Towards then end of week 8 , All trichomes are cloudy . Being the first photo I have flowered , how far should I let her go . 

I let the sattys go 25% amber,if you like it a little trippy.Nice buds for sure..Peace pleaseTowards then end of week 8 , All trichomes are cloudy . Being the first photo I have flowered , how far should I let her go .
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I find lactic acid absolutely fascinating any time I use it the results are great and using plants to feed plants an plant juice teas are awesome as well been digging the fermented bamboo leaves using brown suger the plants seem to dig it a whole lot .@calliandra ---- I'm pretty sure the lushness you see around you springs from an intact and successionally adequate soil microbial ecosystem, not single organisms - as industrially funded scientific studies about THIS bacterium or THIS fungus may lead us to suppose. Those are just little puzzle pieces of an amazing whole we are utterly dependent upon but have been thinking we were above these past few hundred years.----- This is the way I am starting to think too , I am lucky I have a rain forest right beside me , which I spent a fair bit of time sitting in and looking at . I am already moving to adding different soils to inoculate the main soil , I'll post some photos later today of some capsicum plants which I have done this to . And @dankstyle J [ I find myself trying to scope so many things ] --- I hear ya there mate -- Me too -- I had a mate come around the other day and I was watering the outside soil beds with a tea I made , He had know idea what I was doing and thought I was mad , At least the wife understands now ,
ooo looking very nice and springy, and the peppers clearly approve!Blending soil . Here is my out come . Soil [ 1 ] This is going on 12 months old , only because I made heaps . This is the base soil that makes up the bulk , I am using 18 ltr pots x 5 - so 10 ltr per pot . [ 2 ] Then I have worm soil with worms in it . 3 ltr per pot .I have taken the soil from the bottom of the bin the top 1/2 has gone into the new bin I started , I have fed these on what I have seen them eat in the wild . [ 3 ] What I call pig soil for want of a better word -- I have a natural soak behind me that the wild pigs come to so they can wallow in it , for you guys that don't know in the dry season pigs have to come to water every day . as it is on a hill it drys out a bit as the dry season progresses , very alive soil -- 2 ltr per pot [ 4 ] Worm castings and curly grub casting . These I collect after the wet season from the forest floor. I can get bucket loads . [ 5 ] Turkey compost -- wild -- This comes from a wild bush turkey , they build nests out of ground litter , leafs - small sticks ect . Now these nest can be huge and many years old as the build on them every year , What I did was take enough from the bottom as I need . This I made a layer on top of the soil in the pot . How will it go . Not bad so far , The last photos are peppers in the soil , they have only had water with cal/mag due to the cob lights . It will be 3 to 4 weeks before I plant for my next Auto round .
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Also 1 ltr bio char activated and what you can't see much of is pumice stone because it is the colour of the dirt .
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I took cardboard out and then added it back. I find the worms like layered cardboard for sex and laying cocoons. It helps in a overall worm health and happiness way. Not so much for an amendment or food but I believe cardboard is one of the best ways to increase your population. Oh and it has to be soaking wet cardboard, not dry.Mmm nice mix in your wormbin there!
Interestingly, I started with cardboard bedding, moved quitely away from that and only added leaves and half-decomposed wood chips for a year, and have now moved back to adding it again occasionally. I can't put my finger on it yet as to why, but it seems to have a positive influence.
Could be because the cellulose has been predigested through human processing and integrates faster...?
Do you set yours up in batches?
I'm still evolving my method, trying to get some decent fungal presence and a good overall herd going.
I've got one bin going with just leaves, a bit of bark chips, and a handful of soil from where my last woodchip pile was, and ended up adding some heat in form of neem and kelp to get things going. the idea being a worm-accelerated leaf mold haha we'll see in a few months how that went
And in my other bins, I'm torn back and forth between using my kitchen scraps - I really love to, but am getting the feeling my VC may also be as bacterial as it has been because I've been adding too much of them, despite always adding thick layers of leaves for balance. Maybe I just need larger binshaha
So I'm really curious, what's your take on fresh veggie/fruits scraps in the wormbin?