Hecno's on going organics

Mr @Eyes on Fire yes I have spent many hours studying K.N.F , But I have to get my soil right first , Now I do not have Chickens - Ducks I would love to have them , [ but the pythons would eat them ] - Horse - Cows - but my mates do . What I do have is lots of native worm and curly grub castings in season , like bucket loads :biggrin: This style of growing I believe is a live style commitment which I enjoy . @Tommy McCain I would like to hear more of your input and thoughts , @dankstyle J you too mate [ RAW ] @robbio I am interested on you thoughts too @Jraven I admire your skills , Now what do you use from your local environment , @Stinky Pete you still on board mate . We all know the saying -- You are never to old to learn -- I think the young ones have forgotten that , They seem to know everything ,
I have been slowly trying to change over to a coco base ,it seems to have better water retention.Of course the peat is still in there.When i get done with a grow i try to add coco with my usual stuff.All my soil is kept inside,until i get ready to use it.I have plenty of access to cow poop.All i have to do is walk out in the pasture with a shovel.LOLI can do large batches of compost with my little front end loader on my little tractor.When we build our greenhouse we will go full bore.The soil i have is kept inside.I am fully invested,i can still learn a thing or two.LOLI am getting ready to pull the trigger on my fall grow..I need to read teaming with microbes again.The other book you were talking about looks like a great book.Just got some new specks ,i can start reading again and learning.Peace please
The sad thing @Eyes on Fire they have no interest , Well not to the extent I do . Some friends I share my weed with comment on the flavour and strength and I tell them it is organic but they seem to think it is to hard to do , A lot of the local weed is shit and I will not smoke it because it makes me cough like hell , That is what got me into growing in the first place . :thumbsup:
I offered to help my daughters start a grow .She just could not find time to clean out her closet.LOLOh well she knows where to get several jars of some primo organic weed.LOL I really have no one else to give it to.Hell i even offered to have some of my precious soil.Oh well more for my babies.Peace please
Nice guys real nice. damn @hecno its hard bro,ppl want to do organic but easy organics. and thats hilarious since organics is suuuch a simple concept and is antiquated for a very good reason.it IS easy. but a lot of people truly think its this magic of sorts. its not at all. we here know this all too well. but many want the finished product or even grow but the simple version though. and even fewer want to get them to study and put in a years time to do it.like YOU did and every one here for that matter. thats what makes an organic grower. good ,bad,ugly,all of the above.AWESOME STUFF! LOL a shame your mates dont have an interest.I too have pals thaty say they wanna do this and learn the other thing and nadda.LOL just wanna smoke LOL trippy.

noone to give your herbal remedies too eh? now that DOES sux hard broham. noone to share with either?well too o many,a real shame.
Hey friends just catching up here been busy with fishing as usual this time of year. @hecno , @Eyes on Fire , @robbio , @Tommy McCain good stuff here. I still feel like I'm starting from scratch as far as using local environment ingredients . The seaweed /kelp of course and compost built from fish scraps and seaweed, some alder leaf mulch. I find it's kind of cool and wet here to work on the ground. I'm leaning towards a greenhouse with beds maybe even raised beds not containers, that I can cultivate as close to natural conditions as possible. The climate was pretty uncooperative this year it showed me some things I need to deal with for my infrastructure.
Hey friends just catching up here been busy with fishing as usual this time of year. @hecno , @Eyes on Fire , @robbio , @Tommy McCain good stuff here. I still feel like I'm starting from scratch as far as using local environment ingredients . The seaweed /kelp of course and compost built from fish scraps and seaweed, some alder leaf mulch. I find it's kind of cool and wet here to work on the ground. I'm leaning towards a greenhouse with beds maybe even raised beds not containers, that I can cultivate as close to natural conditions as possible. The climate was pretty uncooperative this year it showed me some things I need to deal with for my infrastructure.[/QUOTE Man you seem to have your soil dialed in,just need more light.Maybe the raised beds will help.We are at the other end of the spectrum ,dry and hot.Get some pics up when you get time brother.I love seeing your views.Peace please