Hecno's on going organics

:cheers: ...pass me a cuppa fresh rainwater mate! Good gawds man, 28" in how long?! --17" in 4 days would have me here in coastal California washed out to sea and well on my way to you- :help: :rofl: .. incredible Hec', only place even close to this I've seen is my time in Florida... I miss the lightening most though!

Ah!-- that's right, this is the oddie that has two growth patterns on her! What a trip,... the clumps look like aggregates of foxtails, the other side looks pretty normal, very Asian-type,... It'll be fun to see how she turns out! :smoking:..... The IB is a very nice looking plant Hec, fine job on training her into a mini-boosh :d5:... I'll keep my fingers crossed on her mold resistance! A friend shared a nice nuggy of IB with me, and it's fine smoke, delish' sweet fruity aromatics...

...Alas, for the red cabbage Chinese style pics :doh: :haha:-- blame the bud! Oh well, you'll just have to do it again, coz it sounds yummy...

... :biggrin: Who's that handsome devil sitting on your hand mate? That face looks familiar, but the name escapes me,... looks like a popular pet trade species? Oh, is it your rescue totem frog? :thumbsup: --saved twice now?? :rofl: :pass:
usually its flash flooding like out west in Nevada until the water pools then hope your not in flood region LOL! YUP Florida here too man. DUDE! nasty rains there and the lighting...ohhh the humanity LMFAO! I miss it too. well sorta LOL but a cpl of feet in half a day would wash out much of Florida I know too LMFAO!!

some wildness going down,around,above n over there broseph!! trippy plants too LOL! cool frog n all that! Im jealous :)
@Waira He is a green tree frog , different one , we have heaps around here , and boy do ya want the hear them at night , I love getting stoned and sitting in the dark just listening to them . Rain is now 34 inch and counting . Here is a good photo for ya , I was hunting worms and came across bird nest in the rain forest . No idea what type of bird , I have never seen it in the 30 years I have been here . He or she is a good builder , not wet inside at all . And yes Mr Eyes I love my wild life , I would say @Jraven has some awesome critters at his place too .

Ok guys here is a update on my miniature Incredible Bulk :biggrin: 2 reasons I wanted them small , first my son has the big ones and he would not be able to get to them if mine where normal size , but the main reason is I wanted to see how I could keep them small so I can grow the outside , sort of hidden around the yard , as some of you know I have 3 adult kids living at home so there is a fair amount of kids coming and going . What I did was to take the fan leafs off at a early stage , not to many just enough to slow them down . I still at this stage have used only a small amount of organic bottle nutrients , but I have been making teas , so far I have had a little bit of potassium def which I think I have fixed with liquid seaweed . Over all I am very happy with the way things are going and my fist home made organic soil . so here we go Photos . I do miss the Autos .I don't think I will do photos indoors again . :thumbsup::smoking:View attachment 698382 View attachment 698383 View attachment 698384 View attachment 698385 View attachment 698386 View attachment 698387 View attachment 698388
Awesome f@<$ing update. Perfect plant and such a sick yard and view!

So...is that a photo or auto?
Howdy all , I'm a little bit stoned so bare with me . :smoking: I have had a ripper of a afternoon . Made my new pile of compost , I think I have the c-n ratio right , Carbon is sugar cane mulch , then I sort of made it like a sandwich , So - mulch - chicken manure - seaweed - mulch - blood and bone - mulch - sheep manure - sea weed - bat guano - all layers had water with molasses and worm stuff , just enough to make it very damp as I want the rain to finish the job . Now guys if any thing you can add tell me or if I am wrong on doing any thing --- please sing out --- And remember I am in the bush so we sort of make do , Second -- Tea -- Mr @Eyes on Fire
yet again ya got me going . Hows this for a tea , Sheep manure - and this worm stuff , not for me plants , but for the soil bubbling away real nice at the moment , Oh , the compost will be a least 5 months old before I will use it , :thumbsup:
:cheers: ...pass me a cuppa fresh rainwater mate! Good gawds man, 28" in how long?! --17" in 4 days would have me here in coastal California washed out to sea and well on my way to you- :help: :rofl: .. incredible Hec', only place even close to this I've seen is my time in Florida... I miss the lightening most though!

Ah!-- that's right, this is the oddie that has two growth patterns on her! What a trip,... the clumps look like aggregates of foxtails, the other side looks pretty normal, very Asian-type,... It'll be fun to see how she turns out! :smoking:..... The IB is a very nice looking plant Hec, fine job on training her into a mini-boosh :d5:... I'll keep my fingers crossed on her mold resistance! A friend shared a nice nuggy of IB with me, and it's fine smoke, delish' sweet fruity aromatics...

...Alas, for the red cabbage Chinese style pics :doh: :haha:-- blame the bud! Oh well, you'll just have to do it again, coz it sounds yummy...

... :biggrin: Who's that handsome devil sitting on your hand mate? That face looks familiar, but the name escapes me,... looks like a popular pet trade species? Oh, is it your rescue totem frog? :thumbsup: --saved twice now?? :rofl: :pass:

I missed Florida, too!!! Best thunderstorms of ALL of the places I've ever been, and I've been to quite a few!!! The wife and I are thinking about moving back down there, but I just got my growing figured out up here in the Northeast, so it's gonna be a whole different ball game!!

@hecno great grow dude!!!! I still can't believe how much rain you get down there!!! Too bad you don't have a few large storage tanks to fill up for the drier season!!! Always wanted to go down to Australia/NZ mostly because of the wildlife and the amazing landscape there!!! Plus, the folks speak a familiar language, so it's easier to navigate..
:smokeout: smoke out in Hec's yard!! :smokeout: :bong: :pass::baked: ...called a controlled burn mate!! :jointman:
... Hec', I still can't remember what the "trade" name is for that frog, but it's popular pet species--if it's the one I think it is,.. wish Bromeo was still around, he'd know for sure,... Great find on that nest mate, looks like a ground nest? .... I saw some scary scary shit the other night on a nature program (BTW, a new Planet Earth series is started! Sir David Attenborough must be kept alive by unnatural means to continue hosting indefinitely-:rofl:)-- this guy had a foot long centipede in a giant pair of forceps!- :yoinks: :nono:-- literally deadly too, so strong is the poison... but one that big, holy f-ball's!-talk about ancient monsters still with us,... colors were stunning too, turquoise, blues/greens... Hec', some of your ant species are horrors as well, you don't have Bulldog ants locally do you, or Jack Jumpers? :eek1:

>> EoF, 'JT-- ayuh! FL is nuts, on so many levels- :rofl: that stretch between Tampa and Jacksonville is the most lightening struck area in the entire hemisphere! I have literally run for cover on a golf course from it with sirens in the background, and felt the streamer (+) charges build on my body (hairs standing up)-- fuckfuckfuck! -- and nothing like point blank strikes either to fill your pants! ...but the show otherwise never gets old! :thumbsup: