---> ---> --->
3 weeks and change later,....

.... getting cozy already mate! Their color is so rich, perfect emerald,... Loving the bones on dem lovies! ..really nice consistency on the OA's... Wow, the Laotians are wanting to go nutters! Big fans on them mate, and cool circular symmetry,.... I think they want to be small trees =

..literally, actually!

-- I can't wait to see them bigger Hec', any idea what the final pot size will be? .......... Blondie guy looks sharp!
Mate, did I post that info flyer for insect frass here? I did someplace,...

I'll toss it up anyway,... I too will have this on auto-use! It took out the minor gnat infestation I had at the client grow tent after a week or so,... Chitinase for the win!
1.6m of rain!

If that happened here, I'd be still floating toward Japan right now,...
....OK, here's the wee Den. kingianum's that have been lodged in the swamp pot Pitcher Plant for more than a year...

- I'm amazed at how well they do, with no fert's, a competitive uptake giant neighbor, no dry period that's usually needed to set goof blooming,... full Winter exposure too!

.... more White Trumpets came home from my Aunty's place, plus most pots needed dividing as well, so I'm buried in them now

... flowers loading up nicely though,....
>>>> some cacti fun,... the red and globular ones have super cool flowers...
This Venus Flytrap-looking odd ball is Faucaria tigrina....
...Aloe spike,... man I love the color and trippy waxy look they have...