Hecno's on going organics

Bumped into this girl yesterday . -- Australia Bird Eating Spider -- :thumbsup:
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What in the living hell!!!! :gassy:

I would not be hanging around if i saw one of them!! I'd be running!!!
If it were like 6 times smaller, i'd think about hitting it with a stick ... but that bugger looks like it might hit back!!

Stay indoors blue ... it's safe indoors!!

What in the living hell!!!! :gassy:

I would not be hanging around if i saw one of them!! I'd be running!!!
If it were like 6 times smaller, i'd think about hitting it with a stick ... but that bugger looks like it might hit back!!

Stay indoors blue ... it's safe indoors!!

:rofl::rofl:Just hang around this place for a while, blue. You'll get used to the all scary animals:yoinks:. Or at least pictures of them...that's enough for most of us:smoking:
Actually this IS a good place to hang out:thumbsup::pass:
@tobe Your son will like this one . 16 ft scrub Python . @blue This is my Guard Snake :biggrin: Tobe it is great that you are gardening with your children , When I was very young I helped my dad , he gave me a little spot in the garden and had me plant Radish , I ended up with enough for the whole town :rofl:
I was hooked from that day on . Gardening teaches young people a lot , both my sons know how to garden just by being around me , I know when the settle down they will be able to feed there family I also strongly believe working in soil make you more healthier . @Waira yes I will be training them to fit where I want them . :thumbsup:

Here is a yarn for ya about how I am training my outdoor girls . @Waira remember these things .

This time I have not topped the plants . I tied string to them and bent them back .As things change I can move them back more .

Now the reason for this is because I know the spot and what the sun does at what time of year .

This is what stops the sun at the moment . -- But the 2 main big trees are now starting to drop there leaves so with no leaves I can get a return which lets more sun light in. Our shortest day of the year is June the 22 . By the way the front right hand one is in turkey nest , just seeing how it goes , ya know I like mucking around . :biggrin: :thumbsup: .
Here is a yarn for ya about how I am training my outdoor girls . @Waira remember these things . View attachment 1039364
This time I have not topped the plants . I tied string to them and bent them back .As things change I can move them back more . View attachment 1039365
Now the reason for this is because I know the spot and what the sun does at what time of year .
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This is what stops the sun at the moment . -- But the 2 main big trees are now starting to drop there leaves so with no leaves I can get a return which lets more sun light in. Our shortest day of the year is June the 22 . By the way the front right hand one is in turkey nest , just seeing how it goes , ya know I like mucking around . :biggrin: :thumbsup: .
turkey nest pot, cool, probably "breathes" real good:pass:
:crying: :rolleyes1: no pressure mate! :thanks:...buds look juicy Hec', very hairy chicks too :vibe:.....

MOGK99 is wonderful stuff, but no that wasn't sent,... both grown here were curve throwers; both appeared to have auto'ed, showed sex by week 3, and went right into bloom = :shrug:..supposedly not possible at F1, but that's clearly suspect now, I have confirmation from other sources of this rare event in other F1 crosses. So, whatever the genetic mechanism is behind the "auto" phenomena, it's not a simple double recessive inheritance deal?.... Another oddity, both did not bloom especially fast, that really tripped me out!
... your drying times, T and RH% are just like mine.... I think that first few days or so is the key, enough moisture in them still to allow those breakdowns to happen properly.. too fast and it locks those processes down, making for lesser quality' smoke!

:smoking: Cheers Tobe--- nbbeerguy, a refugee from UDG! :smokeout: .... good to see you around mate....
I had nearly a whole batch of bag seed nl photo crossed to a deoverde haze auto ,go auto at F1 in fact the only nl trait I saw was all the sudden the deoverde haze had big fan leaves in place of the sativa ones that it had before an made it more of a single apical meristem like plant with a huge cola opposed to the haze which had what I consider to be better branching holding a more sativa form than a landrace afghani.
Got my Comfrey :woohoo1: , bit sad looking as it came by post , But it is a start and I'll get it up and going I hope :thumbsup:View attachment 1025503
I grew comfrey ina different climate long ago. Killer compost plant, fresh leaves cook hot and fast
A bit of root porn . :biggrin: 3 different plants :thumbsup:
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Now onto the Co2 maker . Still fine tuning , I estimate 3 bubbles a second , I upped the sugar to 4 kg to 15 liters water and 10 tea spoons of bakers yeast . I also hung a clear cup with water in the room to check to see there was know leaks and it helps with keeping a eye on the bubble count . Just have to see how long the brew goes for . :thumbsup:
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got the still ready:smoking:
8 days down the track . Repotted all the Mango - Loa . and the Orange Assault are chunky little buggers . Co2 is working well , just about got it worked out
[ I think ] :biggrin: :thumbsup:
8 days ago .

As of today

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8 days down the track . Repotted all the Mango - Loa . and the Orange Assault are chunky little buggers . Co2 is working well , just about got it worked out
[ I think ] :biggrin: :thumbsup:
8 days ago .

As of today

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kinda jelly about this, mellow environment making for fast
This bloody sucks .:cuss::cuss::cuss:Well I have gone and done my knee in . I am 58 and very active and have been all my life . My sons dog put a stop to it . He was chasing the cat [ playing ] and run straight into the side of my knee , as it is I have gammy knees from standing all my working life . I rested the knee for 3 days [ off work ] but yesterday the pain got so severe I had to get the ambulance in to take me to the hospital . By this time the pain was over the top , they gave me morphine which did not work on the pain . When the doctor turned up he took a pile of blood off the knee , Man , did that work , no more pain , just a little bit . The the good part --- Yep -- the morphine is working . :biggrin: One big advantage about living out bush , is when you go to hospital here there is no waiting as they are onto you straight away .God bless them .:clapper::clapper::clapper:
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---> ---> --->

3 weeks and change later,.... :yeahthat: ---- :clapper: :greenthumb: :bow: .... getting cozy already mate! Their color is so rich, perfect emerald,... Loving the bones on dem lovies! ..really nice consistency on the OA's... Wow, the Laotians are wanting to go nutters! Big fans on them mate, and cool circular symmetry,.... I think they want to be small trees =:growing::nono: :haha: ..literally, actually! :biggrin: -- I can't wait to see them bigger Hec', any idea what the final pot size will be? .......... Blondie guy looks sharp!

Mate, did I post that info flyer for insect frass here? I did someplace,...:confused1: I'll toss it up anyway,... I too will have this on auto-use! It took out the minor gnat infestation I had at the client grow tent after a week or so,... Chitinase for the win! :amazon:
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>> :holymoly: 1.6m of rain! :help: If that happened here, I'd be still floating toward Japan right now,...:rofl:

....OK, here's the wee Den. kingianum's that have been lodged in the swamp pot Pitcher Plant for more than a year... :thumbsup: - I'm amazed at how well they do, with no fert's, a competitive uptake giant neighbor, no dry period that's usually needed to set goof blooming,... full Winter exposure too! :shrug::biggrin:
.... more White Trumpets came home from my Aunty's place, plus most pots needed dividing as well, so I'm buried in them now :doh: :rofl:... flowers loading up nicely though,....View attachment 1034732 View attachment 1034733 View attachment 1034734 View attachment 1034735

>>>> some cacti fun,... the red and globular ones have super cool flowers...

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This Venus Flytrap-looking odd ball is Faucaria tigrina....

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...Aloe spike,...
man I love the color and trippy waxy look they have...
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wow, thanks for the arboretum tour!
Bumped into this girl yesterday . -- Australia Bird Eating Spider -- :thumbsup:
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I'm betting you have some monstrous stuff, just out there, beyond the safety of the porch
Another local input I use .The first photo is the nest they make , now this one is a least 5 years old as they add to it every year . So it is a renewable source,
What I do is dig from the bottom and this is what I get .
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Then I sieve it like so .
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and end up with this , It'S Ph is always 7 .
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This I have been mixing in with my worm soil . As you can see by the top photo it is only leafs and sticks . This would have had 2 wet seasons on it to get to this stage , I am lucky I have 3 big nests in my yard . :thumbsup:
composting allies, way cool
@tobe Your son will like this one . 16 ft scrub Python . @blue This is my Guard Snake :biggrin: Tobe it is great that you are gardening with your children , When I was very young I helped my dad , he gave me a little spot in the garden and had me plant Radish , I ended up with enough for the whole town :rofl:
I was hooked from that day on . Gardening teaches yrodentoung people a lot , both my sons know how to garden just by being around me , I know when the settle down they will be able to feed there family I also strongly believe working in soil make you more healthier . @Waira yes I will be training them to fit where I want them . :thumbsup:
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rodent patrol?