how do my friend? As well as those fab' roots I hope!

As nice as they get mate, like fuzzy angel hair pasta,...so white and robust too... your soil is obviously KILLER! I think they love the courseness of it Hec',... to the eye it looks kinda heavy but not clay-ish, mucky,... doesn't seem to compact much--? ...tons of lovely channels for roots to delve into,...

... who's that in it?
..... huh, that lean whipper is a Scrubby? I'da lost that bet-


oh shit!! ...the irony of that situation is priceless

-gotta keep the amateurs at 2 paces back,.. why on earth did he grab the tail while you were wrangling? ..... that's a Rock there, right? ...

so, did you meet the no-jerk reflex challenge? From the size of that head, damage isn't as bad as it could have been, so I'm guessing "yes" to that!

gaaahhh! Sucky to hear on your India girl, but at least you caught it soon enough to prevent total disaster,... fekkin' mold mate, it's a damn stalker, always loitering, waiting for the right opportunity,...then it just JUMPS your plants

..... high RH% and poor air movement are the kickers, low temps too,... damn safety switches on that dehumidifier! So, how's she drying up? Lemony sounds tasty, any berry stay with her too? Might be hard to tell at this stage, after full dry and some jar time, you'll see.... still a nice couple fat jars filled! get me pics when she's ready please

.... Have you made strain choices for the auto run? ..... Yeah, those COB's can make for burly buds-

... I just got 2 AutoCOB's myself, and can't wait to try them out! it's killing me to not be able to run anything just now,...
.... digging the text info
Hec' and friends, I have to come back sober to properly soak it up later-

.... that stream water, wow, that's low pH! Do you have a TDS/EC meter? Im curious about it's ion load,... I don't know your local geology Hec', are the soils clay-ish there? certainly not much limestone about I'm guessing,... I'm with you, figuring the water is nicely loaded with mineral nutes,... but are they in available forms?

I wonder about natural chelation too............ About soil nutrient loads in such forest soils, a nature show I saw a while back mentioned that the Life activity and the turn-over cycle there is so intense and fast, nothing lingers for long before it's taken up! It just looks "poor" on paper, so to speak,... All the
amazing time-lapse footage I see on the new shows especially, the process become glaringly clear!

.... I'm waiting for you to come home with some pet slime mold someday mate!
...... here's some preview of lovelies mate,... the
Den. speciosum's are going off this year! I muffed the dry/cold cycle last season,... I'll have to get some shot's of my oldest orchid too, a
Odontoglossum hybrid, one of my first ever orchids,... gotta be about 13 years old,.. well, had it that long, the body sure isn't that old! Rich gold-yellow, dark spotting,.. unique aroma too, not even sure how to describe it,...