Hecno's on going organics

@robbio :woohoo: coming along mighty fine mate , well to me it seems . :thumbsup:

Old mate @Waira I never get sick of looking at Orchids . :biggrin: And here is a bud shoot of the Southern Indian , :thumbsup:
:doh: bloody tag didn't work, again,...

:greenthumb:hec' what do you have in the COB room, the new auto crop? ..... :drool: oooOoo,.. that Bollywood girl looks tasty mate! She has a lot of Sativa looking aspects,... lots of fine hairs, petite bracts, fine trich heads,... nice density too! How's her aroma now? And the potency? :eyebrows: ... find out what you can about her please, and get back to me in our PM!

...oh mate, I am buried in orchid pics, many from specimens past,.. alas! I'll post up some here and there for you and the gang,... The two Laelias are blooming nicely again,... the hybrid showing the best set of spikes ever!... the canariensis is just opening now, and is a total wad of bulbs and leaves... she MUST be divided soon, her growth is suffering now from the tangled rhizome leads! .... the Gongora has two spikes this time!..... some of my other fav's for body habit alone are the Trichoceros ssp., fly mimic flowers,.. I'll get one up next time, and show the other unknown species that has grown weel, but not offered me any sex yet! :rofl:-- such a cool growth pattern though!
:jointman: Hey mon! ... some very fine looking Sun bathing lovlies there mate, who are they again? Have they sexed yet? ....Ground planted! :growing::wiz: This should be fun!

:baby:first, a hello from a baby Blue belly.... how cute is that?!

Ready for some more orchid porn? :pimp: ...first, the Fly Mimic's, Trichoceros antennifera, and the other that's not flowered yet to ID,... this first one is the most fly-like hands down, very fascinating! It's supposed to look like a proper Sheila to the blokes, who maybe smell her as well and fancy the flowers' looks? I'm not sure if they have confirmed it emanates a mimic pheromone as well to lure the males in- :hump:, pollination by mating action!.... it has no aroma that I can tell, :eek1:-thankfully? :crying:.......very sadly, this plant nearly died off for WTF reasons I could not figure nor fix,.. a couple small pieces are building back up healthy now though,...(these pics are 4 y.o.)... I just love they body habit these show!


...... and the un-ID'ed one, more petite. slender, elegant,..
.. first pic is 4 years ago too, then current...

.... good root shot of how they anchor themselves,.. this is a crawling, rambling genus that climbs over whatever....
