Hecno's on going organics

Here is some soil I am working on now for my next Auto grow . will be over 6 months old by time I need it . So all I am doing now is feeding the soil . View attachment 847143 View attachment 847144

I also will be adding Biochar when I pot up . at 10 % by volume . This time I will be inoculating it with native soil microbes .
Brother you look like you got this organic thing figured out. You mind sending me a bag of those castings in the mail?

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Now this sounds interesting .

Diastatic Barley Malt Extract is derived from whole malted barley kernels and concentrated into a viscous mixture rich in micronutrients, enzymes that facilitate the breakdown of organic matter in the soil, and many plant hormones vital for optimal growth. Diastatic Barley Malt Extract can be used as a substitute for a sprouted seed tea and is intended to be a replacement for Ground Malted Barley, however there is no harm in using Ground Malted Barley Grain and Diastatic Barley Malt Extract in tandem.

Of particular note, Diastatic Barley Malt Extract is loaded with Gibberellins and Auxins, which are involved in enzyme synthesis and many other important growth and development processes. It also contains an abundance of chitinases, which are required by plants for creating certain fungal symbioses and are utilised in systemic acquired resistance responses and the salicylic acid pathway, both integral to fungal and insect resistances and other immune responses.

We have taken this product one step further by adding in additional 5-alpha-amylase to increase the rate of carbohydrate breakdown, which contributes to an unparalleled level of microbial activity.

Please note that heat can destroy diastatic power (denature the present enzymes). This product has a shelf life of 6 months at room temperature.

How Do I Use It?
Dissolve 1 teaspoon per 10L water and use as a soil drench.
Day 26 of flower . Things seem to be ticking over nicely . She will get another feed of my special brew Monday . This is what I have come up with , Let my know what you think -- 5 ltr batch - Sea Minerals 1 ml -- Guano powder 20 ml -- Soluble kelp 4 gram -- Malted barely flower 50 grams -- Molasses 10 ml -- Aloe vera juice -- Humic acid 5 ml -- Worm soil -- I pre bubbled the water 24 hours before adding ingredients , which I will be doing today , because I am going for a 18 hour bubble . These photos are before this next brew will used , Tomorrow . :thumbsup:
Now this sounds interesting .

Diastatic Barley Malt Extract is derived from whole malted barley kernels and concentrated into a viscous mixture rich in micronutrients, enzymes that facilitate the breakdown of organic matter in the soil, and many plant hormones vital for optimal growth. Diastatic Barley Malt Extract can be used as a substitute for a sprouted seed tea and is intended to be a replacement for Ground Malted Barley, however there is no harm in using Ground Malted Barley Grain and Diastatic Barley Malt Extract in tandem.

Of particular note, Diastatic Barley Malt Extract is loaded with Gibberellins and Auxins, which are involved in enzyme synthesis and many other important growth and development processes. It also contains an abundance of chitinases, which are required by plants for creating certain fungal symbioses and are utilised in systemic acquired resistance responses and the salicylic acid pathway, both integral to fungal and insect resistances and other immune responses.

We have taken this product one step further by adding in additional 5-alpha-amylase to increase the rate of carbohydrate breakdown, which contributes to an unparalleled level of microbial activity.

Please note that heat can destroy diastatic power (denature the present enzymes). This product has a shelf life of 6 months at room temperature.

How Do I Use It?
Dissolve 1 teaspoon per 10L water and use as a soil drench.
Nice info bud thanks for sharing Peace please .