Hecno's on going organics

I'm in a lot of pain at the moment , so I took some time out to be with my kids , My daughter got us there [ 5 min down the road ] no fish but a nice afternoon , worth it's weight in gold . and with some sweet LSD 25 . :smoking:

This used to be our road into town .

Time to cook dinner .:thumbsup:
july28 008.JPG
East Texas for sure or Kentucky from my childhood.Man it sure is nice.What kind of fish do yall catch in your area.What body of water is it if you can say.Peace
I was thinking definitely ain't Oregon haven't seen the sun for days,born a webfoot,a duck so rain and water is all I know cloudy skys most days real nice to know there sun in other parts of the world.
man, my holy shit caps are generally too much for most and even ME too,when my tolerance is down but Knocks that pain sideways for many hours. and you might be wobbly in the AM too lmfao!! magic butter machine and a cpl ounces of bud and some mooshine or 190 proof or similar ideally. reduce that on an induction plate and man. the blackest,darkest chunky cap ammo there ever was lmfao!! just one.
Bloody grasshoppers . :cuss::cuss::cuss: They ate my seedlings the buggers . Seems as the sun came out I put them outside , I always keep a eye on them because of the hoppers , but this time I had to duck into town and while I was away the dirty rotten sod had lunch . Maybe I shouldn't have had that extra beer at the pub with me mate , Oh well such is life , Now the photo of the roots , the bigger one was in the tree soil .

This next lot of photos is something I have been playing around with -- my own little worm farm -- Now these blokes are native worms and as I have spent a fair bit of time scratching around in the dirt for them and I have a good idea what they like -- so one day as I am digging the up the old brain had a bit of a flash ,
:cooldance: Why not see if I can farm them . Here is what I done , found some nice organic rich soil filled 2 buckets [ drain holes at the bottom ] covered with shade cloth so the little buggers don't run away . -- worked well -- Then I filled with dirt and placed a layer of well rotted banana plant on top with some fresh straw on top of that , --- Da Da -- Hecno has a worm farm . I do feed them now and again , they seem to like oats [ organic ] I place 20 odd worms in each bucket , I last time I checked there were baby ones in the soil , not sure if they are breeding or were in the soil already .

My soil , The worms that are in it have grown nice and big , I really love my soil [ just hope it works ] and it is full of life , The one I will be using first is going on 7 months old -- what did I put in it , what ever I could find around me and what is available on line , I have spent a long time studying soil biology , do I know what I am doing -- Narr -- but I will one day , have to start some where . @Eyes on Fire I credit you for this , with your time and effort you put in to teach . :thumbsup:
Now I just have to get them dam photo plants out of my room .:mrgreen: Bring on the autos . :woohoo1:
Here we go guys , my 3 Bonsai's :biggrin: I have a bit of yellowing which I believe was a lack of nitrogen but coming good now ,I have been using liquid nutrients on them and I am still blending my own N.P.K s . Starting to get the hang of it and I am still very happy with the way they are turning out and will have more than enough to see me till my next grow is done . :smoking::thumbsup: