Hecno's on going organics

Go @hecno ! Love the fish hook idea! Will get the side cutters out and de Barb first tho!

Looking great, sensational color. It's almost a tell tale of a positive grow when you get that vivid one of a kind uniform shade of lime!

Brace yourself old man, f6 coming Marlin fishing eventually!

Smoking break at yours before I ferry to lizard island?

An other day and another plant . Big Bud at day 23 . I will be doing very little to her but leaf tucking and a bit of lower stuff to come off . For silica I am using a product called Aloevate by Bio Diesel [ Auss ] it is Salicylic acid based silica . Which I will run the whole grow . again time will tell :thumbsup:

and the 2 outdoor Mango Haze . Getting close now and I am hoping they make to time frame which is around 24 days till they reveg .:biggrin:
This may be of interest to some . I have noticed a difference since I have started using it , thicker stems and leaf stems . I have grown BBG enough tines now to make a comparison .:thumbsup:

How Potassium Silicate works
Plants take silicon into their walls, making tougher cell walls. The assimilation increases rigidity and strength, to support, larger flowers and fruits. It also strengthens cell walls of plant stalk and stem to hold additional weight and support big buds. Silicate deposition in epidermal cell wall enable plants to hold their leaves at upward angle, allowing more light to penetrate to lower areas of the canopy. Potassium Silicate acts as natural fungicide and boosts plants defense mechanism. It’s established that silicon offers mechanical strength along with crop protection. When plant tissues are rich in silicates they lose less moisture.

Silica also helps the formation of trichomes that make flowers more potent. When silicon is fed to the plants they saturate their cell walls with silicates, silicify trichomes and make cystolith hair to the maximum of their genetic potential. Potassium silicate treatment induces metabolic changes; increase in citric acid and malic acid level plus decrease in fructose, glucose, sucrose, and myo-inositol content.

Taken from a longer articale .
I'll add this .
Foliar application of two levels of citric acid and malic acid (100 or 300 mg L−1) was investigated on flower stem height, plant height, flower performance and yield indices (fresh yield, dry yield and root to shoot ratio) of Gazania. Distilled water was applied as control treatment. Multivariate analysis revealed that while the experimental treatments had no significant effect on fresh weight and the flower count, the plant dry weight was significantly increased by 300 mg L−1 malic acid. Citric acid at 100 and 300 mg L−1 and 300 mg L−1 malic acid increased the root fresh weight significantly. Both the plant height and peduncle length were significantly increased in all applied levels of citric acid and malic acid. The display time of flowers on the plant increased in all treatments compared to control treatment. The root to shoot ratio was increased significantly in 300 mg L−1citric acid compared to all other treatments. These findings confirm earlier reports that citric acid and malic acid as environmentally sound chemicals are effective on various aspects of growth and development of crops. Structural equations modeling is used in parallel to ANOVA to conclude the factor effects and the possible path of effects.
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This may be of interest to some . I have noticed a difference since I have started using it , thicker stems and leaf stems . I have grown BBG enough tines now to make a comparison .:thumbsup:

How Potassium Silicate works
Plants take silicon into their walls, making tougher cell walls. The assimilation increases rigidity and strength, to support, larger flowers and fruits. It also strengthens cell walls of plant stalk and stem to hold additional weight and support big buds. Silicate deposition in epidermal cell wall enable plants to hold their leaves at upward angle, allowing more light to penetrate to lower areas of the canopy. Potassium Silicate acts as natural fungicide and boosts plants defense mechanism. It’s established that silicon offers mechanical strength along with crop protection. When plant tissues are rich in silicates they lose less moisture.

Silica also helps the formation of trichomes that make flowers more potent. When silicon is fed to the plants they saturate their cell walls with silicates, silicify trichomes and make cystolith hair to the maximum of their genetic potential. Potassium silicate treatment induces metabolic changes; increase in citric acid and malic acid level plus decrease in fructose, glucose, sucrose, and myo-inositol content.

Taken from a longer articale .

How often do you use it and how early on? I have some but use it sparingly. It is hard to get fully dissolved.
@Dudeski I use a product from -- Bloom Advanced Floriculture -- Australian --
  • upload_2018-9-22_6-59-55.png

  • Promotes a healthy plant through potassium silicate
  • Highly concentrated potassium silicate 53.2% – the strongest available in the market worldwide
  • Potassium silicate is important for plant growth – creates thick cell walls giving the plant protection against insect and fungus attacks
  • Potassium silicate can not be translocated so continued application will give the best result
  • Foliar application can be applied to control fungus outbreaks
  • Highly alkaline and has an important handling method to receive the best result
  • Application can be by setting the pH value to 7 in a vessel of water before adding to nutrient solution
  • If using ‘bloom SILICA’ for raising the pH of nutrient solution then only lower the pH to desired level to reach the target pH required
  • The bottle has ‘poison’ protruding from the bottle so no person will consume the product (as it is alkaline)
  • In the ‘bloom Advanced Floriculture’ system you do not need to reduce your fertilizer application to use this product
  • Can be used in any growing method, growing medium, indoors and outdoors – simply consult the relevant feed schedule for application rates to suit your system (or develop your own method)
I use it at point 1 ml a ltr . starting at week 3 , it dissolves just fine .
@Dudeski I use a product from -- Bloom Advanced Floriculture -- Australian --

  • Promotes a healthy plant through potassium silicate
  • Highly concentrated potassium silicate 53.2% – the strongest available in the market worldwide
  • Potassium silicate is important for plant growth – creates thick cell walls giving the plant protection against insect and fungus attacks
  • Potassium silicate can not be translocated so continued application will give the best result
  • Foliar application can be applied to control fungus outbreaks
  • Highly alkaline and has an important handling method to receive the best result
  • Application can be by setting the pH value to 7 in a vessel of water before adding to nutrient solution
  • If using ‘bloom SILICA’ for raising the pH of nutrient solution then only lower the pH to desired level to reach the target pH required
  • The bottle has ‘poison’ protruding from the bottle so no person will consume the product (as it is alkaline)
  • In the ‘bloom Advanced Floriculture’ system you do not need to reduce your fertilizer application to use this product
  • Can be used in any growing method, growing medium, indoors and outdoors – simply consult the relevant feed schedule for application rates to suit your system (or develop your own method)
I use it at point 1 ml a ltr . starting at week 3 , it dissolves just fine .

I have the pure potassium silicate, seems to be a lot less expensive. I try to mix some in the soil when making pots and add it as I go. I have a couple seedlings that stretched too much, want to add some as soon as possible .