I had a idea ,

No till sort of ,

What we have here is my second attempt at organic soil , the soil is 5 months old , The pots are 27 ltr same as I have been using for a while now , The soil has been in the pots for around 6 weeks and will have another 4 to 5 weeks to go before I seed them ,[ Saving for some cob lights ] Which means the soil will be over 6 months old , All I have been doing is feeding the soil since the pots went in , I have it covered and keep a eye on the moisture of the soil and there are native worms in the soil and I have seen a number of baby ones , Outside temp is 34 c , but the soil is in semi shade and has been all the time , so the soil temp is 24 c - which I believe is a ideal temp for microbes . A lot of the inputs I have made myself and are local . I am also getting a better understanding what
@pop22 is teaching on reusing soil and can be better with age . I also think I have more native microbes than you can pock a stick at . Photo 2 .
@Eyes on Fire another teacher [emoji106] , with knobbly knees shares like -- pop -- some amazing info for us , I have seen some of
@pop22 [emoji106] plants yield as little as 40 grams ,-- but what stunning plants , a top grower --. I do not follow the yield path as I have no interest in it , It is all about quality to me , hence only 4 pots . I smoked 4 strains today -- GG - LSD -- AM -- Amnesia -- GG , not for me , the other 3 I like depending on what I am doing . You may remember as while back when the Old Flower said Hecno what are ya doing , -- looking at he plants dear -- well she comes home today and says , bloody hell now ya staring at soil - What can a bloke say .

Now I may ruffle some feathers here --- Stop using Bio char --- It is environmental unsustainable product --- bottom photo shows natural bio char from bush fires , Not store bought . and yes you can get temps hot enough from wild fire to get bio char , just look for the big stumps burning , they can burn for up 2 weeks or longer . , Ya can tell by the sound when you drop it on a hard surface , you will here a -- plink type of sound .
@Dankstyle J also has a lot to teach , what he does is awesome [emoji106]
@Jraven also doing amazing things in a really bad climate
@Waira gday mate .
@Stinky Pete enjoy your path , you know you will all ways get a helping hand . That's it I'm done -- Peace and love . Hecno --
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