G'Day all , Well my room is still shut down and may be for awhile . We had a bad thing happen in my small community . unrelated to cannabis . I'll leave it at that .
BUTT , the good thing is I can still play with soil , you have seen my photos of my veggie garden , it has been the best teacher I have . No phing of water and all organic , also you have seen the shit native soil I have so building soil has been a lot of hard work , now in saying that it is has been a labour of love .In the tropics it is learning how things work . Like where do the worms go in the dry season . what time do fungi and microbes work at there best , what can I use from my environment ect . The soil I have created has cost very little , only time . I get cow manure - duck-chicken manure - wood chip - all free , just have to go and pick it up . Some things I have to pay for I have no choice in that , Now we are coming up to the wet season , Like now , Life is returning .

Fungi and mushrooms a popping up everywhere . Microbes are doing there thing too . Now the first photo is of dirt that is going on at least 10 months old , all I am doing now is feeding the soil .
[ no bottom direct to the ground ]
The next photos are after I have grown veggies in it , and taken what I have learnt so far further . So what you are seeing is the soil that is ready for a wet season . . It will be 7 months before it will be used . For both veggies and cannabis . Do I have a formula -- no -- I do not , it is just my understanding of what I have learnt . The big bin and the one to the left [ wood chip ] is based on -- Back to Eden -- and other ideas . I have just today topped with cow manure as we have some big rains coming in the next day or so . and I have added other inputs as well . I am hoping to one day get to water only growing . I think I will be there in the next year or so . Rome was not built in a day .

Now - where do the worms go -- Into my garden beds ---

as it is dry outside of my garden . --- Please give your partner -wife - mum - dad - son - daughter a big hug . The world seems to be a bit angry at the moment .