Hecno's on going organics

Well . I had a full day out in the garden sorting out the veggie side of things , getting on in the tomato season [ Heat ] so I pulled some out and just generally having a tidy up , now I move on to the chilli time of year . I also can check the soils , some I found need more water retention which I will work on over the wet season .

As I was working away I had a brain wave , as I pulled one of the tomato plants out [ which where in pots ] there was a lovely hole with worms and good break down of the wood chip [ pot buried ] Hmm that looks good . I thought to myself . 'Ill grab a beer and a smoke and think about this , That is when the brain wave hit . I get a lot when I am stoned . :biggrin: So this is what I did . Got some of my new batch of soil that I am making and filled the pot and put it back in the hole . I will look after it for the next 3 months and try a plant in it on the next indoor grow . all I will do is feed the soil . I am thinking by time 3 months is up the worms would have done there job and the microbes will be well established , we will see in time .

@Waira Silica I had some turn up last week , 2 types Bloom 53.2% potassium silicate, and Bio Diesel -- Aloevate - Aloevera - Yucca extracts .
A 100% Natural plant tonic that contains hundreds of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Made from blended desert plant extracts, it contains natural salicylic acid (silica) Auxins, Amino Acids, Saponins and enzymes that enhance microlife, protect your root zone and break down any dead roots and unused mineral salts to keep the plant roots clean and functioning at peak performance with healthy microbe colonization.
ALOEVATE will improve your plants size, vitality and overall growth rates while protecting it from disease. Plants become stronger with thicker cell walls with a higher water holding capacity. ---- I used both on the weekend for the first time , one each plant so I can do a side by side . The BCN Critical is spot on just what I like for working in the garden , and has a nice smell not real strong sort of like a green apple smell with a bit of spice added :biggrin: One thing I like I don't lose my beer as much . :crying::cheers: Here is a photo and 1 of the BBG .


Now for the bloody dogs .
My daughter came home on the weekend and don't our the dogs love it , 3 of the buggers , see if ya can spot the little one . They only get away with it when she is home . :nono:

ok guys , here is where I am at with this grow . 2 plants -- Seed Stockers -- blackberry Gum at day 29 which I have topped and trained and stable mate Big Bud day 17 and this will be untouched as I like to see her structure being first time I have grown this strain . I am hoping for 7 once off the BBG as I got 6.8 off the last one . Time will tell . oh 2 plants 450 watt cobs . 3590 Cree 32 in above the biggest plant . last is the Mango Haze . [ photo ]

Big Bud

Mango Haze .

So there it is , 4 plants all up . and I will have some nice cured buds for Christmas :smoking: . One thing I forgot to tell you is I will be allowing for a 12 week grow for both plants . :thumbsup:

:smokeout: :bighug: Hec' and mates,...

Hecno I hope you didn't lose too much here after the server snafu! It could have been far far worse from what Admin says,...:eek1:

As always, the garden shots bring the good stuff to my eyes! I still can't get over how cool that bromeliad is, the color is like it's made of plastic
..... I'm glad it's pupping a big one,... have you seen it bloom before? That's the big down side to them, once that main plant blooms, that's it for further growth,....
Hec' what are the pretty red flowers-(?) I see scattered about? ...chili's look nice, serrono's right,....:biggrin:
:rofl: Stoned contemplation can bring great ideas-- :baked: =:idea:...certainly works for you!

...... Aloevate looks like a nice product mate, interesting blend of goodies!
..... Ahhh yeah, the Critical came out nicely alright- :d5: .... aroma sounds really delish'.... Good info on her buzz mate, I love a good hybrid that keeps your head in a functional cloud, and you beer's location fairly obvious! :rofl: .... I'm with you, some of the Sativa-dom's turn you into an airhead! I may have to try the photo' version outside as well,... I'm sad to say the C+2.0 turned into a leafy let-down on me... not positive why, but such results make me gun-shy on running that batch of seeds again,...:doh:.... damn, I wish SeedStockers sold to the States! :sad: I have interest in several of their strains,....gotta work that out somehow!
.... :crying: I know who the hounds love the most! Just look at those blissful faces,.... I do see the wee ears poking up too,... that's the smart one, ay, hiding from your disapproving scowl- :rofl: Pa Hecno is a hard-ass! oh well, somebody has to spoil them like the fuzzy kids they are,.... :biggrin: :rolleyes1:

>>> another fine looking round of auto's mate :greenthumb:... BBG is a perfect candidate for this method, having grow a few out now, you know her pretty well... I'm keen on seeing if the yields improve, apples to apples,....
MH is coming along really well Hec', how's the resin production, good? I have the feeling those girls aren't just going to just make you forget where your beer is, but that you had one open at all! :dizzy::rofl:
@Waira The resin on the M.H is nice and thick . good test losing beer , the more I lose the better the smoke . :smoking: The red flowers come off a Kapok tree . Ceiba pentandra The 2 trees in the photo with out leaves are them , next they form big pods like a cucumber , then then they split open and cotton wool type stuff floats around everywhere , the seeds are on the cotton .

Things are going mighty fine guys . The big girl is at day 34 and I can see all going well I should get a big yield from her . I don't even think she knew she was topped , just powered on is if nothing happened :cooldance: I have pushed the feed to the edge , just a minute and I mean minute bit of tip burn . Now I have grown this strain a while and I understand how far to push her feed wise . I added Silica -- Bloom Advanced Floriculture @Waira for the first time from day 14 at point 1 of a ml a liter and I can see the difference from other grows of this strain . I see a thicker stem and base , even the branches of the leaves are thicker and now it is in early flower [ very first stage of flower ] the buds look bigger , But a big but, guys there is 2 other things that come into play here as far I understand . [ correct me guys if I a wrong please ] -- Light -- Now I only run no more than 3 due to the fact I get more off 3 than 6 , this time 2 . I --- I am not going to predict the out come :nono: --- next training ---for the first time I have topped and trained this strain [ BBG ] She also took it in her stride . I have a feeling all 3 are coming into play and I have a good feeling about this girl . :biggrin:

I used fish hooks and home made ones tied to the tie down string , and one thing that came in handy , was paper clips to help tuck things away .
I have the other plant to show you but I am buggered , so I'll show you another day .:smoking::cheers::thumbsup:
Things are going mighty fine guys . The big girl is at day 34 and I can see all going well I should get a big yield from her . I don't even think she knew she was topped , just powered on is if nothing happened :cooldance: I have pushed the feed to the edge , just a minute and I mean minute bit of tip burn . Now I have grown this strain a while and I understand how far to push her feed wise . I added Silica -- Bloom Advanced Floriculture @Waira for the first time from day 14 at point 1 of a ml a liter and I can see the difference from other grows of this strain . I see a thicker stem and base , even the branches of the leaves are thicker and now it is in early flower [ very first stage of flower ] the buds look bigger , But a big but, guys there is 2 other things that come into play here as far I understand . [ correct me guys if I a wrong please ] -- Light -- Now I only run no more than 3 due to the fact I get more off 3 than 6 , this time 2 . I --- I am not going to predict the out come :nono: --- next training ---for the first time I have topped and trained this strain [ BBG ] She also took it in her stride . I have a feeling all 3 are coming into play and I have a good feeling about this girl . [emoji3]View attachment 952245 View attachment 952246 View attachment 952247 View attachment 952248
I used fish hooks and home made ones tied to the tie down string , and one thing that came in handy , was paper clips to help tuck things away .
I have the other plant to show you but I am buggered , so I'll show you another day .:smoking::cheers:[emoji106]
Locking good buddy!

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