Hecno's on going organics

Check this out guys , Mexican Airline - about 5 weeks old , born and grown outside , Highest temp so far 37.9 c mid day [ 2 hours ] I think keeping the soil cool helps , I have not feed it yet and it is in soil I have for my next indoor grow , and as it is on the side of my garden it has just over 6 hours full sun , I am just playing around here , gives me something to look at in the late afternoon when I am having a beer and a joint . :smoking::cheers::thumbsup:

Ps it is in preflower
He's back , I have just taken this photo , I have to keep the dogs away from it as there tail is very sharp , my big white dog knows all about it , cuts like a knife , I always approach them down wild and there eye sight is not real good, and if you get it wrong they think you are a tree , ya don't want one of these buggers running up ya . :nono:
What type of lizard is that.Looks dangerous.You boys got some wild looking creatures down your way.LOL All we have to worry about is rattlers and scorpions.The Bobcats and Coyotes stay to themselves pretty much.The coyotes will take down a newborn calf if momma is not paying attention.We got some good cows tho so that don,t happen very often.Peace please
I believe you got yourself a kissed off mangrove monitor lizard there actually rather smart and can be trained like a dog using treats to reinforce the behavior you want btw if it was a dog breed mangrove monitors rank as [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] smartest dog breed cheers

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Hecno, my wife and I were watchin Nat. Geo channel last night and saw this show about the 12 deadliest animals in Australia or something like that. Now granted we were Baked, but you have a BUNCH of beautifully FU^&$% UP shit down there! Lol It seems among the 12 main characters there are like 50 more subspecies just waiting to inflict GHastly horrors on any innocent being that comes there way. Their territories overlap all over the continent. So come clean with us.....you have some scary ass monsters hiding in all that beauty, don't ya? Lol I'd be a chicken shit in a Kevlar plated Hazmat suit at first. Hell, you've got a Praying Mantis that would kick my cats ass! Lol and God, it's so beautiful though :cools:
@stedimed makes for interesting gardening , I live in coastal tropics [ remote ] and have done for 30 years . I love the wild life we have . good and bad , just the other day we lost another dog to snake bite . Some of the lads have seen this photo before , It is a 16 foot python that turns up now and again . I back onto a rain forest so we get them all the time , [ Just wish one would eat the old girls bloody little yap yap dog :biggrin:
We were kind of in awe over the whole thing, there really is a raw beauty to it. It's always held my imagination, sure if I lived there I'd out in the thick of it, kinda how I'm wired. Envy the set up you have there in the remote!
Check this out guys , Mexican Airline - about 5 weeks old , born and grown outside , Highest temp so far 37.9 c mid day [ 2 hours ] I think keeping the soil cool helps , I have not feed it yet and it is in soil I have for my next indoor grow , and as it is on the side of my garden it has just over 6 hours full sun , I am just playing around here , gives me something to look at in the late afternoon when I am having a beer and a joint . :smoking::cheers::thumbsup:
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Ps it is in preflower
Finishing up a 6shooter that started out like that really nice red haired sativa flowers ,trying to get a few sativas grown out really enjoy them in the morning but mostly grow indicas for pain and every one I know prefers em ,give mom the best sativa an she will say it was ok but if I give her an indica I don't think did very well she will tell me I don't know why you're not smoking this it's great lol I always hear her say I smoke to relax not do things.