ayuh! This is why I'm going to try it! All I need to do is get the info about how to use it properly with premium soil...
This season at transition, something went sideways, and the plants suffered-

I thought I was feeding plenty, but either I'm wrong and/or my TDS meter is wack!

... and all 3 of the damn AoF are male, that I'm genuinely pissed about... all that time and effort wasted,.... Really, the whole tent/OD season has been sideways: Cherry Bomb not auto'ing; germ snafu's; C99a is a total freak long cycle pheno', her sister given to a mate has his in jars now, my bitch is still 3 weeks+ away, will be 12+ to finish....

.... new Witch Doctor is a mutie, we'll see if it's a waste of time soon, but too late to really replace.... I should have 3-4 auto's done and curing now, instead there's just 1, CN, and a whole new set running; instead, 2 auto's, plus the solo cup, and the damn C99a.... CrackLOG is the best looking/performing plant of the entire lot now! Don't ask me why, she's had nearly the identical treatment the other OD plants had... She stanks richly too, which promises good things....

20/20 hindsight, the $125 would have been well worth it for the KIS Nute' pack!

You be bloody careful mate, not that I need to remind you! I know the wildlife out there can be nasty as they come,... Nice strains, who's the breeder?

Robby, when will you start back again?
>>>> :smoking:
Hec' the girls look great at week 2! What am i seeing in the pot there, a wee chili plant?
--- I hear you on the perlite,... My problem has been getting pumice in the right size bags! Either dinky expensive little ones, or a monster 4cf tube of it-

... the shop here finally found smaller size, reasonable priced stuff, but too late now....

delicious produce mate! I bet the brix in those 'maters is tops-

My friends gace me some Anaheim chili's and 'maters last night, so a fine pico de gallo is going to be made tonight!
--- ahh, my eye's don't deceive me, the soil texture is spot on! Squeeze test is the tell-tale deal, isn't it....
--- yeah, the Amazon fires are truly alarming