
where's the por--
I mean love,

......... How did that girlie do with her new 'do?

I figure it's a wall-to-wall colas right about now!
Wowsers mate, that 'mater is going nuts now

... how's the volunteer chili doing, BTW? .... Hec' that's a very nice space you made for your exotics! ..love the orchids of course, and the Alocasia's are always choice... Are those your Laelia's tucked in that log? I see lots of Dendrob's, a few Bulbophyllums?
.... Noooiiiice! ...

-desert roses look superb mate, man are they loving it there with you,....

oooo, Devil's Backbone and the red bromie's are excellent! Those look like pineapple tops... Got a name on those?
Good timing Hec', I'm posting some seasonal bloomers here now... you've seen these before, except the
Clowesia rosea... This is a deciduous Mexican species, dropping leaves in Fall, a brief dormancy, then flowers come, followed by new bulbs... the aroma is amazing mate, wish you could smell! Mainly sweet grapefruit, a bit of something like library paste, and a dash of cinnamon.... this year is better than the last couple but pales to the normal show,...
>>> This is what it should be like, but they aren't doing that well here vs. Dad's old place!
>>> this is new to posting here I think... Osmoglossum pulchellum,... these flowers are actually upside-down, not sure why considering how it's built, but whatever the pollinator is it works better this way! Super potent aroma, heavy floral nose smack, Lilly of the Valley, Narcissus, along those lines,...