Hecno's on going organics

:bighug: Hec me mate, Happy Year of the Rat to you! :passit:

:spels: ---- :hump: ... She's fabulous man, one of your best for sure- :d5: The buds look prime for this stage, really good bud:leaf and plenty of fattening to come... Whatever the P source is, it's holding up very well so far considering how much those buds must be snacking down on! Nary a yellow leaf on her either that I can see,... this batch is the new benchmark, IMO! ..... What's your nose say so far?

Oh Hec, those flowers = :kiss:so lovely! ... that rich scarlet red and the painted single petal-- superb - :wiz: ...do they have aroma?
@hecno Fantastic examples of what TRUE Organics can do, LOVE following your grow .... Keep sharing your knowledge, I’m getting smarter as I’m sure all following are .... Thank you - Peace MOB
:bighug: Hec me mate, Happy Year of the Rat to you! :passit:

:spels: ---- :hump: ... She's fabulous man, one of your best for sure- :d5: The buds look prime for this stage, really good bud:leaf and plenty of fattening to come... Whatever the P source is, it's holding up very well so far considering how much those buds must be snacking down on! Nary a yellow leaf on her either that I can see,... this batch is the new benchmark, IMO! ..... What's your nose say so far?

Oh Hec, those flowers = :kiss:so lovely! ... that rich scarlet red and the painted single petal-- superb - :wiz: ...do they have aroma?

Hey Waira! Still a couple days before the Rat year though. We’re still in the Pig one LOL
And now there is chickens , that boy of mine came home with some chickens , just 2 to start with , he wants about another 4 . This is going to be interesting to see how long they last . :biggrin:

some of you guys know how big some of the chicken eaters get that hang around here .:crying::crying::crying:
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And now there is chickens , that boy of mine came home with some chickens , just 2 to start with , he wants about another 4 . This is going to be interesting to see how long they last . :biggrin:
View attachment 1151964

some of you guys know how big some of the chicken eaters get that hang around here .:crying::crying::crying:
View attachment 1151969

I gotta ask, what kind is it? Doesn't look like a mere python to me... :shrug:Morelia - diamond python?? In any case, I think the chicks are on the menu.
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@MrOldBoy it is called a Scrub Pyhon biggest I have seen is 18 foot . Day 55 , and @Waira mate i am getting a strong berry smell from her .at day 33 of flowering . She has had FPW , and this one time , molasses - liquid bat guano - soluble insect frass -- liquid seaweed . she still a way to go yet . and @Eyes on fire thank you . for me this is my best run yet and I love this style of growing . I have nothing to prove to anyone I have made a lot of mistakes and will make more , but the whole concept of organic growing is what I enjoy . i'll tell ya a funny story , the other day I found a good patch of worms in leaf litter so i went and got a bucket and was catching them [ heaps ] now the GM was looking for me and found me sitting in dirt catching worms , Hoy hecno he says what the f*&% are ya doing , catching worms I say , well that was a mistake , So I have a new nick name at work -- Worm catcher . -- Lucky he is a mate of mine . :smoking:

Now the new girl Day 17 . she is 14 inch across .

and he we have a leek that I wanted to see how it would go under 20/4 light , so far doing well . And yes organic . :biggrin:


think about it .


WOW hec! I’ve followed you for a few years now, first time on the site in a good six months actually, just went back to page 100 and got all caught up!
Your right this is your best grow by far, girls are healthy and thriving with no added feedings from yourself, your soul is black gold literally! Hope this round you get that cal/mag sorted out, how good it would be to have soil that does the work for you, nature is amazing isn’t it!

Congrats on the new job also, work becomes a lot more enjoyable when your doing something you love.

I must ask though, what’s the idea around the peddles in their pots?
I have a pile of dirt brewing up myself taking some of your advice last time we spoken, soon as the weather cools down on my side of the country I’m dropping some seeds, absolutely stoked to try my own soil, and get back into the adventure of growing, I have a little outdoor girl on the go currently, soil from work (dairy farm) from a pdk that’s been farmed for the last 20yrs, holding up really well actually, only problem so far is ran into some bad potassium deficiency’s around Christmas, but I think that was down to over watering and transplanting, seemed to work itself out.
Think I’ve good a really good base to build on for future organic grows with the soil from work, only time will tell.

Oh and your sprouting problem with the paper towel, I’ve never had any issues, expect the one time I used (home brand) paper, the seed shells turned to mush and wasted 10 good auto seeds, I did jut put it down to using crap paper towel thought there was probably some nasty additives in there.
Anywho all the best for 2020 mate! I’ll be hanging around watching your threads, peace!