Hecno's on going organics

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Going to town for a beer :cheers: , Day 53 and what a smell , I thought Blackberry Gum was good , these take it to the next level . :woohoo1:View attachment 1003693 View attachment 1003694 View attachment 1003695 View attachment 1003696 View attachment 1003697
Great as ever my friend, you will get a nice yield of berry buds, did all the plants got the same smell?
Hehe I need a officer as a friend and this guys are the right ones lol.

Have a nice day my friend
cu tobe
:jointman: :gary: :goauto: Outta this World mate! :bow: .... some catch-up first....

That is a custom paint job if ever I saw one! ....Sooo cool mate, is that a baby goanna, or a gekko? The toes say non-gekko,...? --no "pads"....

>>. leaf composting! :coffee: wow, is the soil herd getting jiggy on that stuff! ....that reminds me, how did the bush turkey do this season, adding to your "automated composting" nest stash? :rofl: .............. garden in the rain = :zen:......

>>> :headbang: the girls are just fab' mate- :d5: ...bud is coming in beautifully! ...the aroma, oh man, even better than BBG?! :drool:outstanding,... harvest will be a grinder though, unless you plan to conscript one or both your boys to learn the trim-ropes! ...the jar's you're going to have though,...:help: :rofl:
@Waira Yep , the bush Turkey is doing a great job , and there is another one I found 1/2 way down the yard . This one is great for catching worms . :biggrin:
Me painted mate is A ring-tailed gecko (Cyrtodactylus tuberculatus), not very common . So I am lucky to have one around . And I can't wait to try these girls , I am leaning towards small breeders now as there is some very interesting stuff out there . :thumbsup:
Send a bit of the wet stuff down here mate. It's forgotten it's supposed to be raining this time of year here, dryer than a nun's naughty it is!
Love the rainy season . Veg patch just doing it's thing I'll start planting around May time . :thumbsup:
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Girls are looking fantastic as always buddy, that room must have a beautiful aroma drifting round! Looking like you are in for a great haul of flowers in the coming weeks, best sharpen them scissors mate
Going to town for a beer :cheers: , Day 53 and what a smell , I thought Blackberry Gum was good , these take it to the next level . :woohoo1:View attachment 1003693 View attachment 1003694 View attachment 1003695 View attachment 1003696 View attachment 1003697
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ahhh, it is a gekko- :thumbsup: The body looked right, but the lack of toe pads threw me. I see why now, looking it up, it's a rocky habitat specialist, so no need for those amazing "sticky" pads :biggrin:
...meaty head and jaws on it, I hope it's not as bloody nasty as Tokay's are= :evil: --watch your fingers reaching for the light switches!
Ooo, a second nest of that Bush Turkey, or does he have a new cock in his 'hood?! :amazon: :rofl:

I'm with you on the Indie breeders Hec', with solid skills, great genetics, the Magic Eye and lots of personal attention some fantastic and unique stuff gets made! :hump:
Bugger it . I done it . It was driving me crazy :cuss: so I fixed the problem . I took one of the big girls out and stripped a heap of leafs off her and wired up the branches , now she sits in front of the room [ door end ] so all the rest of the plants are getting lots more light . :cooldance:

It will be interesting to see how it reacts . What ever way it goes it is better than pulling her out . :mrgreen: :thumbsup: