Indoor Growing Scrog

Scrog I bet is also good outdoors, never done it personally. But the big advantages is for small tent growers like us the way I see it. It is a way of working around the lesser light penetration from indoors light for me. I'm also following what people are doing with under canopy light in smaller spaces. I could go a bit higher personally in my space and maybe score more bud underneath.
I would like to try that, how many times a day do they get fertigated? I would think they get pretty thirsty towards the end. Beautiful plants btw. Thats fastbuds gorilla punch looks super healthy!
Plants are getting fed at least 4 times a day. I have my daughter that just graduated from college here to help water and I can also fill the tubs up and leave for the day without worrying about them drying up

I also have some plants going outdoor and am trying to figure a way out to scrog them and i think your modular frames are pretty ingenious! They way the screen is guided by the posts makes so much sense! Ill have tobplan something for next round but you have a seriously dialed way of growing, goals man goals!
Thank you Brother. :lol:
The rolling scrog carts work really well for how simple they are. Had some old sectional dog fencing I wasn’t using and scrap wood so the cost was minimal.
Outdoor plants should grow well in
Scrog I bet is also good outdoors, never done it personally. But the big advantages is for small tent growers like us the way I see it. It is a way of working around the lesser light penetration from indoors light for me. I'm also following what people are doing with under canopy light in smaller spaces. I could go a bit higher personally in my space and maybe score more bud underneath.
I’m a firm believer in under canopy lighting Bro. If I can spare the watts I’ll always light it up down there.
If you have a chance take a peak at the outdoor autos in rolling scrog carts I grew over the summer. :rolleyes1:

Dutch Passion Auto Daiquiri Lime
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Scrog I bet is also good outdoors, never done it personally. But the big advantages is for small tent growers like us the way I see it. It is a way of working around the lesser light penetration from indoors light for me. I'm also following what people are doing with under canopy light in smaller spaces. I could go a bit higher personally in my space and maybe score more bud underneath.
I was just talking to @420autoflower -bout this a little bit, but he does it outdoors as well. I couldnt imagine anybody putting in the effort if it wasnt worth it. I think the big advantage lies not necessarily in the small tent world but in the small limited number of plants world, which does include ALOT of small tents. Im gonna try it on a plant next round for outdoors, i just need to get stared on preparing.i am also limited by numbers and space(indoors) so will be trying alot of new things. What methods do you use that have worked best for you? I also bought some lst clips to try but the nodes on my indoor plants are so tight they dont fit yet! But thats another training method i will be giving a shot. Its also strain dependent with autos as alot of the faster plants just don’t have the time it takes to pull off alot the training techniques like the schwazzes and the supercropping, i learned that here and it is something i never thiught about before approaching it.
I was just talking to @420autoflower -bout this a little bit, but he does it outdoors as well. I couldnt imagine anybody putting in the effort if it wasnt worth it. I think the big advantage lies not necessarily in the small tent world but in the small limited number of plants world, which does include ALOT of small tents. Im gonna try it on a plant next round for outdoors, i just need to get stared on preparing.i am also limited by numbers and space(indoors) so will be trying alot of new things. What methods do you use that have worked best for you? I also bought some lst clips to try but the nodes on my indoor plants are so tight they dont fit yet! But thats another training method i will be giving a shot. Its also strain dependent with autos as alot of the faster plants just don’t have the time it takes to pull off alot the training techniques like the schwazzes and the supercropping, i learned that here and it is something i never thiught about before approaching it.
Nice to experiment with different techniques/methods and find what works for you. I was growing SOG for awhile but decided to change it up a couple years ago and grow SCROG, I like the challenge of doing everything thing I can to maximize the full potential out of every auto I grow and producing higher quality material at the same time. My plant count is also lower with SCROG compared to when I was running SOG crops and I’m well within my legal limit now.
The autos I’m growing do take up a lot of space but I’ve always grown with the cheapest equipment on the market. My average complete tent set up ranges from $150-$235 so I’m not spending a fortune on equipment but the power bill is a whole different story. :nono:
Nice to experiment with different techniques/methods and find what works for you. I was growing SOG for awhile but decided to change it up a couple years ago and grow SCROG, I like the challenge of doing everything thing I can to maximize the full potential out of every auto I grow and producing higher quality material at the same time. My plant count is also lower with SCROG compared to when I was running SOG crops and I’m well within my legal limit now.
The autos I’m growing do take up a lot of space but I’ve always grown with the cheapest equipment on the market. My average complete tent set up ranges from $150-$235 so I’m not spending a fortune on equipment but the power bill is a whole different story. :nono:
Im super limited with indoor space sp i only have the 2x2x4, but outdoors i have enough space its just 10 miles from where i live so going every day is alot of work, i try to go every 2-3 days, but that will have to change if i try scrog outdoor and have to fertigate daily if i switch to hydro, even if its automated i would still have to ph
Im super limited with indoor space sp i only have the 2x2x4, but outdoors i have enough space its just 10 miles from where i live so going every day is alot of work, i try to go every 2-3 days, but that will have to change if i try scrog outdoor and have to fertigate daily if i switch to hydro, even if its automated i would still have to ph
You may not "have to pH." With decent water, including rain, and suitable (high quality chelated) base nutes you can grow in hydro, coco, soil, etc. without testing and adjusting pH. For example, Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect base nutes (parts A and B) are made/marketed to be used with no need "to pH," and work very well. And MegaCrop also works very well without pH adjustment. I presume there are other products that can do the same thing - not actually need pH adjustment (are taken up by the plant over a wide pH range) if mixed in low ppm/EC water.

Using MegaCrop 2-part in coco/perlite in a small tent starting with RO water, I haven't even measured, much less adjusted, pH in years.
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You may not "have to pH." With decent water, including rain, and suitable (high quality chelated) base nutes you can grow in hydro, coco, soil, etc. without testing and adjusting pH. For example, Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect base nutes (parts A and B) are made/marketed to be used with no need "to pH," and work very well. And MegaCrop also works very well without pH adjustment. I presume there are other products that can do the same thing - not actually need pH adjustment (are taken up by the plant over a wide pH range) if mixed in low ppm/EC water.

Using MegaCrop 2-part in coco/perlite in a small tent starting with RO water, I haven't even measured, much less adjusted, pH in years.
I have to do more research on that. I took a break from growing for almost ten years and am just getting back into it, the whole game has changed and it feels like starting all over again. Thank you very much, i will look into those!🙏
Nice to experiment with different techniques/methods and find what works for you. I was growing SOG for awhile but decided to change it up a couple years ago and grow SCROG, I like the challenge of doing everything thing I can to maximize the full potential out of every auto I grow and producing higher quality material at the same time. My plant count is also lower with SCROG compared to when I was running SOG crops and I’m well within my legal limit now.
The autos I’m growing do take up a lot of space but I’ve always grown with the cheapest equipment on the market. My average complete tent set up ranges from $150-$235 so I’m not spending a fortune on equipment but the power bill is a whole different story. :nono:
What is the legal limit for you now? Cali was it right?