Indoor Growing Scrog

What is the legal limit for you now? Cali was it right?
6mature(flowering) or 12immature(vegging) per household. the laws are grey on how many of each you can have at the same time. I keep it at 6mature and 12immature. I do 6outdoor at my moms house and just a couple indoor because of limited space. And the numbers are per household not per person, so my mom claims the six outdoor and claim whatever is indoor at my place. Its tricky but i do want to stay legal.
6mature(flowering) or 12immature(vegging) per household. the laws are grey on how many of each you can have at the same time. I keep it at 6mature and 12immature. I do 6outdoor at my moms house and just a couple indoor because of limited space. And the numbers are per household not per person, so my mom claims the six outdoor and claim whatever is indoor at my place. Its tricky but i do want to stay legal.
legal is always best :thumbsup: