Happy Sacred Frog Slurpin' New Year to you as well my good brother!

... if this is the kinda fuzz-brain hallucinations to expect, I'll take two,...
... All's well at the Farm House of Hecno I see! I'm pretty sure I saw you fire up those atomic COB's clear over her in Cali', a freakin' Sunrise in the West

- excellent! ...that, or it was that SpaceX rocket just below the horizon,...

.... I can't wait for you to fill it up with ladiez my friend, and pass a big hug onto your boy for gifting his worthy Pa some juicy gear! .....ahhhh, but meantime, it's that South Indian photo girl that's got th' stage, right? She looks great Hec', and for sure an outdoor warrior for all she's been through... going into the Cob-cab' sauna is a spa holiday I bet! What's the T and RH% in there? ..... Yes to supplementary P and K mate, and that magic tea brew this last round.... I think the sea minerals- micronutes, (including some Cl I bet, an odd but necessary element) were sorely needed, borderline deficient,... they play huge roles in enzymes, as catalysts, co-factors, and facilitating other nute elements' uptake and conversions/metabolisms,... and as you know, many are immobile within the plant, so a constant low level supply needs be around in available forms for regular uptake-

...your beautiful work with organics probably had them chelated quickly, and in they went right to work

.... how about the worm soil/castings, vs compost worms, can you expand on that for me please? Is there a nutritional component(s) in this that's superior?... I look forward to seeing the buds she makes mate, I'm keen on seeing some real deal So' Indian genetics in action! (I need to catch up on our PM)....:smoking:

the garden look lovely as always,.. and so much action below ground too, ay?

... I see that gorgeous bromeliad (?), such colors! .... how are the orchids doing mate?

... tell me your Boofer has stayed away from bad-ass goanna's!

.... he healed nicely, even with out stitches,... stout constitution indeed!