Hecno and mates.....

... all's well enough I trust?

- Recessed pots are an excellent idea Hec', root permeable is even better!...cooler too,.... Ditto for making a little shade house with that fabric, plenty of light still, but it'll take some of the ferocity of your subtropical Sun down a couple notches,... the Hazey girls look gorgeous mate, and should be just fine there! Always a good sign when their perfume is delightful so early on,... I predict some very exotic aromas from the buds!

.... I think I see some Bulbophyllums there Hec', the leaves and bulbs sure look like it at least,...

Any idea who it is? This is an immense genera, I think more species of them than any other orchid,... far larger than whole other plant families! And they have some of the most bizarre flowers, definitely one of my fav's,... many stink to high hell too!

This one I had to bring back it was so foul, like rotten meat and poo,.....
. Bulb. echinolabium

auto's are looking
- I surely wish I could smell them,... must be nice to just park your butt close by and breath it all in!

.... how's the Critical smell to you?
.... another nice rack of 'nanners there!

.............. :smoking: your Boofer! Has he stayed out of goanna trouble lately?

.... wow mate, he's built like a whiskey barrel with legs!
... that's sucky to hear mate,... I don't know how y'all tolerate such unrelenting heat! I'm half dyin' just reading about it,.... multi-fingers crossed for a breey .Thanks for the advice on my wife,s little orchid,its doing a lot better.It has new growth on it.I still don,t know what kind it is.LOL This summer broke a few records,but it does not compare with 2011 we had over 100 days over 100 F .When its below 100 we feel like we are up there with J .LOLThat is a beautiful orchid bud.Our winters are beautiful here.We don,t get much ice and snow.When it does come its a mess.Most of my inside plants took a big shit.The temps in my room were running in the high 90s.I got a few of the OG crosses left.I put a bunch of seeds out in the tomato box.It seems it is a good seedling box as well.@hecno has some good looking auto on board.Oh my wife said thank you for the orchid advice.Peace please