Well I'll be buggered . Cob lights are just awesome
, I love them . The plant seems to like it as well , she settled in real well and is now taking off big time . I have the lights at 24 in for the top of the buds which have exploded in the last 3 days . I am feeding her now as I don't believe there will be much goodness left in the soil as I made it for autos . With the nutrients I am using they are all Australian products that are easy too get . I start with a 10.10.10 Full strength is 10 ml a ltr , I have here at 5.5.5. at the moment by adding only 5 ml ltr .I have a product called Bio-Trace , which is a - Trace element mixture - with 2.8 % potassium -
So that gives me 5-5-7.8 , for phosphate , I have been using Bat Guano pellets ground to a powder in a coffee grinder , which I add a small cup to 2 ltr of water , shake the hell out of it 3 or for times a day for a week , and use 20 ml per ltr , I have no idea what ratio I am getting but it seems to work , I am looking for a liquid -P- Which I have found made from Bat Guano , just have to wait for the holidays to stop so I can get some . Most of the other inputs I use are for the soil . Now would I be right in thinking there is a lot of - Sativa in her .
Now we get to the soil I am building , Remember the big box I filled up with wood chip . around 4 months ago .
This is the soil as of today .
What I have added here is - Cow - Chicken -Horse manure form my local area , the worms have come in from the ground and the manure and there is a great mob of them , apart from the manure I have been feeding the soil [ wood chip ] to help the microbes. I am in no hurry to use this soil so it can take as long as it likes to break down .

So that gives me 5-5-7.8 , for phosphate , I have been using Bat Guano pellets ground to a powder in a coffee grinder , which I add a small cup to 2 ltr of water , shake the hell out of it 3 or for times a day for a week , and use 20 ml per ltr , I have no idea what ratio I am getting but it seems to work , I am looking for a liquid -P- Which I have found made from Bat Guano , just have to wait for the holidays to stop so I can get some . Most of the other inputs I use are for the soil . Now would I be right in thinking there is a lot of - Sativa in her .
Now we get to the soil I am building , Remember the big box I filled up with wood chip . around 4 months ago .
This is the soil as of today .
What I have added here is - Cow - Chicken -Horse manure form my local area , the worms have come in from the ground and the manure and there is a great mob of them , apart from the manure I have been feeding the soil [ wood chip ] to help the microbes. I am in no hurry to use this soil so it can take as long as it likes to break down .