@dankstyle J oh I don't doubt the value of KNF methods at all, especially for natural agriculture in Korea, there are just a bunch of aspects that don't go straightforwardly with what I'm learning about microbial balance in the soil myself at the moment.

It would be really interesting to see how our current knowledge about soil ecologies relates to traditional methods, that is, how their methods actually served to keep the soils healthy, and there afaik there are a few that did work sustainably!
@hecno, I'm pretty sure the lushness you see around you springs from an intact and successionally adequate soil microbial eco
system, not single organisms - as industrially funded scientific studies about THIS bacterium or THIS fungus may lead us to suppose. Those are just little puzzle pieces of an amazing whole we are utterly dependent upon but have been thinking we were above these past few hundred years

The truth is, we are finding more and more how it is the
interaction between different kinds of microbes in different compositions for different types of plants that leads to abundance and vitality.
In fact, I don't see us getting anywhere truly conclusive concerning who does what
exactly in the soil for a very long time, especially if you consider that the most recent estimation of total species on Earth was in the trillions, and most of them microbes - check out this graphic that shows very nicely how our understanding of this is evolving (after it just got revised by a recent study):

edit: oops sorry the source got truncated in the graphic:
So that's why I suggested you may be better off simply taking a handful of that lovely soil and inoculating your gardens with that, because then you'll be inoculating the whole microbial ecosystem, not just those microbes, of whom we don't even definitely know anything, that get attracted by different food sources...
Of course, that would be way boring -- you definitely can play around way more with divers food plugs, get crazy colored stuff growing on it, all totally amazing and mysterious