Aaaaaawh yeah! There's nothing like a bromeliad spike for sheer color richness! It's like they are made of plastic,... bloody excellent mate

.... what color are the flowers, purple,..yellow? I can't quite tell,... I guess it's during the dry season that those bromie's turn orangey?
Super nice alocasia, and what's the name of the lovely colored one in the pic below the spike again, I forget?
.... wow, that bamboo clump as blown up a ton since I last saw! I'm amazed that it hasn't spread like crazy, or are you beating it back as new leads emerge?
....dig those ferns too mate-

.... above them there, with the strap leaves, an orchid? .... I see a nice pencil orchid,... dude, mine took a total dive, and I have zero idea WTF happened!

-- it just shut down and browned out,...

.... oooo, what a color bomb that small plant is, whom dat?
... orchid hut looks great Hec', can't wait for blooms! Say, that's that trailing little coin-leaf plant, a type of
dischidia? Has it made the balloon houses for the ants yet?

a lovely tour through Hec' Gardens again!