:smoking:--good to know your local 'pedes aren't that toxic, ditto for the ants and snakes! This guy was in Borneo I think,... Hec', no Taipans, Tigers, Brown's, Adders etc. around you? --Snake-drops! A buddy here lives in East Asia, and has had dinners disrupted by flying snakes landing on the table fleeing predators of going after lizards!...mmm 5m Scrubby, not the most comfortable thing to meet at home
... was it nasty, or did it just move along? .... 'JT, the Aussies are rather "unlucky": less the 20% of snake spp. are venomous, but they have more venomous ones than non-venomous! An artifact of long time separation from other continents,...
...ahh crap, the trippy landrace girl is gone? Small wonder, with a yard of rain going through,.. sucks man, I was very interested,...
Are you f-ing kidding me?!?!!? I knew they had some rare species and dangerous shit down there, but wtf?!?!?!!?! I've grown up outside of Boston most of my life, whereas the only things that are poisonous, are the nasty cunts from around the way.... lol Other than that, I could literally go the rest of my life without the fear of being stung, bitten, snagged or choked by a predator.. Although, my time in the military in some rather shitty places conditioned me for some creepy crawly stuff, I think the outskirts of the big cities of Australia would almost be my limit, unless I had a regular local that could navigate/provide machete for me to feel safe.. lol