Hecno's on going organics

Waira . baby stinky plant , you have seen me post it before . About 8 hours full sun .
....Ah, it's the Amorphophallus b., just coming up? :cooldance:
.... I think you'll be OK Hec', worth a go! My worry for you is what the weather is like during bloom, especially at harvest,.. this will dictate in part what to try out! I'm thinking Sweet Seeds F1FV's (Green Poison!), DP Think Fast (their version of this),... Female Seeds has interesting genetics, they started breeding with rudi's way back, not to make auto's per se, but to add speed to their strains, faster blooming, for their short seasons, and I think they trigger more readily too,... hmm, I'll think on it some more,.. :biggrin:

:nono: Salties! :tang:... water ninja's,... what a way to go mate,.. snatched away, rolled and drowned, then wedged under a log to tenderize for several days,...:wiz: :yoinks:

>>> EoF- :d5:... great bio-vid' brudda! F'ing-A, how did they miss that 3rd party fungus all this time? I wish they explained more,... like exactly how that 3rd one is integrated into the tissues,...:shrug:
Howdy @calliandra nice of you to pop in . I like to have a bit of fun too . as well as growing , which I muck around a lot with too . I'm the sort of bloke that has to try things out . But I only grow for myself and 2 sons , so if things don't work out not quite right we still get enough smoke till the next round . @Eyes on Fire @Dudeski @robbio
We have heaps of these lizards around at the moment , The one in the photo is about 3 mtr , mid range size . My son goes fishing 3 - 4 times a week and sees them most days . Last time I went fishing there was 3 on a bank from 10 ft to 16 ft . When fishing off the bank you have to keep one eye out for them , because the sneaky buggers creep up on ya . When I was younger myself and a mate chased one in a tinny in shallow water . The tinny was 15 1/2 ft and it was bigger than the tinny , and they move very fast .

Ooo scary monsters haha
Actually, I was just walking the woods last weekend thinking of how it would be like if we still had an intact ecosystem with bears and wolves and such hereabouts (=central Europe at the mo).
And realizing I wouldn't know how to handle encounters with them!
I imagine one can live peaceably side by side though - if we know how!

@Eyes on Fire thanks for sharing that!!
@Waira,yeah I'd be curious to know more too -- but they probably don't know much more beyond that yet - these lil guys are pretty elusive when it comes to ferreting out their ways!!:rofl:

@calliandra I imagine one can live peaceably side by side though - if we know how! --- It is easy . Just live with them . They will tell you if you over step the bounds .
Then ya buggered .
ouch :crying::crying::crying: Fool .