Hecno's on going organics

@Dudeski I don't know if it is the right thing to do , but I water when the sun goes down , Our min temp is 25 c and that is 2 am . so I am thinking by watering just before dark it will cool the roots and soil down after a hot day and help keep them cool all night :thumbsup:

And a heavy early water could boil the roots. Looks like your method is working
Hey @hecno !!

I’ve been reading through much of your thread and I have to say man, I really love what your doing. Organic is the way to go and you have some amazing plants and soil. I’m working on my first grow ever and tried my hand at cooking up my own soil but I don’t know how well it’s going to work out.. I think the pH is to high, but my plants will tell me soon enough.

Your yard is awesome is filled with beautiful vegetables, flower, fungi/bacteria in the best way possible!! :) the wildlife is so cool, I love seeing the pics of tree frogs, very cool. I could learn a few things from ya, so I hope you don’t mind if I pull a chair up!!
@Burr_nit You are more than welcome to pull up a chair , Just so you know , I only grow for myself and 2 sons , so I muck around a lot and I try to use what is around me . I have learn't a lot from the Lads here they will go out of there way to help you , so if you need advice always ask some one will be able to help you . The one thing I can advise you to do is learn as much as you can about soil , The plant above has never had ph water and very little in the way of feeds apart from charged biochar . at 10 % to volume to soil , being the first time I have used it I can see a future in me using it more . If you stick to making your own soil you will never look back . :thumbsup:
Ok guys, I do not what to offend any one , But are we diluting the word organic when you buy a bag of XYZ . organic soil , or put 1/2 a cup of this and that in , Is that type of growing -- MacDonald's -- No understanding of the reasons , I did 4 1/2 years to learn my trade , . I am now in my 2 nd year growing soil , I and I say ---- growing soil --- Not making --- I think there is a difference , once we understand that , then we understand teas , aloe , warm casting , ect . I also now know environment that you live in makes a big difference , So that is another thing you need to understand , What time of year is the soil active and why , I have found when you know that , you can feed the soil when it is starting to get active , In the tropics I have noticed the it doe's not stop , but slows down , So I believe there are different scenarios at play here , So here is what I am thinking , :biggrin: Build you soil -- Then grow it -- for 12 months ., Then we have a full cycle -- Disclaimer here -- I got this off the old farts here and knobbly Knees :smoking::cheers: Thanks Guys . .
Ok guys, I do not what to offend any one , But are we diluting the word organic when you buy a bag of XYZ . organic soil , or put 1/2 a cup of this and that in , Is that type of growing -- MacDonald's -- No understanding of the reasons , I did 4 1/2 years to learn my trade , . I am now in my 2 nd year growing soil , I and I say ---- growing soil --- Not making --- I think there is a difference , once we understand that , then we understand teas , aloe , warm casting , ect . I also now know environment that you live in makes a big difference , So that is another thing you need to understand , What time of year is the soil active and why , I have found when you know that , you can feed the soil when it is starting to get active , In the tropics I have noticed the it doe's not stop , but slows down , So I believe there are different scenarios at play here , So here is what I am thinking , :biggrin: Build you soil -- Then grow it -- for 12 months ., Then we have a full cycle -- Disclaimer here -- I got this off the old farts here and knobbly Knees :smoking::cheers: Thanks Guys . .

No offense taking, but I’m certainly going to give my 2cents on this one...lol

So what exactly are you saying...?? You don’t consider organic soil to be organic, unless it’s cooked for 1 year?? Lol.

In short, organic soil is organic soil, as long all the products in the soil are derived naturally from animal poop and plant matter that has been decomposing together. Sure, there are various stages of decomposed organic soils but wether the organic soil has been cooking or as you would say ‘growing,’ for 1 month or 1 year, it’s still organic.

I also do not believe we’re diluting the word ‘organic’ when you buy a bag of XYZ soil. As long as the ingredients within in the soil are natural. Mixing those soils with a half a cup of this and half a cup of that such as, natural amendments, natural compost(bagged is ok), teas, aloe, ewc, etc.. jump starts the cooking process of the soil and starts as a great base. Also, good soil will always have some sort of living organisms, even if it dries out. The organisms will go stagnant or not be as active, but when the soil is watered and provided some sort of bacteria/fungi, amendments, etc..it will continue it’s activity and process of it’s organic life cycle.

I’m aware a soil that has been cooking for 1 year is most likely going to outperform a soil that has been cooking for 1 month —none the less how ever you look at it —it’s still organic.

For the record, I love old farts — they tend to have great information and wisdom that they have gathered through years of seasoning that nobody else has, lol. However, they tend to be very traditional and stick to only one way of doing things...Which is fine... to-each-his-own. But where there’s a will-there’s a way, and there are many different ways..

I just wanted to chime in because I would hate for a newbie to read your post and be discouraged to the fact of going organic because they can’t build a soil and let it cook for 1 year or because they don’t live in the tropics and have access to great soil that’s on the ground in the tropics.

Cheers!!! :pass::cheers::bump::thumbsup::vibes:
I think LOADS of people dont understand the two separate characteristics of making a cookie cutter recipe or booster soil verses the longer delicate process of actually growing and BUILDING a soil from scratch. both accomplish the same thing.yet ONE needs to be done far better and more precise. So building soil is the way to go. but as we all know SOOOO many people want it fast with a short cooking time. but if some slowed down to learn,compost,EWC,bokashi,bamboo fungi and bacterial IMO's and the like ,they would be far better off. Im glad I gave you the tools some many many months ago now,and youve done beautifully too broham!! hands down. I wish more would do that. respect!!

I think the hybrid aspect it good for some though. make that cookie cutter soil and boost it with said IMO's and freshy things to its a half n half kinda thing. then go for the full monty LMFAO!! after some months or a cpl three grows or something. Id love to see that myself.the full monty LOL

I think LOADS of people dont understand the two separate characteristics of making a cookie cutter recipe or booster soil verses the longer delicate process of actually growing and BUILDING a soil from scratch. both accomplish the same thing.yet ONE needs to be done far better and more precise. So building soil is the way to go. but as we all know SOOOO many people want it fast with a short cooking time. but if some slowed down to learn,compost,EWC,bokashi,bamboo fungi and bacterial IMO's and the like ,they would be far better off. Im glad I gave you the tools some many many months ago now,and youve done beautifully too broham!! hands down. I wish more would do that. respect!!

I think the hybrid aspect it good for some though. make that cookie cutter soil and boost it with said IMO's and freshy things to its a half n half kinda thing. then go for the full monty LMFAO!! after some months or a cpl three grows or something. Id love to see that myself.the full monty LOL

The FULL MONTY!!! :eyebrows::thumbsup::yay: that’s what I’m talking about!! Lol
Nice chill music for sure.I am from Kentucky ,i love good bluegrass also.I like his style very laid back and mello.I tend to gravitate to laid back.Hec have a good chill session.You know they make some pretty good whisky in Kentucky.Peace please
I did did not know you were from KY. Most of my family is down on the Ohio River. I am over the state line to the north. People do not know but Ky has some of the all time best growers. With Kentucky Bluegrass and Johnny Boone you also have the best legacy. Outlaw. IMHO

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I did did not know you were from KY. Most of my family is down on the Ohio River. I am over the state line to the north. People do not know but Ky has some of the all time best growers. With Kentucky Bluegrass and Johnny Boone you also have the best legacy. Outlaw. IMHO

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I was born in Lou.I have not been back home in a few years.We have been in Texas for over 30 years now. All my kids are here with my 8 grand babies.We have one on the way next july..We just found out my daughter is having her first.I love me some bluegrass,we used to go to the bluegrass festival every year in downtown Lou.on the ohio river.Good times.We used to roll several doobs to take with us.Be cool tom.Peace please
@Burr_nit I have the worst native soil , I might as well live on Mars , [ very rocky ] That is what got me into making soil in the first place , That and the fact I can't get the pre made stuff that you guys can , Now age of soil . I should have worded it better , I do class short cooked soil as organic , but I believe more time gives the soil time to interact and settle , I see it like aging wine . ------ same plant as above , 8 weeks old . ---

This is in well aged soil , with charged Biochar . and 90% Local inputs , cow dung - worm castings - ect and very little feeds [ 2 times very light early in its life ] Never had ph water . -- Climate -- many days of 35 c plus and as high as 40 c -- as a base soil I started whit a cheap organic soil from the Hardware store and built from there , To my way of thinking this plant is telling me a lot . It is healthy , the soil has enough nutrition and the water holding capacity is good , [ never dried out ] I am not saying it is the best looking plant for it's age , but that is not the point . Not with the high temps I am getting . It's all about the soil . This was the main aim for growing the plant . and as you can imagine the soil will get real warm too . As for discouraging new growers to organic, I was hoping for the opposite , If they can see what I am up to for very little money , just a time input then there is no reason they can not do it . One of the main things I hope my posts can show ---- is what can be done in the tropics ---- as there is very little info out there for growing cannabis in the tropics and making soil to suit . And last but not least , my next pots ready to plant in , Just waiting for my new lights , which I hope will be here very soon .

As we all know -- soil is the foundation , The better the understanding the better the out come . :smoking: :greenthumb: