New Grower Head First... Learn quicker than the auto grows journal!

SO not sure if its worth posting.... But mention on my last post we ran out of head space. So we decided to take the water table downwards.... spent a lot of time and effort on it re routing plumbing and adding elbows etc just to find out we had it too low and it wouldn't drain :hothot: Added some 2x4's just to get clearance, but in the process of all this my ladies were left sideways... :yoinks: broke a few steams and all in all just abused the poor girls. Kind of worried they wont make it but we tied them up to hold them straight and just hoping they recover somehow :goodluck:
SO not sure if its worth posting.... But mention on my last post we ran out of head space. So we decided to take the water table downwards.... spent a lot of time and effort on it re routing plumbing and adding elbows etc just to find out we had it too low and it wouldn't drain :hothot: Added some 2x4's just to get clearance, but in the process of all this my ladies were left sideways... :yoinks: broke a few steams and all in all just abused the poor girls. Kind of worried they wont make it but we tied them up to hold them straight and just hoping they recover somehow :goodluck:
That sucks! Get some paraffin tape to bandage anything broken. They’ll be fine. You may have supercropped your girls by mistake LOL.

Training techniques are really useful for evening out the canopy and controlling height. My aim is to make the plants short and wide. GG has been LST’d and supercropped. The NLs were LST’d, topped and supercropped. All were defoliated several times. From my experience with these 3 plants, my go-to techniques in the future will be ponytailing, topping, LST, and supercropping.
they a lot harder to kill than you think at this stage :thumbsup:
sometimes ya just gotta get a bit brutal..late stage supercropping :gary:
forgotten cookies 3L day 67.JPG

That sucks! Get some paraffin tape to bandage anything broken. They’ll be fine. You may have supercropped your girls by mistake LOL.

Training techniques are really useful for evening out the canopy and controlling height. My aim is to make the plants short and wide. GG has been LST’d and supercropped. The NLs were LST’d, topped and supercropped. All were defoliated several times. From my experience with these 3 plants, my go-to techniques in the future will be ponytailing, topping, LST, and supercropping.
Thats a lot of abuse. Maybe we are more paranoid than anything .With so much vested in to these first 2 we want to make sure we see some sort of return lol. I think on this 2nd grow , we will experiment a lot more with training techniques.
they a lot harder to kill than you think at this stage :thumbsup:
sometimes ya just gotta get a bit brutal..late stage supercropping :gary:
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See. Im over hear treating these things brittle glass and others are intentionally breaking stems lol. But thanks for sharing this it gives me much more hope that they will be okay !
Thats a lot of abuse. Maybe we are more paranoid than anything .With so much vested in to these first 2 we want to make sure we see some sort of return lol. I think on this 2nd grow , we will experiment a lot more with training techniques.
Hey I respect that! You’ll never know what they look like on their own unless you leave one alone every once in a while. And technique might be different on a longer sativa structure as opposed to an already low indica. A lot of people wouldn’t do any training at all if the clearance to the light wasn’t an issue.
Hey I respect that! You’ll never know what they look like on their own unless you leave one alone every once in a while. And technique might be different on a longer sativa structure as opposed to an already low indica. A lot of people wouldn’t do any training at all if the clearance to the light wasn’t an issue.

So I had no idea that there was growing trait differences between indica's and sativa's....... :oops1: . And I feel really stupid because my lady enjoys the more cerebral uplifting high of sativa's so thats what I just ordered. I did try to choose the shorter strands (below 100cm) But after researching this maybe we should grow only 1 sativa plant and fill the rest of the area with indica's. I wanted shorter, fast growing and just spent $80 on slower growing tall plants. :wall:

Lemon AK Auto Feminised Seeds - 1
Royal AK Auto Feminised Seeds - 3
Royal Jack Auto Feminised Seeds - 3

So I had no idea that there was growing trait differences between indica's and sativa's....... :oops1: . And I feel really stupid because my lady enjoys the more cerebral uplifting high of sativa's so thats what I just ordered. I did try to choose the shorter strands (below 100cm) But after researching this maybe we should grow only 1 sativa plant and fill the rest of the area with indica's. I wanted shorter, fast growing and just spent $80 on slower growing tall plants. :wall:

Lemon AK Auto Feminised Seeds - 1
Royal AK Auto Feminised Seeds - 3
Royal Jack Auto Feminised Seeds - 3
Nah, you ordered what the lady wanted. Best keep the canopy height uniform. You’ll just need to sharpen your training pencil. :shooty::fire::naughtystep::muahaha:
Good evening and Happy New Years!

So what I learnt about Marijuana horticulture this year.......
  • Hydroponics can be expensive. :nono:

  • When it comes to nutrient solutions ..keep it simple. :stir:
  • Your plants will grow much larger than you think!!!! :growing:
  • As per the previous point, don't be scared to prune and/or top .:tang:
  • Marijuana plants are tough and sometimes even enjoy a bit of abuse... :naughtystep: ( Those naughty plants)
  • If your humble and know where to look and ask (AFN Forums) you will find a lot of great people from stoners to hobbyist willing to offer advice and guidance. :thanks:
On wards we grow into 2019. !!! I decided to take this new years eve to prune and clean up our grow space. As I couldn't help but to feel like our ladies had stalled on progress. despite all conditions being rather ideal. I concluded they were putting all their effort into maintaining and growing these giant mutant 13 branch fan leaves.20181231_180219_Film3.jpg rather than into colas. So I started slicing and dicing 20181231_184245_Film3.jpg 20181231_184402_Film3.jpg

We ended up with 2 lovely looking ladies I think.... Or maybe I gave them bowel cuts lol.

I feel good either way about them. I also wanted to share from the changes in the tent and damages done.
This is where we hurt our poor baby and patched her up. She seems to be holding 20181231_184256_Film3.jpg

And last but not least we removed these containers20181231_192238_Film3.jpg from underneath and replaced them with 20181231_192301_Film3.jpg these bricks.

Thats it for my end of the year update. C-ya next year!!