Hecno's on going organics

@robbio there is one rosemary and 2 capsaicin . Just testing to see how they go , if all works well it will give me a head start for the growing season , which starts around may . I am hoping I can start tomatoes this way too . I grow a 364 gram one last year , my aim is 500 gram this year --- But --- 765 gram is the biggest that I know of that has been grown locally . I have been working on the soil so come may I will be ready -- all organic -- :thumbsup:
The power of teas , This is the first time I have seen this , I have been using basic teas but this last time I thought I would add so extra stuff and see what happens , in my last post I had what I made it with , but I forgot to say I also added sea minerals and the worm castings where not just castings , it was worm soil , so it was castings and soil , now remember this is soil worms . Not compost worms , After 24 hours I could not see a difference , but 48 hours it was like - *&$@ me . I sat back and was like a stunned mullet . I know what I did so I will be doing this once a week for the next 2 to 3 weeks . which will take me to week 6 of flower , Then I'll see if I can figure out another tea for the end run , So please chip in with any advice .

This next photo is my veggie garden , Wet season is a bit late this year , The little black lines are different soils I am making , like one for cucumbers - Tomato -ect , I also have added a fair bit of fish frames that I get when my son goes fishing , which is about 4 times a week and it has been topped with chicken manure that I was able to get from a friend by cleaning his hen house out , Good deal I recon . :biggrin: and still just feeding soil here :thumbsup:
:crying: Happy Sacred Frog Slurpin' New Year to you as well my good brother! :bighug: :passit: :cheers:... if this is the kinda fuzz-brain hallucinations to expect, I'll take two,...:dizzy: :rofl:
... All's well at the Farm House of Hecno I see! I'm pretty sure I saw you fire up those atomic COB's clear over her in Cali', a freakin' Sunrise in the West :yoinks: :bow: - excellent! ...that, or it was that SpaceX rocket just below the horizon,...:rofl: .... I can't wait for you to fill it up with ladiez my friend, and pass a big hug onto your boy for gifting his worthy Pa some juicy gear! .....ahhhh, but meantime, it's that South Indian photo girl that's got th' stage, right? She looks great Hec', and for sure an outdoor warrior for all she's been through... going into the Cob-cab' sauna is a spa holiday I bet! What's the T and RH% in there? ..... Yes to supplementary P and K mate, and that magic tea brew this last round.... I think the sea minerals- micronutes, (including some Cl I bet, an odd but necessary element) were sorely needed, borderline deficient,... they play huge roles in enzymes, as catalysts, co-factors, and facilitating other nute elements' uptake and conversions/metabolisms,... and as you know, many are immobile within the plant, so a constant low level supply needs be around in available forms for regular uptake- :thumbsup:...your beautiful work with organics probably had them chelated quickly, and in they went right to work :coffee:.... how about the worm soil/castings, vs compost worms, can you expand on that for me please? Is there a nutritional component(s) in this that's superior?... I look forward to seeing the buds she makes mate, I'm keen on seeing some real deal So' Indian genetics in action! (I need to catch up on our PM)....:smoking:
.... :greenthumb:the garden look lovely as always,.. and so much action below ground too, ay? :eyebrows: ... I see that gorgeous bromeliad (?), such colors! .... how are the orchids doing mate?
:eek1:... tell me your Boofer has stayed away from bad-ass goanna's! :biggrin: .... he healed nicely, even with out stitches,... stout constitution indeed! :d5:
G'Day @Waira Thanks for popping in mate . And the dog has learn't his lesson :biggrin: I am just now starting back on the orchids , The bromeliad - Aechmea blanchetiana I like this one as they get big and make a good show piece , they pup real well too . Worms , I don't know if they are superior , but it is what I have around me for free . I feed them what I see they are eating , They like dung - cow or horse - coffee grounds -old decayed , wood things along these lines - I never put food scraps in , I just keep adding and taking out as I need to , Nutritional component - I am thinking along the lines they may be ,In the photo you can see what is growing around me . I spend many hours sitting and pondering how these bloody trees get so big , There is not much I don't know about the forest floor . I have also spent a lot off time sitting and --- Looking --- in the forest . The forest floor is not what a lot of people expect -- Not lush dirt floor -- It is shit house mostly gravel and small rock , very hard to dig . But heaps and I mean heaps of worms . [ soil ] this is what lead me to use soil worms . --- Sea Minerals --
This is new to me . After studying up on it I thought that it made a lot of sense . I still spend more time on soil building which is leading me into understanding plant growth better . I only grow for myself and 2 sons so I don't care if I make mistakes , This is something I really enjoy doing . I have the T@ H set at 26 c and 50 %
I goggled Southern India and we are about the same Latt , they are north we are south , I am lowland , not sure if this is low or highland strain , I will find out when the bloke comes back , I don't know him myself , but a mate doe's . :thumbsup:
The power of teas , This is the first time I have seen this , I have been using basic teas but this last time I thought I would add so extra stuff and see what happens , in my last post I had what I made it with , but I forgot to say I also added sea minerals and the worm castings where not just castings , it was worm soil , so it was castings and soil , now remember this is soil worms . Not compost worms , After 24 hours I could not see a difference , but 48 hours it was like - *&$@ me . I sat back and was like a stunned mullet . I know what I did so I will be doing this once a week for the next 2 to 3 weeks . which will take me to week 6 of flower , Then I'll see if I can figure out another tea for the end run , So please chip in with any advice . View attachment 846459
This next photo is my veggie garden , Wet season is a bit late this year , The little black lines are different soils I am making , like one for cucumbers - Tomato -ect , I also have added a fair bit of fish frames that I get when my son goes fishing , which is about 4 times a week and it has been topped with chicken manure that I was able to get from a friend by cleaning his hen house out , Good deal I recon . :biggrin: and still just feeding soil here :thumbsup:View attachment 846461
6th row malted barley ,you can use it right out of the bag,couple tsp. per gal.You don,t have to soak it before use ,the enzymes are readily available as is.Instant SST.And it won,t hurt if you put it into your teas or just with some blackstrap.I have had good luck with it in my no till method.Just go to any sight that sells beer mix.Peace please
@robbio I can only get 2 row barley , I use a coffee grinder to powder it and add to the water when I am plain watering . :thumbsup:
Does the barley always have to be ground? Can the whole thing be mixed in soil while it is aging? I have some, just not used it yet.
I just happened to have put ground malted barley, ewc, and aloe vera to bubble for a bit. Was going to use the liquid as a foliar. Does that make sense?:pass:
I've got this little gal under my cob. Day22 here. She doesn't want to send out her laterals.