Hecno's on going organics

muza project -electric frog - mix&mastering.png
Hoy , do ya want to go on a bit of a journey into madness . First up you have ta lick the sacred Frog . :smoking: :thumbsup: Next photo 41.8 c -- 107 f --

2 hours later .

Now .

I have put my Auto grow on hold . This is what interest me now , I was sitting out in the yard and thought -- Bugger me this is getting hot -- And this poor girl has had many days of this . So I thought to myself , I have ta look after her . :ladies: I took her in as close to natural time as I could and I sprayed her with Neem oil spray for bugs , so now she sits under 9 cob lights .
%$#$ you Hecno :crying: Ha, ya didn't think I could hear you . :haha: a bit more tec stuff for ya , Big aircon and dehumidifier as posted up top . As of now lights are 34 in above . Lights dimmed to about 70% . Temp set at 26c -78F - Humidity 55 % , I will monitor the room when I think it needs it ,once the plant has settled . I will increase the light and lower the height -- Soil my own -- Now .I have no idea what I am doing . New lights and bring a plant indoor from outdoor :eek1: Photo , I grow autos . not photo , So with your guys input that would to bloody great . This plant is a learning tool . And I thank her for it .

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Damn thats hot,sounds like summer in north Texas. We are in the middle of winter here,temps are running in the 60s and 70s during the day and 30s at night.Its supposed to get colder around Christmas.What a nice setup bud.Those cobs should rock that girl.What height do they suggest for those cobs.I have to be careful with the Platinum LED i have it will burn the leaves on the little fuckers.My Advanced LEDs you can put those 8 to 10 inches away and they are OK.You just have to find the sweet spot for those lights.If that girl is used to the sun she will do OK with those cobs.I,m sure she will reward you for getting her out of that heat.Peace please
Jeez that's hotter than my hot tub, man. She'll probably appreciate moving inside lol.I've been hearing 30" height for the cobs. I'm just about to put some seedlings under one, I'll have to look into the spacing for that.
Pretty mild winter here so far...temps hanging in the 40s.
View attachment 840069 Hoy , do ya want to go on a bit of a journey into madness . First up you have ta lick the sacred Frog . :smoking: :thumbsup: Next photo 41.8 c -- 107 f --
View attachment 840070 View attachment 840071
2 hours later .View attachment 840072
Now .View attachment 840073
I have put my Auto grow on hold . This is what interest me now , I was sitting out in the yard and thought -- Bugger me this is getting hot -- And this poor girl has had many days of this . So I thought to myself , I have ta look after her . :ladies: I took her in as close to natural time as I could and I sprayed her with Neem oil spray for bugs , so now she sits under 9 cob lights .
%$#$ you Hecno :crying: Ha, ya didn't think I could hear you . :haha: a bit more tec stuff for ya , Big aircon and dehumidifier as posted up top . As of now lights are 34 in above . Lights dimmed to about 70% . Temp set at 26c -78F - Humidity 55 % , I will monitor the room when I think it needs it ,once the plant has settled . I will increase the light and lower the height -- Soil my own -- Now .I have no idea what I am doing . New lights and bring a plant indoor from outdoor :eek1: Photo , I grow autos . not photo , So with your guys input that would to bloody great . This plant is a learning tool . And I thank her for it .

So awesome man! Love the new light setup. Your going to do great!!
Damn thats hot,sounds like summer in north Texas. We are in the middle of winter here,temps are running in the 60s and 70s during the day and 30s at night.Its supposed to get colder around Christmas.What a nice setup bud.Those cobs should rock that girl.What height do they suggest for those cobs.I have to be careful with the Platinum LED i have it will burn the leaves on the little fuckers.My Advanced LEDs you can put those 8 to 10 inches away and they are OK.You just have to find the sweet spot for those lights.If that girl is used to the sun she will do OK with those cobs.I,m sure she will reward you for getting her out of that heat.Peace please
I have my 3590 cobs 18 inches away right now. Anything closer then that and they start praying. Some strains I have done closer.

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@Tommy McCain . Thank you , these are the bits if info I need , What I have been doing is lowering the lights by 2 inch a day [ day 2 ] I an trying to read the plant , so far so good , I am on 28 in at the moment . I will be around 20 in in 5 days time . :thumbsup:
@Tommy McCain . Thank you , these are the bits if info I need , What I have been doing is lowering the lights by 2 inch a day [ day 2 ] I an trying to read the plant , so far so good , I am on 28 in at the moment . I will be around 20 in in 5 days time . [emoji106]
I was going to recommend the lower by two inches a day technique. You have more lights so it may be only 20 inches or so before they pray.

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