Hecno's on going organics

@Waira - c - is calcium , and i have the fan issue worked out , i turned it off and tilted the air con so it is blowing a nice mild air flow over the plants and have the tube just above the plants . i will post soon on what i have learn't so far about co2 . @tobe day 42 . at this stage there will be 3 time frames of harvest and the tallest is at 90 cm . the smell is full on berry flavour . View attachment 998870 View attachment 998871 View attachment 998872 View attachment 998873 View attachment 998874 View attachment 998875 View attachment 998876
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oh man, am I glad to see all this green, and white!
Howdy guys . Still no internet or phone at home . pain in the butt . and still waiting for wifi stick . The girls are having a right old party in the room:dancer::cooldance::woohoo: .The rain has eased off , but looks like more heavy rain mid week . now the plants , tallest is 82 cm so far Room temp is at 24 to 26 c and humidity 50 % . I modified the co2 generator again , starting to get the hang of it as in volume and amount of sugar - yeast - water - and I have 2 phenotypes that I can make out . :woohoo1: , I like it when this happens and they have been easy to grow so far . Photo time .
Recap day 28 .
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Day 35
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And here it is . What yo are seeing is a 15 ltr drum , I used 4 kg of sugar and 8 teaspoons of yeast to 10 liter of water which I added 2 teaspoons of yeast after 4 days . Pipe from drum to bottle , then from bottle to another open bottle in the grow room which is just to the side of the fan . I am looking at around $ 10.00 a week to run and the cost to setup $20.00 . Oh I am still fine tuning the mix . It is the volume of bubbles I am working on as the room is not sealed .:thumbsup:
wow, C02 and brew, hehe
you're blow'n me mind mate!
Just being a Australian grower in the comp
Here is a look at the soil I am making with rain forest leaf litter and It is breaking down a lot faster than I thought it would . The worms are doing a great job [ native soil worms ] and there are heaps in there . For moisture I have a thick bit of plastic type stuff that covers it then a bit of ply onto .top . I just take it on and off to control the moisture . works great and it is around 26 days ago I started with the leaf . This photo was the start .




Under the leaf layer . This is what attracted me to soil worms and the way they behave over composting worms .

You can't help but think . when you have this to study . @robbio

The lid and bin .


Yes @Jraven 26 days , I have also been feeding the microbes . Here is a mid week shot . I took some of the soil to top the pots with , which I am sold on
doing . I believe will worth it . :thumbsup:.