Hecno's on going organics

@Waira He is a Green tree frog , we also get one called a White lipped Green Tree frog , And centipede , yep got them to , When I am scratching around in the rainforest I see them all the time , The other day I had one around 10 inch long walk over my foot [ Bare Feet ] I am used to it now so if you don't move they will not bite you , if they do [ --- it Bloody hurts -- ] Ended up with around 36 inch of rain in that last spell . My wonder plant is dead , got hit by mold big time , not that it matters is was only a muck around plant . Most of the ants up my way are ok , just little bites , you get used to them . :thumbsup:
@Waira He is a Green tree frog , we also get one called a White lipped Green Tree frog , And centipede , yep got them to , When I am scratching around in the rainforest I see them all the time , The other day I had one around 10 inch long walk over my foot [ Bare Feet ] I am used to it now so if you don't move they will not bite you , if they do [ --- it Bloody hurts -- ] Ended up with around 36 inch of rain in that last spell . My wonder plant is dead , got hit by mold big time , not that it matters is was only a muck around plant . Most of the ants up my way are ok , just little bites , you get used to them . :thumbsup:

Good god!!!! I will admit, spiders and most creepy-crawlies don't bother me.. Snakes?? That's another story.. Anything longer than my arm is an enemy and I want nothing to do with it!!!! lol Even the benign ones around here are no good.. I don't freak out and scream like a little girl, but I don't stick around..
@GodAmJT Thats ok for the ground snakes , it's the drop snakes ya got ta look out for , The sneaky buggers get ya when you walk under a tree and they land on ya .
:smoking:--good to know your local 'pedes aren't that toxic, ditto for the ants and snakes! This guy was in Borneo I think,... Hec', no Taipans, Tigers, Brown's, Adders etc. around you? --Snake-drops! A buddy here lives in East Asia, and has had dinners disrupted by flying snakes landing on the table fleeing predators, or going after lizards! :yoinks: ...mmm, a 5m Scrubby, not the most comfortable thing to meet at home :rofl:... was it nasty, or did it just move along? .... 'JT, the Aussies are rather "unlucky": less than 20% of snake spp. are venomous, but they have more venomous ones than non-venomous! An artifact of long time separation from other continents,...

...ahh crap, the trippy landrace girl is gone? Small wonder, with a yard of rain going through,.. sucks man, I was very interested,...
yeah buddy that was a nifty wee plant. I bet itta tasted like it too slow dried n cured for 6 months mmmmmm super nice! man only thing that would get me are the super spiders.id get used to them after a year of two but until then Id be carrying a 22SR pistol and a can to shoot everything LOL! the continent wants me dead so I guess we would be in a race to see who dies first LOL! probably me LMFAO!

always loved that Drop Bear thing,now ya got Drop Snakes?LMFAO fuckers!! evil wee bastards eh?! I really do like the idea of a LARGE CONTROLLED BURN in Hec's backyard LOL
@Waira yes we have the bad buggers as well but not the right country for them , thats why I get mostly pythons and tree snakes , I had a young dog die 4 months ago I think a Taipan got him .He came racing home , I had to shoot him I have never seen a dog in so much pain . I taught my kids from a early age to keep away from them . It becomes part of there life . Now my soil - man is it smelling good and nice texture , I keep them covered so the rain doe's not water log them , I am so looking forward to planting Autos in it , I have around 7 weeks till the Photos are done in my room . I will --- not -- do photos in my room again . I have been trying to get some photos of them , but every time I want to it is raining . You will see in the first 2 photos a tree I found last year that interested me , it has soil in the base of it which I have dug out and I am using as a seedling mix , drains well and retains moisture with out drying to fast so I have some bush seed in some now to test it .

One thing I have to watch for digging this out , is pythons like holes like this .

My sheep manure worm tea .

Now my lovely soil .


