The bad - Then the good . 

Bloody tax man
He hit me up $23000 for tax . and there I was thinking , no cob lights for me . But low and behold , My eldest son said - Dad I'll buy you the lights , just give me half of the grow and we will call it quits .
Bring ya kids up the right way and and the love comes back .
So I am looking at 5 lights for a 3.5 by 3.5 mtr area . Cree CXB3590 5 plants at a time
Now in the mean time I have been playing with a photo plant outdoors , Had to have something to do
hottest temp to date 39 .4 c and had 4 days heavy rain at one stage . The photo was taken at 3 1/2 weeks old .
Remember I big garden bed I filled with wood chip , it's alive and composting well .
Next photos are the garden beds - The make up is -- Cow and chicken manure - wood chip - leaf litter - sugar cane straw - forest leafs - old rotten trees - bat guano , sea weed - fish frames - wood ash and what every else I can get for free . It will be around 7 months before I will plant in it , after the wet season .

Remember I big garden bed I filled with wood chip , it's alive and composting well .
Next photos are the garden beds - The make up is -- Cow and chicken manure - wood chip - leaf litter - sugar cane straw - forest leafs - old rotten trees - bat guano , sea weed - fish frames - wood ash and what every else I can get for free . It will be around 7 months before I will plant in it , after the wet season .