New Grower Head First... Learn quicker than the auto grows journal!

So every 7 days, empty your reservoir. Put in 20 gallons of fresh water. Then, if the nutrient instructions say, for instance, 5 mL per gallon, then put 100mL (5 mL x 20 gallons) of nutrient for full strength, or 50 mL for half strength.

Does that make sense?
Yes that makes a lot more sense than trying to follow this chart. Lol.
Right mate, take that feeding schedule. Roll it up into a lovely little ball. Pour petrol on it, set the cunt on fire and aim it at whoever you like least.
That's the only use you'll get from it.
I don't even have to look, it's wrong! They all are, don't ask me how they get away with it but I've never seen a hydro schedule that was even close to acceptable. Ask any hydro grower and they'll tell you the same.

Here's what you need to know.

Ppm means parts per million. It's how strong the mix is.

If the ppm goes up, it means the plant is taking more water than nutes so the mix is getting stronger.

If the ppm drops, the plant is taking more nutes than water so the mix is getting weaker.

The idea is to try and keep the ppm dropping just a little from day to day.
That's the sweet spot. That means the plant has free will to absorb what it wants, when it it wants

It's roughly 100ppm per week of veg.
You'll notice the changes more once the roots are properly developed.
1 week old seedling needs 100ppm.
4 week old plant needs around 400ppm.
I've only got a 20 litre res so it's sensitive as fuck but allows me to see the changes a lot more clearly than those that use a bigger res.

If the bottoms go yellow you up the Base nutes (NPK a/b veg etc)
If the tops go yellow you up the micro nutes in whatever form you have them. Calmag/micro boost etc.

Always go up in very small doses.
Base nutes go up in increments of 0.5ml per litre.
Micro goes up by 0.2-0.3 ml per litre. (Usually, some of the cheaper ones use bigger doses)
You'll find that this isn't an exact science, it's different for everyone.
your water contains different things.
Temps are different so water evaporates and causes the mix to get stronger. Or doesn't.
Humidity is different so the plants can only absorb what fluids r/h allows. (Google VPD scale I can't upload pics)
Different nutes contain different things.
There's hundreds of reasons unfortunately but if you stick to those rules and always make very small changes you'll never go too far wrong.

Changing a 20 gal res every week is a bit more effort than I'd be prepared to stick to.
You'll get away with 2 weeks no worries (gotta tell people 1 week as it makes it full proof) but you absolutely have to use sm90 or hydroguard to make sure it doesn't start breeding nasty stuff. Need lots of air pumping into it to keep it fresh too.
I've seen plenty people go a full grow without emptying the res. There are guys that get away with it but honestly it's a really bad practice. It's dangerous, absolutely Garunteed to give you less yield than regular changes and Garuntees that you won't ever really know what's in the mix.
Once you've done a couple runs and got to grips with things you'll find out your own limits.

And now it's time for bacon rolls so that'll have to do for now lol.
Hope that helps you out bud
Wanted to go ahead and drop a weekend update. Sorry for the quality this time. New software and it was junk. Attaching some of the pics as well.
I also like to add we have been playing around with the VPD and opening and closing vents/moving fans around etc and we have managed to get a much more closer RH% to the charts for our temperatures.
20181208_175113.jpg20181208_175135.jpg 20181208_175149.jpg
All caught up and subbed for the rest of the ride! Wicked setup you have going on! Cheers and easy smoking! [emoji869]

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Awesome to hear that! Thank you for joining us on this wild ride. I hope to not disappoint everyone and get a successful harvest come January.
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gents!

We are back with another weekly update. This one might be a bit longer as I cover a few ideas we have had in our video. I hope it isn't too boring and I am able to entertain. We have had another successful week. We had some minor set backs with what I believe was Calcium deficiency that has since cleared up since we addressed it. Big Thanks to @bushmasterar15 , @AutoWonders , @Recycled , @Waira , and @BWM for addressing that forum. Also if anyone is interested here are the links for the 2 sheets from the video:

VPD Chart
Daily Measurement Chart

Enjoy! :pass::vibe:
