Glad you got more than you bargained for bro this journal has been a real pleasure to follow i learned more about traing in this onr thread than i have in nearly a years growing! I cant wait for the next one. Hope you have a great day hazy mate
Glad you got more than you bargained for bro this journal has been a real pleasure to follow i learned more about traing in this onr thread than i have in nearly a years growing! I cant wait for the next one. Hope you have a great day hazy mate

Thanks my brother... it was indeed a surprise..i think these large 18L pots made me think there was less than there was...kinda scratching my head really...seems almost a surreal amount of bud in such a compact space.....i mean they had no real height at all with the training but still managed to produce way over the odds....and the smoke is a pure pleasure...i could be in Amsterdam circa 1991....on that note a Merry Crimbo to you too mate
Everything my friend... the whole shooting match all at location, many more lights, many many more plants...Think Big v Think Different is happening too...can't wait to see these two battle it out.

Ok let's wrap up another has been a total pleasure to have had the opportunity to get first dibs on this strain..What can i say that hasn't been shown was fast, it was bloomtastic and it yielded.. from the three plants, I got...drum roll.... a shit load of bud,,haha,, it really does live up to the XL label attached, even after just a few days curing in the jars it's getting sweeter and smoother by the day.....i love the stone, laid back, stress free, kinda vibe... this is something new, but feels very old school indeed...... i recommend this shit to the max...

Here me gettin all sticky fingers while cropping.....


I hope you all enjoyed this as much as i did...and for me, i'm going to continue enjoying it for a while.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the adventure, pure pleasure and fun was had along the way.. as always is the case here. Have a great New Year.

Next grow........viene muy pronto.