Sweet Seeds Hecno has Red Poison .


Worm Hunter .
Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Aug 9, 2014
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Keeping things in the Red family - Red Poison it is so I have 2 growing , now they are at day 19 , bit of a late start but the last 2 weeks at work have been full on . So I will get all fancy here with this grow journal as I want a badge . [ I was a boy scout when I was a kid :lol: ] so lets start - [ soil ] - I don't have any fancy stuff as I live to far away to get it so I make up my own out of stuff from the local hardware store and mix in perlite till I think I have enough mixed with the soil that it feels good in my hand , sort of fluffy and drains well - I think you will know what I mean . [ nutrients ] - photos will explain that -- [ room ] Aircon - big butt dehumidifier - 2 x Mars Hydro 192 x 3 -- 20 ltr bucket with air stones to oxygenate the water . [ room climate ] - 26 c at 60 % humidity . light schedule 18/4 . -- Hows that -- I will update every sunday .
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Welcome aboard Dingo . I am actuary finding Sweet seeds very stable and easy to look after and great to learn on , all I have to do now is build the yield up which I think I am getting better at . :thumbsup:
Right eh ho now on day 25 , a bit small for day 25 I think and it my be due to the jiffy pots I started them in . I am far from happy with them so in the bin they go . They are now on 1.4 ml grow nutes - cal/mag .6 ml -and roots . 5 ml a liter .They have just started to take off in the last 3 days , so all is good on the tropical farm :thumbsup: also I increased the nitrogen a little bit .
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