Outta this World mate!

.... some catch-up first....
That is a custom paint job if ever I saw one! ....Sooo cool mate, is that a baby goanna, or a gekko? The toes say non-gekko,...? --no "pads"....
>>. leaf composting!

wow, is the soil herd getting jiggy on that stuff! ....that reminds me, how did the bush turkey do this season, adding to your "automated composting" nest stash?

.............. garden in the rain =


the girls are just fab' mate-

...bud is coming in beautifully! ...the aroma, oh man, even better than BBG?!

outstanding,... harvest will be a grinder though, unless you plan to conscript one or both your boys to learn the trim-ropes! ...the jar's you're going to have though,...