Hecno's on going organics

G'Day @the green bandit Here is a photo of the out door girls , still not getting a lot of light , just over 6 1/2 hours , but I am happy the way they are going ----- Mango Haze --- I hope they finish in time , Last time I mucked around they started to reveg 2nd week of October , which should get these girl finished . Unsure what I will run for the long season , leaning towards a land race sativa View attachment 942034]
Out of interest , here is the root mass on the last Blackberry Gum . 27 ltr pot .
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They are some fine looking ladies bud, very impressive root ball as well. Going on the second week in October before reveg my girl might just finish in time. Have you ever tried memphisto outside? I'm looking at running their avt fantasmo and hubbabubbasmelascope outdoor this summer and was wondering what your thoughts are on these, they are some of there higher sativa strains. What autos would you recommend for our climate? I'm more south than you I'm central Qld and a little worried about humidity and mold.

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:pighug:.... late again! ......Hec' mate how goes it? :smokeout:

.... :drool: yet another juicy BBG in the books! ... Is it me, or is this one a "green" pheno'?.... very nicely done Hec', you have this strain dancing to your rhythm-- :dancer::hump: :clapper:.... So, tell me more about your nutrient balancing, particularly during bloom... This girl is especially frosty you say- :eyebrows:... Did you keep the P:K ratio about the same all the way through or did you tweak the balance toward higher P:K early-mid+ bloom, then higher K:p from then on to finish? Did you slip a little more S in there during this time, or at the end? My thinking is about how K and S are an important part of terpene production and complexity,....
Have you thought about getting some salicylic acid in there (like from aspirin) to trigger some SAR response? In the past I had been using Bud Factor X for this, but haven't restocked this time because I'm trying the Megacrop thing currently, and it's supposed to have what needed for this in it already,... This next round I'm going to run GBD's "super soil" mix-in amendment, and was thinking about trying the aspirin thing, as well as on the current photo's.... got some research to do first though! And it sure is a helluva lot less expensive than BF-X :nono:--typical AN product pricing = :naughtystep:-- even if it does seem to work well! :rofl:....

:biggrin: -- dig the "pine forest" scene my friend, and your ever present totem spirit animal! Come to think of it, I've not seen that many pics of your locals this season,.. wrong time of year still?
.... oh, does this greener girl smell different from her more purple sisters? The Red Family Sweet strains that have the uncommon green pheno's are reported to be quite different,... How's the Critical doing?

--- more :drool: big time for those killer looking chili-burgers mate! I LOVE a fried egg on mine,.. try grilling or saute' a nice chili pepper and slap it on there as a change-up, makes for amazing flavor :woohoo1:.... I love these little mild chili's called shishito peppers for this,... baste in a little butter with garlic and onion powder = :zen::crisps:... had some tonight with the Korean style grilled pork chops!
:biggrin: -mate does your woman hawk over you about your diet? :rofl: This isn't the first time you've posted some naughty naughty foods because you could get away with it! :haha: No worries, I'da scarfed down both of them too,... unless I had a pile of fries to grease it down with!

The power of Cannabis , I need to give ya a bit of back ground here , I have smoked all my life , My wife has not , She puts up with my growing and the smell that comes from the grow room , I love her to bits . Hecno she says , what happens when friends come around [ incense ] I say :biggrin:
I am 58 and wife is 59 , So where am I going , She has a bad flue and will not stop coughing , So what do I do , Here dear have some cake [ Made by a fiend ]
Well bugger me the coughing has stopped and she is sleeping , When you love somebody you do what you can to help , sometimes you have to spend time to explain , we have been together for 30 years and have 3 adult kids , 2 smoke , @dank style J I hear you brother . I had to close my shop down due to the cost of running a business in a small town , are we rich --- no -- But what do you call rich -- Money -- F*&^% off --- friendships , and family is what counts , I have been on this site going on 4 years , and I I will say I wish the world was on the same page as us . Respect for each other is the most important thing for we have , I no not care what your belief is --- I respect it -- as you should respect mine . The way way I see AFN going is a world wide sharing of peoples and beliefs , We have to enjoy each other and what we share , --- We only have one home and we are doing a good job of [HASHTAG]#uck[/HASHTAG] it up .
:bighug:I love you all .

:bighug:Cheers brother, same here! I'm certain your lady thinks you're a "keeper", and so do we- :kiss: :haha::haha::haha:-- that's @robbio hand on your ass by the way,... :crying:...... Ahhh, the special Cake again, ay? :eyebrows: ... Did it actually help with the cough, or did was it more about letting her get some solid sleep in finally? I'm looking, but not sure if cannabinoids have any cough suppressing properties per se,...? could be something more indirect, but all that matters is she got much needed relief! Did she have any "hang-over" from the edibles?

:greenthumb: Hec, you have the happiest worms on the continent no doubt! It seems they like the cup condo's you put in for them....:rofl:... 5oz's, not a problem, you're almost already there as is....
:d5: MH's are looking downright artistic mate, nugg's on-a-vine... noooiiiice! And the buds are forming up just fine in that light,... What do you have in mind for the long season landrace Sati'? What will you finishing weather be like?
....:thumbsup:-- that's a fat root ball mate, she used all of that 27L!
Sneak peek , Full yarn after the weekend . . - 44 grams for the top tray , 798 wet weight . :biggrin: :thumbsup:
Ok weekend is over , Lots of drinking and smoking , Had a mates sons 21 st to go to and yet again the old farts where the last standing . :thumbsup: I'll start with some photos , :biggrin:

Nutrients I used main ones [2] --- Australian --- Plant of Health and Bloom Advanced Floriculture - For a base I use Plant of Health Triple Boost 10.10.10 , This is always my starting point . in the veg stage I run it at 4.4.4 and 3.3.3 depending on what the plant tells me . I also will give it Molasses a couple of times , and 1 time fish hydrostate at 3.0.0 , These last 2 is to feed the soil .I also have Guano powder in the soil that I make in a coffee grinder . In the stretch I use 4.4.4 and I top dressed with Guano and used a Silica Potash [ PoH ] - S 18-K 13.5 With this I used at 1/3 strength . Then as the buds where building in size I used Boom P.K 7.2- 6.3 at 1/2 strength about 3 times , but also at this stage I started Bloom ooze , N.0.3 P 2.3 K 2.4 and cut the base to 3.3.3 The ooze I used every time till 1 week before going to plain water . I also used a Bio Trace element mixture --
Iron 3.1% Boron 0.75% Manganese 1.65% Zinc 1.84% Molybdenum 1200mg/L Copper 0.45% Cobalt 35mg/L Silicon 0.42% Organic N 0.52% Potassium 2.87% Magnesium 0.63% Sodium 1.44% Calcium 615mg/L Sulphur 4.09% pH 4 - 6 Solubility 100% Appearance Thick dark brown liquid --- This I used at 1/4 strength . I used it 1 time at the beginning of flower . One other thing I did with her was around 2 weeks before harvest I tied branches down to light more light in to the lower parts , That and leaf pruning I believe helped bulk her up as well , With the leaf pruning I took off what I though was doing no good . This strain can handle it no problems , and I did not take as many lower branches off either as the first one . @Waira Salicylic acid is something I am looking into :thumbsup: I also think my soil is helping a lot more as well . I spend as much time researching soil building as I do nutrients and growing the plant . Due to the fact I make my own and inputs are seasonal from what I can gather from my local environment . This is the part I really like , then to see the out come - Yeild - flavour - strength -- :woohoo1: Now did the cake fix the coughing -- No -- but it made her sleep well and no hang over , which made my life better , nothing worse than a grumpy misses . Long season , I have always wanted to grow -- Golden Tiger -- Ace seeds -- I know it is a hybred , should not have used the word land race .-- Old Malawi killer, Koh Chang Thai, Hmong Thai and New Malawi killer.---@the green bandit Can you get a monthly average and I can go from there . Now for the --- Critica
I did nothing to this girl , I just wanted to see how her structure was. and she is in a 14 ltr pot . but same feeding as the others . First time I have grown this stain . Next I am doing another BBG and stable mate Bug Bud , I will only have 2 plants in the room this time . I want to play around a little bit .

Always a treat to stop in here brother. A nice break from the madness lol... Man what a harvest, that's the bbg right? The plants look so good your soil work is really paying off:thumbsup:
:cheers: :bighug::smokeout: Hec' and mates,....

:drool: :clapper: --
you keep ringin' the crap outta the bell Hec'!... yet another brilliant auto in the books with a phat 192g's on da scale- :bow:-- That top main was a war club! ....which is this mate, the lighter colored BBG or a Critical? .... BTW, how is what that strain, if some's ready to try yet? That girl above here is lovely and loaded; nice structure and shape too, robust stems- :thumbsup: BCN has some juicy stuff,.. I wonder what affiliation they have with SeedStockers, they are the only other breeder seeds offered I think,... I saw something very enticing in their line up, Fat Man auto, a rare NL[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] offering!
-- frosty enough for yeh? :rofl: :headbang:
:greenthumb: Feed regime looks solid Hec', thanks for detailing that! I'm a fan of those low even ration NPK#'s as a base, it covers the bases just right, and dialing in extra's is easier,.... fish goo, bat poo, sweet stuff too-- good for you- :rofl: ... the bat poo, mainly P right? ... yeah the Potash Si, wise to dilute that down, must be fierce alkaline! The K boost is nice, plus you soil probably is already holding some native Si in it already,... Big picture, I think it's the variety of sources, and the way you ease it all in there,... your soil herd is mighty, I have no doubt!:amazon:... the cycling and availability is hitting on all cylinders mate - :hump: - the soil gets better and better! Who needs "water only"?, I still say reading the plant, knowing the strain and working things a little is more fun, educational, and often just as good if not better in results.....
I like what I see in the Bio Trace, good stuff! Do they say how it's chelated? ....... Mmm right, judicious pruning is always smart and effective,.. I have some final clean-up to do myself on the girls, now that their shape is pretty much locking in,... I have a lot of stubby laterals, not quite clear of the big fans enough, so I may be doing more snip, less tuck on that here,...
I'll have to dig around more on SA too mate, I'm not sure what that chart is showing me? I've not tinkered with aspirin yet, and currently I'm using a local product call Tappin' Roots which is in fact partly based on willow extract- :thumbsup:....
...ooo, that Golden Tiger sounds fantastic! You got the 100 days for blooming, and do you really want that? :rofl: There are other faster choices,...naaaw, save those for short season!
How are the Mango Hazes doing? Throw us some love here ay? :jointman: :pighug: