Hecno's on going organics

Well I am glad I only have 3 in here ,:biggrin:
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Now here is something I am giving ago , The pot has 14 ltr of soil in it , what I have decided to do is go with a wider pot . 14 in wide and 7 in deep , I have no idea if it will work , but we will see . I germinated the seed first then planted it , It will spent it;s whole time outside ,and I will be doing more later put not in this type of pot .
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@Waira I don't think I have that type of orchid . About 20 years ago I found a ground orchid that had a stem and flower that looked like the flower in the picture , but had no leafs , just stem and flower , I found out it was supposed to be very rare . I can't remember the name and I was unsure how to get it out of the ground, not that it matters now as the land is in native title and can't go on the land . I do have these in the trees around me , it is a Northern Pencil Orchid .
Northern Pencil Orchid – Dockrillia calamiformis
Hecno, it's obvious you love your lights, :pass: stellar job man!
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We have lift off . Ok guys I'm on my way , she is 2 days old I think , maybe 3 , anyway it is happening , -- Summer time Auto -- Now remember this is a fun grow as I have not done this before . So 2 things going on -- pot and time of year . :thumbsup:

Here is the first of the Blackberry Gum that is on water only and man doe's it smell good .
@stedimed I love these lights , in fact as soon as I can afford it I want 3 more to give me 12 , I started with Mars Hydro , which by the way did there job great for me in the beginning and worked great for the price -- good entry level -- , but I am beyond them now . and by the way can you give me a link to your posts , I can;t seem to find them . :smoking: :thumbsup::vibe:
Stunning man ,i hear you about comfort zone.I have been out of my comfort zone all summer.I have seen some wild plant ailments this summer.I can,t tell if my soil is out of balance or its the heat i think its the latter.LOL I ,m having trouble getting my new lamp,my t5 the right height.I think i like the LEDs better.My BMLs seem to be better veg lights than the t5.We shall see.Peace please
Bloody Bush Turkeys , I turn my back for 5 min and the bugger snuck in and dug up my plant . :cuss: Oh well I'll just have to start again .

Now here are my 2 Mango Haze in there new home [ Photos ] The 27 ltr pots are inside the big white ones , the aim is to keep the soil cool , The reason they are not in the ground is because of to much rock . They are starting week 3 of flower .

This next photos is what I am going to do , which is seed and get a bit of size on the plant then re pot to go outside . This is not my idea it was from another member on AFN , just can;t remember who . It is a organic coffee cup made out of plant material . :thumbsup:
The smells coming out are awesome . :thumbsup:

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There is 3 plants and my 2 ltr one in here .
a scene of peace, and longing:smoking:
@the green bandit Winter is over now , we had 5 weeks and 12.5 c was the lowest it got and 24 c the highest , Mean 18.8 and 26.4 c . I know it sounds silly but it got bloody cold for us . @Jraven yes the smell is very nice indeed . The 2 Mango Haze are going to have a big smell , I can smell the now and the have only just started to flower .
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Bananas anyone , I love eating them .Get plenty too .
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Me old mate , great dog . Guards the place well .
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I tell you what , Have a go at Seed Stockers BlackBerry Gum , will worth it , I think I told you before , I am very impressed with this strain
Here is a funny story for you . [ True ] At the moment in my area there is no weed to be found as the cops have been targeting ice -- which I hate -- now the reason there is no weed is because of the ice that the cops have been looking for , and as a by catch they have found -- you guessed it weed and crops -- so there is very little around , :rofl: why do I laugh , because I got plenty of weed . :biggrin: :smoking: :thumbsup: I find if you are a good citizen and are part of the community . in this town you are left alone if you smoke weed , I overheard a coppers that drinks at the local pub now and again tell a old local they are not interested in dope smokers as it is just wasting there time . :cheers: :thumbsup:
locals looking the other way, a good place to be. What's your mates name?
love bananas!
Hecno and mates.....:smokeout: :toke:... all's well enough I trust?

:greenthumb:- Recessed pots are an excellent idea Hec', root permeable is even better!...cooler too,.... Ditto for making a little shade house with that fabric, plenty of light still, but it'll take some of the ferocity of your subtropical Sun down a couple notches,... the Hazey girls look gorgeous mate, and should be just fine there! Always a good sign when their perfume is delightful so early on,... I predict some very exotic aromas from the buds!
:eyebrows:.... I think I see some Bulbophyllums there Hec', the leaves and bulbs sure look like it at least,...:d5: Any idea who it is? This is an immense genera, I think more species of them than any other orchid,... far larger than whole other plant families! And they have some of the most bizarre flowers, definitely one of my fav's,... many stink to high hell too! :rofl: This one I had to bring back it was so foul, like rotten meat and poo,...... Bulb. echinolabium

....:vibe: auto's are looking phaa-aat! :biggrin:- I surely wish I could smell them,... must be nice to just park your butt close by and breath it all in! :zen: .... how's the Critical smell to you?
.... another nice rack of 'nanners there! :drool: .............. :smoking: your Boofer! Has he stayed out of goanna trouble lately? :rofl:.... wow mate, he's built like a whiskey barrel with legs!

>> @robbio :hothot: ... that's sucky to hear mate,... I don't know how y'all tolerate such unrelenting heat! I'm half dyin' just reading about it,.... multi-fingers crossed for a break soon! :goodluck:
flowers look strange!, no wonder they have that nose holding quality. What comes to that smell besides flies? dogs?:nono::rofl:
Well I am glad I only have 3 in here ,:biggrin:
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Now here is something I am giving ago , The pot has 14 ltr of soil in it , what I have decided to do is go with a wider pot . 14 in wide and 7 in deep , I have no idea if it will work , but we will see . I germinated the seed first then planted it , It will spent it;s whole time outside ,and I will be doing more later put not in this type of pot .
View attachment 934622
@Waira I don't think I have that type of orchid . About 20 years ago I found a ground orchid that had a stem and flower that looked like the flower in the picture , but had no leafs , just stem and flower , I found out it was supposed to be very rare . I can't remember the name and I was unsure how to get it out of the ground, not that it matters now as the land is in native title and can't go on the land . I do have these in the trees around me , it is a Northern Pencil Orchid .
Northern Pencil Orchid – Dockrillia calamiformis
More surface area=larger feeding zone for top dressed organics. By the end of the grow the surface of my pots are a mat of fine roots, I call em "feeders", under the mulch.
lovely orchid
We have lift off . Ok guys I'm on my way , she is 2 days old I think , maybe 3 , anyway it is happening , -- Summer time Auto -- Now remember this is a fun grow as I have not done this before . So 2 things going on -- pot and time of year . :thumbsup:
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Here is the first of the Blackberry Gum that is on water only and man doe's it smell good .
View attachment 935652 @stedimed I love these lights , in fact as soon as I can afford it I want 3 more to give me 12 , I started with Mars Hydro , which by the way did there job great for me in the beginning and worked great for the price -- good entry level -- , but I am beyond them now . and by the way can you give me a link to your posts , I can;t seem to find them . :smoking: :thumbsup::vibe:
this is just so right, gorgeousness ripening as sprout is sprouting, but what?, turkey needs to be in oven!
Bloody Bush Turkeys , I turn my back for 5 min and the bugger snuck in and dug up my plant . :cuss: Oh well I'll just have to start again . View attachment 936232
Now here are my 2 Mango Haze in there new home [ Photos ] The 27 ltr pots are inside the big white ones , the aim is to keep the soil cool , The reason they are not in the ground is because of to much rock . They are starting week 3 of flower . View attachment 936233
This next photos is what I am going to do , which is seed and get a bit of size on the plant then re pot to go outside . This is not my idea it was from another member on AFN , just can;t remember who . It is a organic coffee cup made out of plant material . :thumbsup:View attachment 936235 View attachment 936234 View attachment 936236
insta transplanters!, they work good! I learned it from @912GreenSkell
:gary: G'Day Hec' and mates! :smokeout:

Hmmm, a rhizome only orchid, ay? I'd have to dig deeper on that,.. I know you guys have some amazing terrestrial types, including some of the only ones with true blue coloration! They're meadow (wetand?) plants I think, almost like regular bulb bearing plants.... Oh man, my Dockrillia you saw last year went tits-up on me! :cuss:.. it just started to shut down, kinda like it normally does as it's a seasonal plant for growth and bloom, but it never snapped out of it,...it just died off parts at a time, nothing I did seemed to halt it! :sad:

:thumbsup: -- I think that squat pot will be OK mate, as long as it's kept cool on the sides. It's not far off of what many of the fabric pots of a similar volume are shaped like, and the really big fabric pots like 100gal+ are shaped like kiddie pools! ....!! :cuss:gaaahhh, the turkey got it?! -- the bastard! :rofl:... must be getting revenge for looting their mounds for mulch!
Ahh, the MH girls look great Hec', nice tie job too,... good call on the color choice, and if it gets really bad, you can wrap them up some with shade cloth, or maybe stick some wood shingles around the exposed sides....:greenthumb:...... BBG = :drool:..gotta find a way to get me summa dat!

flowers look strange!, no wonder they have that nose holding quality. What comes to that smell besides flies? dogs?:nono::rofl:
:laughcry:too funny! :d5: ... dogs hate it too BTW, I've waved it at a few just to see if they found it appealing,..:nono: :crying:..not "assy" enough I guess? .... no doubt my friend, for many species, it's flies and beetles, gnats, etc., that they want.. seekers of stank! :eek1:
Well Well Well . I did it @Waira remember the other day when I asked you about frost , I had already a plan in place and it worked ,:baby: :biggrin:

The camera I have can't do this girl justice . So what have I done here , I'll go threw it with you . First up home made organic soil , I am not at the stage of stand alone as life has got in the way at the moment so I have been using organic nutrients all Australian .

This is all I have used .- But - I made up my own NPK ratios . What got me to this stage was studying many hours what each nutrient doe's and how it effects the growth of the plant , and yes there has been a lot of mistakes . Now I let the plant do the talking . She will let me know what she needs and does not . I should get just over 4 1/2 dry weight of her or there about's the wet weight went 492 grams . I also did a bit of trimming as you can see in the photo . Not all at once just over time and leaf tucking . This a hell of a tough strain and I also took her to 10 1/2 weeks on 18/6 light . I have another one that is around 2 weeks younger that I will take to no less than 11 weeks , with this girl I have trimmed a bit different which I was show when the time comes . Here are some more photos , the little plant is a BBG too --- 2 ltr grow off --


Now the best bit . She who must be obeyed went out for the night . :cooldance:so what doe's that mean -- Beer -Burbon - Joints - And Hamburgers -- Loud music -- :yay:

And I ate both of them . I am not a pig it was just I had eaten very little in the last 2 days . I made the patties , Jalapeno beef . :thumbsup: