Hecno's on going organics

Holy shite bro you've got turkeys making compost piles...nothing like that here I'll tell ya! I was going to be jealous of the crabs too...you didn't fool me hehe but damn if we had crabs in the woods here the sea otters would not have eaten them all:eyebrows:
Sure does look nice and lush there. Thanks for the tour brother:drool:

Mean while , down at the boat ramp
@Dudeski Nar , just pulling ya leg mate mangrove salt water estuary is where we catch them .
Your guys' interchange was especially funny read backwards as I went searching for the context :rofl:

Hello Hecno! Your reputation precedes you, so I just had to drop by haha
And first thing I clap my eyes on, that lovely turkey nest compost! Lucky you, I have heard great things of it :cool1:
Beautiful jungly place you're at too, wowee
Howdy @calliandra nice of you to pop in . I like to have a bit of fun too . as well as growing , which I muck around a lot with too . I'm the sort of bloke that has to try things out . But I only grow for myself and 2 sons , so if things don't work out not quite right we still get enough smoke till the next round . @Eyes on Fire @Dudeski @robbio
We have heaps of these lizards around at the moment , The one in the photo is about 3 mtr , mid range size . My son goes fishing 3 - 4 times a week and sees them most days . Last time I went fishing there was 3 on a bank from 10 ft to 16 ft . When fishing off the bank you have to keep one eye out for them , because the sneaky buggers creep up on ya . When I was younger myself and a mate chased one in a tinny in shallow water . The tinny was 15 1/2 ft and it was bigger than the tinny , and they move very fast .
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