View attachment 840069 Hoy , do ya want to go on a bit of a journey into madness . First up you have ta lick the sacred Frog . :smoking:

Next photo 41.8 c -- 107 f --
View attachment 840070 View attachment 840071
2 hours later .
View attachment 840072
Now .
View attachment 840073
I have put my Auto grow on hold . This is what interest me now , I was sitting out in the yard and thought -- Bugger me this is getting hot -- And this poor girl has had many days of this . So I thought to myself , I have ta look after her .

I took her in as close to natural time as I could and I sprayed her with Neem oil spray for bugs , so now she sits under 9 cob lights .
%$#$ you Hecno

Ha, ya didn't think I could hear you .

a bit more tec stuff for ya , Big aircon and dehumidifier as posted up top . As of now lights are 34 in above . Lights dimmed to about 70% . Temp set at 26c -78F - Humidity 55 % , I will monitor the room when I think it needs it ,once the plant has settled . I will increase the light and lower the height -- Soil my own -- Now .I have no idea what I am doing . New lights and bring a plant indoor from outdoor

Photo , I grow autos . not photo , So with your guys input that would to bloody great . This plant is a learning tool . And I thank her for it .