...pass me a cuppa fresh rainwater mate! Good gawds man, 28" in how long?! --17" in 4 days would have me here in coastal California washed out to sea and well on my way to you-

.. incredible Hec', only place even close to this I've seen is my time in Florida... I miss the lightening most though!
Ah!-- that's right, this is the oddie that has two growth patterns on her! What a trip,... the clumps look like aggregates of foxtails, the other side looks pretty normal, very Asian-type,... It'll be fun to see how she turns out! :smoking:..... The IB is a very nice looking plant Hec, fine job on training her into a mini-boosh

... I'll keep my fingers crossed on her mold resistance! A friend shared a nice nuggy of IB with me, and it's fine smoke, delish' sweet fruity aromatics...
...Alas, for the red cabbage Chinese style pics

-- blame the bud! Oh well, you'll just have to do it again, coz it sounds yummy...

Who's that handsome devil sitting on your hand mate? That face looks familiar, but the name escapes me,... looks like a popular pet trade species? Oh, is it your rescue totem frog?

--saved twice now??