Hecno's on going organics

good to hear from you @Budson 420 The soil from the dairy farm will make a awesome base , Dairy Farmers tend to look after there paddocks very well , should be full of life . Potassium has been one of my concerns too , that is where the liquid seaweed and molasses comes in . and as you know they are both great microbe food . With the pebbles it keeps the moisture in the soil longer , but the soil I build holds moisture very well . I put it down to the organic matter I build the soil with .-- It holds moisture but drains well , no perlite or anything like that is added . I can go 3 days with out watering with no dropping . Cal/Mag sorted out too and let me know when you start a thread . :thumbsup:
:smokeout: Sticky Finger x BB, should be yummy gummy stuff! .... I forget mate, who crosses are these again? Somebody from GMC,... BudWiser?
I'm waiting on Lavatera to get me some BLR and BLR x F99 fem's! :woohoo:

:drool: --- that girl is filling in so nicely Hec', she's going to be centerfold queen :spels: ............. really nice leek too! Mmmm, creamy potato and leek soup,...:thumbsup:
@Waira yes they are from BudWiser , BLR x F99 , yee harr , i am hanging out to grow C99 , just need the right one , seems there are a number of takes on it , Have you grown it before ? I am very happy with the way the plant is turning out . Really starting to smell now , the berry smell has dropped a bit , not sure yet what the other smell is , still have to work it out . :biggrin: :thumbsup:
:smoking: Didn't you some C99auto's from that batch a while back? ... In any case, Bros. Grimm is the "source", but I bet Krk has choice pheno's = :eyebrows: .... Fire99 as well! .... Female Seeds C99 has a good rep' that I've seen too (link) .... also check out SexBud, a sort of C99 rework. Remember the mutie one I grew 2 seasons ago, along with the Outdoor Grapefruit? She smelled like fresh apricots!

BB x AK107 ,... that AK I have no idea about, did BW say anything about it? Well we'll see where the aromatics end up, it's early still! :toke:
Getting close now , We are at day 60 [ 8 1/2 weeks ] all cloudy with some amber , not much and I am going to take this girl a bit further than I would normally would , [ for pain - sleep ] so I want see more amber . as you can see she is feeding on what is stored , mind you , I think I was a bit low on nitrogen early on , just before last week ,The fish pond water went a long way , but not far enough , Not that it is a problem I needed to know . same with the nitrogen input in the soil that is where it started -- I think -- just have to find that balance . . to date I am very happy with the way things turned out due to the fact I use what I can find at any given time of year , Added nutrients -- yes -- In the soil , and a very small amount along the way in the pot . This is my style of growing , I am at the stage where I spend more time looking after the soil than the plant . @Waira no he gave me no info , and keep your eyes off my Leek :rofl: I am getting very keen on this . Zamaldelica Auto Ace seeds .

Day 25 , photo taken lights out , but she does need water , which is about 2 hours away .

I have just also seeded a Fighting Gorillaz Auto .

:jointman: finally, she's eating some fans! And it's informative indeed mate... exactly what you want to be low on by harvest, N and P from the looks of the
fans -:greenthumb: .... N sourcing was good Hec', she stored plenty early on too I bet, this might be what you saw, her grabbing up and hoarding N for later... Did you happen to test your fish water for what type of N source is in there? Fish excrete NH3 mainly, little urea oddly enough... 'crobe's of course convert some into nitrate... Nitrate and NH4+ are metabolized very differently too, so there's a good reason most fert's have nitrate mainly, little to no ammonium, and notice that in good cannabis fert's, no urea! (not exactly sure why, beside the fact that it need several steps of conversion to break down).... Anyway, this batch of soil is tops-:clapper:
:drool: damn she's juicy mate! Buds look like they will be iron nugg's when dry, and sugar dipped big time - :d5: .... she's a photo', right? (a fem' seed?)... going about 12 weeks or so now I think, so that or a long cycle auto.... So many possibilities at the other place, beans beans beans! :help: MadMac is somebody you may want to talk with about Hazes/crosses....
....SFxBB is starting to bust out, she's gonna be a glue factory I bet!
no he gave me no info , and keep your eyes off my Leek :rofl: I am getting very keen on this . Zamaldelica Auto Ace seeds .
...not following that, who gave you no info about what? Krk and the C99? :thumbsup:
:muahaha: -- I got chop-eyes for that yummy leek dude, I'ma bring the stock pot right over to it and make it walk the plank! :rofl:

Did I refer you to Ribbzzy's grows of auto Zam'? Looks like ACE is onto F4 now too, plus it's off the R&D list... I need more seeds like I need a busted leg, but I may not be able to stop myself from a small ACE order! I think you need to grow Golden Tiger and Malawi, really put the fear of the gods into your friends with that stuff :dizzy::rofl: :nono:..... I can't imagine Thai/African type buzzes with 20+%THC, sooo not for some peoples!

:thumbsup: Gekko buddy on patrol!
... how's the orchid scene at work mate? Anything fun in bloom now? I have the usual Winter crew doing their thing, plus finally the Clowesia rosea is doing much better this year... I stuck them under a AutoCOB because the weather was too cold, and they sure liked it! This is that deciduous one with the flowers that smell like grapefruit and late day, cinnamon notes kick in... yum!

>>> first few with flash, last few natural light...

>>> the yellow cymbidium made a nice comeback too,...

>>> got a couple others to shoot pics of too!