Hecno's on going organics

It is, only reason I tried them is because I got sponsored enough to run an OD grow,... not quite enough actually, Tabs were OK, but I needed more Startrex, and it came back to bite me,.. Tabs fizzed out by bloom....
:rofl: cow?? Naaahh, ain't buyin' it.... :bighug:
...:smoking: Autopots I remember,... those I want to try someday! You know Blue is using them with soil and Biotab's,... I'd love to see you play in the dirt someday (just no "running" unless I'm- :peek:)- :eek1: :laughcry:... Another possibility is one of those "water-only" gigs, SoHum soil, KIS have good rep's,... KIS is here actually; they also have a nutrient Pack for making your own... none of it is cheap, and I was thinking of trying it for outdoors, but the cost was past what me and the client wanted to invest at that time,... $55 for the pack, treat about 30gal? Not too bad really... cheaper than the RTU soil! I want hec's Goods really- :wizzy: Aussie Blend Magic!
Both my sativas are in autopots with theKIS soils amendment added. Not bad for only putting water in the reservoir
:pass:Smokey, you schemin' for the upcoming season? :eyebrows: :woohoo1:


Hey Waira,:woohoo: yes i am about the sneaky guerilla grow:eyebrows:, was out about possible snakes and other critters in the grases :yoinks: in the dark of sunset checking the site yesterday, soil felt nice and friable :drool:, then charged out of the busy hoping not to be seen:woohoo1::coco:Blue Fire and Lemon Candy, want to grow in those hills :dizzy:
G'Day all , Well things are cruising along in Hecno land . , The girls are just living of the soil at this stage , I do have 1 wonky one :dizzy: that I am going to keep , just to see how she turns out . Good structure on thesegirls , look like they are built to carry some weight .@The_Skunkist syd barrett should start to see them take off now as I believe they will have a good root base now as well . Recap photos day 7 .

Today , day 14 .

now the wonky one .

@Waira Yes the soil is fluffy . I don't yous perlite as I don't like it , I find pumice stone is way better and there is tons of it on the beaches here and it last a hell of a lot longer . What I do is sieve it with a garden sieve The thing is I have not been adding it to the soil , but it does have little stones and things .

But - I am finding my soil retains moisture very well without being water logged , like I can get a handful squeeze the hell out of it and it doe's not bind . So far the plants above had only been watered once after sprouting . I have been finding this for a while now , but I do have to keep a eye on it , as the plants get bigger I have to water every 3 days or so . The only thing I can put it down to is the turkey dirt , there nests never get water logged even in the middle of the wet season and remain damp a long time after the rains stop . This is the part of building soil I love , figuring what is going on .

One thing I do recon , is there will be heaps of native microbes in here . I also have about another 400 ltr on the go , just cooking away nicely .
Fresh out of the garden today . :smoking: :thumbsup: :vibe:
@hecno mate they plants, not just the canna look great, all grown in your good soil? I start in final pots also, this time all of them will be 20L. The searles (previously one i used) used to hold together in a ball. After seeing the Searles compost, its really good will have to crack the organic potting mix bags. I got some other things for the hill grow. Neem Meal, Kelp, and Myc Fungi from EasyAsOrangics. Not sure i can neem meal the soil but when i transplant the jiffy into main pots will add some myc fungi:pass::d5:
@smokeyfromau You are on the right track mate . What I did was study as much as I could on what I put into my soil and as time progressed I understood more . -- I still am -- There is a feeling you get when things start to turn out right and the quality of smoke is the best , ya mates will soon tell you. Now you will make mistakes and I still do , but that is good as it is how we learn , You are at a time I was 4 years ago . Using organic bottled nutrients is cool too I do
. but what you find is you will use a lot less as you start to understand how they work and what you have put into your soil building . Mate I will be following you journey mate . :thumbsup:
On a sad note -- How Fucked are Humans .
Both my sativas are in autopots with theKIS soils amendment added. Not bad for only putting water in the reservoir
:headbang: ayuh! This is why I'm going to try it! All I need to do is get the info about how to use it properly with premium soil...
This season at transition, something went sideways, and the plants suffered- :cuss: I thought I was feeding plenty, but either I'm wrong and/or my TDS meter is wack! :cuss:... and all 3 of the damn AoF are male, that I'm genuinely pissed about... all that time and effort wasted,.... Really, the whole tent/OD season has been sideways: Cherry Bomb not auto'ing; germ snafu's; C99a is a total freak long cycle pheno', her sister given to a mate has his in jars now, my bitch is still 3 weeks+ away, will be 12+ to finish.... :doh:.... new Witch Doctor is a mutie, we'll see if it's a waste of time soon, but too late to really replace.... I should have 3-4 auto's done and curing now, instead there's just 1, CN, and a whole new set running; instead, 2 auto's, plus the solo cup, and the damn C99a.... CrackLOG is the best looking/performing plant of the entire lot now! Don't ask me why, she's had nearly the identical treatment the other OD plants had... She stanks richly too, which promises good things....:eyebrows:
20/20 hindsight, the $125 would have been well worth it for the KIS Nute' pack! :face:

Hey Waira,:woohoo: yes i am about the sneaky guerilla grow:eyebrows:, was out about possible snakes and other critters in the grases :yoinks: in the dark of sunset checking the site yesterday, soil felt nice and friable :drool:, then charged out of the busy hoping not to be seen:woohoo1::coco:Blue Fire and Lemon Candy, want to grow in those hills :dizzy:
:eek1: You be bloody careful mate, not that I need to remind you! I know the wildlife out there can be nasty as they come,... Nice strains, who's the breeder?

Nice garden booty,i got some winter stuff started,so far the squash is looking good.The salad peppers are still kicking.Good one tho.Peace please
:pighug: Robby, when will you start back again? :eyebrows:

>>>> :smoking: Hec' the girls look great at week 2! What am i seeing in the pot there, a wee chili plant?
--- I hear you on the perlite,... My problem has been getting pumice in the right size bags! Either dinky expensive little ones, or a monster 4cf tube of it- :nono: ... the shop here finally found smaller size, reasonable priced stuff, but too late now....

--- :drool: delicious produce mate! I bet the brix in those 'maters is tops- :greenthumb:My friends gace me some Anaheim chili's and 'maters last night, so a fine pico de gallo is going to be made tonight!

--- ahh, my eye's don't deceive me, the soil texture is spot on! Squeeze test is the tell-tale deal, isn't it....:biggrin:

--- yeah, the Amazon fires are truly alarming :frowny:
:headbang: ayuh! This is why I'm going to try it! All I need to do is get the info about how to use it properly with premium soil...
This season at transition, something went sideways, and the plants suffered- :cuss: I thought I was feeding plenty, but either I'm wrong and/or my TDS meter is wack! :cuss:... and all 3 of the damn AoF are male, that I'm genuinely pissed about... all that time and effort wasted,.... Really, the whole tent/OD season has been sideways: Cherry Bomb not auto'ing; germ snafu's; C99a is a total freak long cycle pheno', her sister given to a mate has his in jars now, my bitch is still 3 weeks+ away, will be 12+ to finish.... :doh:.... new Witch Doctor is a mutie, we'll see if it's a waste of time soon, but too late to really replace.... I should have 3-4 auto's done and curing now, instead there's just 1, CN, and a whole new set running; instead, 2 auto's, plus the solo cup, and the damn C99a.... CrackLOG is the best looking/performing plant of the entire lot now! Don't ask me why, she's had nearly the identical treatment the other OD plants had... She stanks richly too, which promises good things....:eyebrows:
20/20 hindsight, the $125 would have been well worth it for the KIS Nute' pack! :face:

:eek1: You be bloody careful mate, not that I need to remind you! I know the wildlife out there can be nasty as they come,... Nice strains, who's the breeder?

:pighug: Robby, when will you start back again? :eyebrows:

>>>> :smoking: Hec' the girls look great at week 2! What am i seeing in the pot there, a wee chili plant?
--- I hear you on the perlite,... My problem has been getting pumice in the right size bags! Either dinky expensive little ones, or a monster 4cf tube of it- :nono: ... the shop here finally found smaller size, reasonable priced stuff, but too late now....

--- :drool: delicious produce mate! I bet the brix in those 'maters is tops- :greenthumb:My friends gace me some Anaheim chili's and 'maters last night, so a fine pico de gallo is going to be made tonight!

--- ahh, my eye's don't deceive me, the soil texture is spot on! Squeeze test is the tell-tale deal, isn't it....:biggrin:

--- yeah, the Amazon fires are truly alarming :frowny:
i be kicken it into high gear around oct.1st. or there abouts.Peace please