Soil in the tropics .Seems it is pissing down with rain I thought I would do a update on my soils . To start off with towards the end of the wet season is the best time of year for soil life . I had the basic soil ready in the dry season and as the rain started I amended as the moisture level grow . Here is a list of what I put in - First up manure -- lots of horse ch

icken and cow manure all local . Whole fish frames again lots , these where from my son and his mates fishing trips . I did notice the frames and whole fish broke down very fast . Straw I also used a lot of , as the season progressed I added Bat Guano in pellet form, seaweed which is in liquid form , lime powder -- Worms -- well they came by them self's and lots of them , on a side note , Woods chips is what used for the base for building the soil
Now here is on item I will not ever not use , -- Organic egg cartons . --
Wow -- Truly amazing what is doe's . I strongly recommend using it . What I did was layered it in the beds and over a short time it becomes part of the soil and you end up with is awesome lite soil and the worms go Ape shit over it , they seem to love it . Another thing I used a lot of is 2 row barley which I powdered and spread over the top and mixed into the top layer [ Enzymes ] , again the worms loved it and helps with the break down of the inputs . Banana stems chopped up is another thing that I added along the way
-- Now Remember -- This is a long time frame 10 months to get to this stage starting from scratch
-- Worm Bins -- I have 3 on the go at the moment . As some of you know they are soil based , What do I mean by that is soil is the main component and I feed them what I know they are eating in the wild , again here -- Time -- not as fast as your normal way .[ Food scraps ] I do add things like Liquid seaweed - Molasses - Bat Guano powder - Barley powder - horse manure - Here is a photo .
This next lot of photos is out of the big bin at the back , also the oldest , It was full of wood chip and now there is a good 10 inch of soil . also with this I keep covered to control the moisture .
My main aim when building soils is to use what is around me as best as I can . I am lucky as I live in a environment that has zero pollution . If any of you want to follow this path there is only one thing I can say
--- Time --- is what it takes , this is not a quick way of doing it like with everything out of a bag , but don't get me wrong here , I have no problem with that way of soil building , not every one has a garden -- Also guys this is just how I do it .
@Waira yes - Papua-New Guinea - The male will be pulled , I am not ready for breeding yet
