New Grower Head First... Learn quicker than the auto grows journal!

Subbed up and along for the ride. You guys really went all in! Great progress so far!
Thank you for the Sub! :thanks: We are excited to have people follow and lend their words! All aboard the hydro train! Choo CHoo Mothas fuckas! lol,
So True. Wait until this weekend update. Shit is crazy. We just flushed and switched to flowering nutrients tonight. Ill Work on update for Sunday. We are running out of room fast. We are going to run 5 now at most..... maybe 4 lol. :drool::chef:
LOL! Looking forward to it!
Good Evening Ladies and Gents!

Thank you for following us thus far. If you are just just joining us feel free to follow along on our first and exciting grow. I have a shorter video update this week so it wont be terrible I promise. :smoking: As far as changes, I had mentioned on a previous post we just switched to flowering nutrients. We are using Canna Aqua line at 75% right now. Next flush we will bump her up to 100% :naughtystep: I hope she is ready for it! Actually I will share our nutrients and measurement chart in case anyone is interested. We also had to vent some cooler, dryer air in, as we think the increase size has lead to increase perspiration causing a spike in RH% in a time when we want it slightly lower. Other than that she keeps growing and we keep waiting....:drunks:.

?? Opinions welcome.... Whats your favorite strand you have grown or want to grow ...??

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I had to edit previous post so sorry if anyone missed it ! Weekly update on the post before this!


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:greenthumb:HOLY SHIT BATMAN! Something happened to your ladies! Looking super fine in there ... WOW :baked:

:slap: Have some rep for day 35! Awesome job to you and the Missus :cooldance:
Ha Ha Awesome! Thank you. I wish we was as close to harvest as you are with your 3 though. :worship: We are looking at around the last week of January for harvest and another week of drying and 2 more for curing :jawdrop:
Ha Ha Awesome! Thank you. I wish we was as close to harvest as you are with your 3 though. :worship: We are looking at around the last week of January for harvest and another week of drying and 2 more for curing :jawdrop:

Your ladies probably have a good 6 weeks to go, maybe more, the buds are still babies. It’ll go by fast though! My ladies will all be over a hundred days before they harvest. GG is 97 days old and she still has 3 weeks easy. My NLs are at 67 days, the NL1 is the farthest along and she still has 6 weeks to go.

I took a quick look at the canna Aqua feeding schedule, it looks like in early flowering you stop the grow and start the bloom. Don’t be afraid to throw that boost in there!

So now, it looks like your ladies have hit the stretch. They’re going to grow a lot taller, fast. How much higher up can you move your light? Supercropping in early flower is a good way to control height and even out the canopy. Don’t be afraid to manipulate these ladies, they aren’t the fragile genetics of early autos. You have all that great space, spread em out! Also, defoliation is a great way to expose developing bud sites to the light. More bud sites + even light coverage = success!

Here’s a plant I like to use for inspiration — she recently won a grow battle:

38630729-C16C-4F63-9CEA-FAFD377D6D77.jpeg 0ABA94C9-0E1E-46C8-9894-95A60D657563.jpeg

See how evenly spread out all the buds are? And how even the height is? That’s how you get the most out of every watt!

Good luck, happy growing, and Merry Christmas to you and yours!