Hecno's on going organics

The bad - Then the good . :cuss::cuss::cuss: Bloody tax man :finger: He hit me up $23000 for tax . and there I was thinking , no cob lights for me . But low and behold , My eldest son said - Dad I'll buy you the lights , just give me half of the grow and we will call it quits . :bighug:Bring ya kids up the right way and and the love comes back . :karmacloud: So I am looking at 5 lights for a 3.5 by 3.5 mtr area . Cree CXB3590 5 plants at a time :jump: Now in the mean time I have been playing with a photo plant outdoors , Had to have something to do :mrgreen: hottest temp to date 39 .4 c and had 4 days heavy rain at one stage . The photo was taken at 3 1/2 weeks old .

Remember I big garden bed I filled with wood chip , it's alive and composting well .

Next photos are the garden beds - The make up is -- Cow and chicken manure - wood chip - leaf litter - sugar cane straw - forest leafs - old rotten trees - bat guano , sea weed - fish frames - wood ash and what every else I can get for free . It will be around 7 months before I will plant in it , after the wet season .



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:bighug: :headbang: :smokeout: G'Day Hecno! How are you mate? All's well enough with you and the fam' I trust,... :biggrin:... the garden is looking wonderful as usual my friend, despite the fierce fierce heat! I see you have some interesting visitors- :eyebrows: - that mantis is sizable! I had another one visit my garden as well this year,.. no doubt, they are becoming naturalized to this area now,... they are native in inland areas, but never in my life until a few years ago did I see any here on the coast! I figure, these are the natives, being sold in stores as egg cases and by sheer numbers and rugged adaptive skills, they have gained a breeding foothold now,... I love it! Alas for her, no meals to be found here,... flew off moments later....

:thumbsup: goanna's! What kind is that one Hec', a Lace, or Water? ...fantastic creatures,... well until they mine for carcasses in your garden! :cuss: :rofl:-- skilled opportunists are they,........I found a pic of a color I've never seen before in a monitor-->
--- gorgeous! ..... ah, I remember that pic of the python!... a Carpet species, or Scrub?

....:frowny: mate, sorry to hear about another lost doggie to the damn snakes,.. Taipan? :yoinks:-- evil little things,... ditto for the local Ice troubles :doh: :finger: off the charts nasty stuff! Fingers crossed the LEO's have quashed it out for good- :karmacloud::goodluck:

.... :greenthumb: Mex' Airlines undergoing outdoor tolerance testing, and doing well- :d5:... very good rep' on that one, I'm glad the smoke is fine for you... She was a warrior to deal with all that!
.... very cool, you have South India plants going! Did you have the actual bud they came from? that plant above, one of the India seedlings? :coffee:... she'll have the genes to cope with that weather I bet!
That's quite a tax bill there brother, hope you are getting something in return LOL! is that a property tax? We don't have any out here in the hinterlands yet...they are still paying us a little to stick around in fact. Oil money. You've got a beautiful spot there. It's worth the cost I bet.
I'm just about to spring for some cobs too...gonna get those gals off to a good start next time.:pass:
@dmochen It is a Lace Monitor - (Varanus varius ) Heres what one can do to a dog , This is my Boof head . 3 rd time he has been hit , first time across the leg , 2 nd time tail whack split the tip of his ear , Then this , got him real good , I recon he won't be to keen to chase them now . Lucky the bite missed all the main bits , you can see by the bite marks it was a big one , If it was the one I saw 2 days before it happened it was about 5 foot long .

@Waira Yes mate it is from one of the Indian seeds . . and I got to try it , but I as already stoned on M.A. . and what a awesome colour on that critter .

@Jraven bloody business tax , Our government is not a all friendly to small business :nono: . I get the feeling they would just rather have big companies to deal with , and not have mum and dad small business . Mate we can learn together on this cob growing stuff . :thumbsup:
:yoinks: Holy crap, your Boof head got it proper that time,... their teeth, much bigger than they look coz of those soft gums! :nono: .... is he a Pit, or a Staffordshire? ...fearless in any case, and apparently can't abide trespassers! My niece's Red Bone Hound could not help herself with skunks :face:, no matter how bad she got nailed, she was genetically compelled to go after them...:amazon: :rofl:
... some love and good clean healing to you fuzzy mate Hecno :pighug: :goodluck:... those monitors can have such filthy bites,.. the wounds look very clean mate, nicely done :thumbsup:

Hec' are you going indoors? :woohoo1:... what maker of lights? I have a DIY conversion A-Train made for me with 2 3590's,... excellent units those COB's... we have seen some super fine results here on them, so the PAR spec's seem to be well covered,.... No worries about intensity, looking at them is like a strobe that never flicks off! ... do you have your line-up chosen yet? .... I hope you get a lady India, I'm very curious to see how she shapes up! Indian genetics figure hugely in modern crosses,... I think Dr. Krippling Seeds has some India sourced strains,.. almost picked up Delhi Friend for this last season...

:backside: gawds, the taxes! :nono:-- from your butcher shop? You're so right about small bizz unfriendly taxing and regulations, much the same over here,.. my brother used to have a high precision machine shop, and was pained constantly,...:doh:
@Waira I will be getting a 6 light kit from www.cutter.com.au I will have 1 plant per light . 1.2 by 1.2 mtr floor space . in 5 gallon pots . With the plant it will only live outside , and with the on set of the wet season I have know idea how it will go , I have very little experience with photos , so it is more of a learning tool . Plus it gives me something to play with till I sort out my grow room and lights . :biggrin: and Boof head is mostly Australian bull dog . He is a great mate . very good guard dog if he doe's not know you , other wise a flowery blouse . :thumbsup:
Well , every thing is still on hold as I am just waiting for Cutters to get more heat sinks in , hoping for the end of the week or next week . so on the mean time I am just playing around with a outdoor photo .

I have got this plant in one of my own soils , I also have charged Bio char in the soil at 10 % It is the wrong time of year to grow them up my way , But the main reason is to test my soil . The next photos are my native worm farms , which are doing well ,

As a food source I am feeding them cow manure from a mates paddock , rice flour - barley flour and banana skins rotted . They seem to like this mix . I also keep a eye on the soil moisture and when I need to add moisture I spray with liquid seaweed and now and again a weak molasses mix . When I get to indoor grow again I will have a 3 part mix , some of the above , and a soil mix I have also been looking after outdoors , plus charged Bio Char . with the above plant I charged it with a 5.5.5 liquid fertilizer and liquid seaweed . I now also know all my soils before hand I had made them so they drained too fast . This last photo as you know is my garden bed , just a recap , most of it is wood chip , but soil beds too . I have just about got it set for the wet season which is why I have spent a lot of time on it , it will be 6 months before I will plant in it , also one part is for future soil for indoor grows .

And me old mates foot , Time will tell if he learn't not to chase the bloody lizards . :biggrin: :thumbsup:


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Everything's lookin good around there hecno, especially your pups paw. It used to look like he'd gotten caught in a farmers combine, he's lucky! I was wondering, do you get them shrooms growing around there that gives ya crazy eyes and a silly smile that won't leave?