Hecno's on going organics

The power of Cannabis , I need to give ya a bit of back ground here , I have smoked all my life , My wife has not , She puts up with my growing and the smell that comes from the grow room , I love her to bits . Hecno she says , what happens when friends come around [ incense ] I say :biggrin:
I am 58 and wife is 59 , So where am I going , She has a bad flue and will not stop coughing , So what do I do , Here dear have some cake [ Made by a fiend ]
Well bugger me the coughing has stopped and she is sleeping , When you love somebody you do what you can to help , sometimes you have to spend time to explain , we have been together for 30 years and have 3 adult kids , 2 smoke , @dank style J I hear you brother . I had to close my shop down due to the cost of running a business in a small town , are we rich --- no -- But what do you call rich -- Money -- F*&^% off --- friendships , and family is what counts , I have been on this site going on 4 years , and I I will say I wish the world was on the same page as us . Respect for each other is the most important thing for we have , I no not care what your belief is --- I respect it -- as you should respect mine . The way way I see AFN going is a world wide sharing of peoples and beliefs , We have to enjoy each other and what we share , --- We only have one home and we are doing a good job of [HASHTAG]#uck[/HASHTAG] it up .
:bighug:I love you all .
Hey hecno I love you to proud of your constant study of organics an the culture we embrace .Very nice plants an I'm sure your bringing the flavor not everyone can grow the tasty stuff an I do believe you got it friend .
These bloody things are in cruise mode , Still not fed ,so I just water and sit and look at them , -- for a long time -- :biggrin: :smoker1: :thumbsup:
G'Day @the green bandit Here is a photo of the out door girls , still not getting a lot of light , just over 6 1/2 hours , but I am happy the way they are going ----- Mango Haze --- I hope they finish in time , Last time I mucked around they started to reveg 2nd week of October , which should get these girl finished . Unsure what I will run for the long season , leaning towards a land race sativa View attachment 942034]
Out of interest , here is the root mass on the last Blackberry Gum . 27 ltr pot .
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"mass" is right!, love the train job on the MHs
Ok weekend is over , Lots of drinking and smoking , Had a mates sons 21 st to go to and yet again the old farts where the last standing . :thumbsup: I'll start with some photos , :biggrin:
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Nutrients I used main ones [2] --- Australian --- Plant of Health and Bloom Advanced Floriculture - For a base I use Plant of Health Triple Boost 10.10.10 , This is always my starting point . in the veg stage I run it at 4.4.4 and 3.3.3 depending on what the plant tells me . I also will give it Molasses a couple of times , and 1 time fish hydrostate at 3.0.0 , These last 2 is to feed the soil .I also have Guano powder in the soil that I make in a coffee grinder . In the stretch I use 4.4.4 and I top dressed with Guano and used a Silica Potash [ PoH ] - S 18-K 13.5 With this I used at 1/3 strength . Then as the buds where building in size I used Boom P.K 7.2- 6.3 at 1/2 strength about 3 times , but also at this stage I started Bloom ooze , N.0.3 P 2.3 K 2.4 and cut the base to 3.3.3 The ooze I used every time till 1 week before going to plain water . I also used a Bio Trace element mixture --
Iron 3.1% Boron 0.75% Manganese 1.65% Zinc 1.84% Molybdenum 1200mg/L Copper 0.45% Cobalt 35mg/L Silicon 0.42% Organic N 0.52% Potassium 2.87% Magnesium 0.63% Sodium 1.44% Calcium 615mg/L Sulphur 4.09% pH 4 - 6 Solubility 100% Appearance Thick dark brown liquid --- This I used at 1/4 strength . I used it 1 time at the beginning of flower . One other thing I did with her was around 2 weeks before harvest I tied branches down to light more light in to the lower parts , That and leaf pruning I believe helped bulk her up as well , With the leaf pruning I took off what I though was doing no good . This strain can handle it no problems , and I did not take as many lower branches off either as the first one . @Waira Salicylic acid is something I am looking into :thumbsup: I also think my soil is helping a lot more as well . I spend as much time researching soil building as I do nutrients and growing the plant . Due to the fact I make my own and inputs are seasonal from what I can gather from my local environment . This is the part I really like , then to see the out come - Yeild - flavour - strength -- :woohoo1: Now did the cake fix the coughing -- No -- but it made her sleep well and no hang over , which made my life better , nothing worse than a grumpy misses . Long season , I have always wanted to grow -- Golden Tiger -- Ace seeds -- I know it is a hybred , should not have used the word land race .-- Old Malawi killer, Koh Chang Thai, Hmong Thai and New Malawi killer.---@the green bandit Can you get a monthly average and I can go from there . Now for the --- Critica
View attachment 942973 I did nothing to this girl , I just wanted to see how her structure was. and she is in a 14 ltr pot . but same feeding as the others . First time I have grown this stain . Next I am doing another BBG and stable mate Bug Bud , I will only have 2 plants in the room this time . I want to play around a little bit .

that does it for me!, gonna put my BCN Crit seeds to use next season, 10 gal soil and pump em up

The BCN Crit has come in at 142 grams -- 5 once -- so for the 3 plants 457 grams or 16.3 once . I am real happy the way this grow went , and I thank all of you guys for it , Why , because you all help in some way , I read what you guys do that is right or wrong and learn by it , I think the important thing is to ask yourself -- Why -- and How -- did that happen , and mistakes are good as they lead you down the path to better growing skills . I have a saying that I have always told my kids --- The day you stop learning is the day you die . :thumbsup:

:greenthumb: hecno mate, they are gorgeous-:spels: :d5:... like Modern art! ...quite gaze-worthy indeed, the bow shape of the opposing branches is visually very appealing to me,...especially with all those lovely colas jutting up! .... any chance you could get us a shot or two of the stems, and see how you shaped them? Fine work as usual mate, they are looking stellar for partial/diffuse light....:woohoo1:

.... 5oz's! = :wiz: :help: :haha::haha::haha: ... your cupboards must be starting to creak under the weight of all those jars!.... :slap: :bighug: .... we want nice porn shots of the buds mate, close-up and with flash-- :woody:
:smokeout: :thumbsup: excellent shots mate, thank you! So, I count 4 nodes before topping? The rigging and tie job is first rate Hec', I'd love to see a set of girls with topping at 5 and 6 nodes, just to see what kind of size(height):yield balance you get,.... This is working so well for you, that I think it should be the SOP unless you have desire to see a plant natural shape!
The leaves say it's all good, and the buds look to filling in well... Still no feeds yet? I'd still be temped to slip a little more PK in there about now, just to tickle some fat out of them, maybe dense them up a bit..? Did you by chance see the buds this cross makes? I'd consider some extra S and K the last couple weeks to boost the building blocks for terp's some as well... they are so spare on leaves as reserves as is,...(S is immobile)... great for light penetration though- :rofl:- which is perfect for that spot and the time of year :greenthumb:.... What's their aroma like mate, surely you've give them a finger hug or leave rub! :eyebrows:
Have you tried the Critical yet? I'm very keen on your impression with that version,.. I'm liking very much the C+2.0 so far,...speedy, easy, and the aroma coming in is wonderful!