The power of Cannabis , I need to give ya a bit of back ground here , I have smoked all my life , My wife has not , She puts up with my growing and the smell that comes from the grow room , I love her to bits . Hecno she says , what happens when friends come around [ incense ] I say

I am 58 and wife is 59 , So where am I going , She has a bad flue and will not stop coughing , So what do I do , Here dear have some cake [ Made by a fiend ]
Well bugger me the coughing has stopped and she is sleeping , When you love somebody you do what you can to help , sometimes you have to spend time to explain , we have been together for 30 years and have 3 adult kids , 2 smoke ,
@dank style J I hear you brother . I had to close my shop down due to the cost of running a business in a small town , are we rich --- no -- But what do you call rich -- Money -- F*&^% off --- friendships , and family is what counts , I have been on this site going on 4 years , and I I will say I wish the world was on the same page as us . Respect for each other is the most important thing for we have , I no not care what your belief is --- I respect it -- as you should respect mine . The way way I see AFN going is a world wide sharing of peoples and beliefs , We have to enjoy each other and what we share ,
--- We only have one home and we are doing a good job of [HASHTAG]#uck[/HASHTAG] it up .
I love you all .