and the 11R is not the healthiest plant, plus both had the damn botryits get inside the main stem from a broken branch and where fan leaves were,.. this can allow it to travel right on up into buds via the vascular system, so after that showed, and I saw increased activity, I chopped right away,.... lesson learned about those open wound sites, and the stem bases!

from now on, it'll be basted with a Sulfur "paint" I make out of powdered S used for fungal control (it's element S I believe) mixed with a little water and wetting agent to make a thick paint-like consistency...

-- wow, whatever you hit BBG and BB, they are making the most of it! two excellent girls my friend, your streak of Winners continues!

.....BBG is really stacking the nodes this round, you're going to have some nice fat colas! .... BB, is she stretching still?