Hecno's on going organics

Well I'll be buggered . Cob lights are just awesome :joy: , I love them . The plant seems to like it as well , she settled in real well and is now taking off big time . I have the lights at 24 in for the top of the buds which have exploded in the last 3 days . I am feeding her now as I don't believe there will be much goodness left in the soil as I made it for autos . With the nutrients I am using they are all Australian products that are easy too get . I start with a 10.10.10 Full strength is 10 ml a ltr , I have here at 5.5.5. at the moment by adding only 5 ml ltr .I have a product called Bio-Trace , which is a - Trace element mixture - with 2.8 % potassium -
So that gives me 5-5-7.8 , for phosphate , I have been using Bat Guano pellets ground to a powder in a coffee grinder , which I add a small cup to 2 ltr of water , shake the hell out of it 3 or for times a day for a week , and use 20 ml per ltr , I have no idea what ratio I am getting but it seems to work , I am looking for a liquid -P- Which I have found made from Bat Guano , just have to wait for the holidays to stop so I can get some . Most of the other inputs I use are for the soil . Now would I be right in thinking there is a lot of - Sativa in her .

Now we get to the soil I am building , Remember the big box I filled up with wood chip . around 4 months ago .

This is the soil as of today .

What I have added here is - Cow - Chicken -Horse manure form my local area , the worms have come in from the ground and the manure and there is a great mob of them , apart from the manure I have been feeding the soil [ wood chip ] to help the microbes. I am in no hurry to use this soil so it can take as long as it likes to break down . :thumbsup: :pass: :vibe:
:vibe::vibe::vibe: Happy New Year , all you worm chasers . I would like to thank all you guys for the help and guidance over the last year :thumbsup: . I spent New Years home alone . The wife went out with mates, and the kids did there own thing , So what did I do , stayed home due to a toothache from hell , :cuss:Such is life
I did get very stoned but , I had some 5 month cured LSD 25 and Mexican Airlines . Pain , what pain . :biggrin: :smoking: Least N.Y day is starting off well , My plant is going great , I made up a bit of a brew the other day with -- worm castings -- Aloe vera juice [ Home made ] -- Bat guano -- seaweed -- Humic acid -- seems to have really liked it . at this stage .and as of today I worked out she is at day 19 of flower and as yet I have not PH ed anything .

I am passing the light of Peace, love and prosperity to you and your family . :thumbsup:
What you got going in the little cups.I will revisit the mex airline again on the next run.I have 20 or so of those left.Happy new year to you also bud.Hope you get to feeling better soon.I got to get 2 wisdom teeth to be pulled on thur.He has been after me a while to get them pulled.The teeth are fine,he just said it would be better out.I got something for the pain on thur.LOLYou will be seeing that lure again after the first of the year.Peace please
:vibe::vibe::vibe: Happy New Year , all you worm chasers . I would like to thank all you guys for the help and guidance over the last year :thumbsup: . I spent New Years home alone . The wife went out with mates, and the kids did there own thing , So what did I do , stayed home due to a toothache from hell , :cuss:Such is life
I did get very stoned but , I had some 5 month cured LSD 25 and Mexican Airlines . Pain , what pain . :biggrin: :smoking: Least N.Y day is starting off well , My plant is going great , I made up a bit of a brew the other day with -- worm castings -- Aloe vera juice [ Home made ] -- Bat guano -- seaweed -- Humic acid -- seems to have really liked it . at this stage .and as of today I worked out she is at day 19 of flower and as yet I have not PH ed anything . View attachment 845359 View attachment 845360 View attachment 845362
I am passing the light of Peace, love and prosperity to you and your family . :thumbsup: