Indoor Grow 6- Dutch Passion-AutoNight Queen,Sweet Seeds-Auto BlackJack & DinaFem-Auto Moby Dick

Captains Bong-11/25/16- Whelp today makes day 48 for the Dutch Passion AutoNight Queen & Sweet Seeds Black Jack, 45 for the Dinafem Auto Moby Dick and 31 for the Sweet Seeds Black Cream. The ANQ & BJ are about medium size plants with fat dense buds and TONS of frost especially the Night Queen. The Black Cream is still stretching and is a tad taller than the ANQ & BJ but she still has alot of growing to do. The Dina-Fem Auto Moby Dick is proving to be the Super Saiyan God out of this bunch coming in at 3 and 1/2 feet tall and fat as hell with buds everywhere this plant is fucking HUGE and is probably the biggest auto I have ever had and she is only on day 45 :growing::jawdrop:. If she fills out completely she could be a 1/2Lb. fat girl @Dinafem-Mark I want to give you some MoJo for the genetics of the Moby she is one bad momma and I cannot wait for the JUDY CHOP. The Queen has about 15 or 20 days left and she will be done, I would probably say the same for the Black Jack, due to the sheer size and girth of the Moby it is safe to say she will go a fair ways past 75 days and she is suckin down a gallon and 1/2 of Geyser every other day and eating SeaGrow for breakfast,lunch and dinner SHE LOVES IT, anyways guys here are some pics.. much luv and have a mellow one.
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Dude you're going to want to tie those skinny little branches up to he main stalk. My MD had a couple of braches that just snapped at the base from the weight of those fat buds.
Captains Bong-11/30/16- Shit is gettin foxy :dancer::yoinks::dancer:. Today is day 53 for the Dutch Passion AutoNight Queen & Sweet Seeds Black Jack, Day 50 for DinaFem Auto Moby Dick & 36 for Sweet Seeds Black Cream. I had my canine/eye tooth cut out yesterday and I am starting to feel the pain and swelling now so this is going to be a quick entry. Let us first begin with the Night Queen, I have to say it has been awhile since I have seen a plant this frosty..she is literally dripping with Tri's she is short but A FATTY MCFAT, we are at mostly cloudy with a little amber and she is turning hairs from white to red and really is ripe for the pickins any time now, she smells of a deep musky fruit. The Jack is getting equally frosty and smells like a dead skunk.. but oh my do dead skunks smell good she still has a few weeks to go most of the tri's are still clear and no red hairs yet. The Cream is a tad taller than her sisters Queen & Black I just switched her today to 1/2tsp of 4-26-26 and 1tsp of calmag I also threw in a 1/2tsp of GreatWhite for good vibes:vibe:she is nuggin up with deep red/purple buds and I can already tell she is going to be almost solid reddish black. Now for the MONSTER THAT HAS MY TENT HOSTAGE.... THE MIGHTY MOBY DICK AUTO FROM DINAFEM, this bad momma is pushing 4 feet tall and is fat as hell she is at day 50 and just now stopped stretching she is under a mars 700 which I have raised to almost 5 feet from the soil thank god I got the big ass tent so even the biggest of monsters can dwell unharmed :D. I bought some bamboo supports a few days ago because I can already tell when the buds start to go into full swoll mode she is going to need support as of now her smell is very earthy and a little berry she is starting to make some mushroom heads and I have a feeling she is about to blow. I took 10 pics today so this entry would be a good one because I probably will not do another full entry until I feed again, will most def do updates and a few snaps here and there hehe. Oh yeah I actually probably will do a entry tomorrow as my Mars Reflector 192 will be here my beans have also been shipped I got about 6 or 7 new photoperiod strains including the freebies prolly 25 beans total, I also got some cool LED shades so I don't go blind as this growing is becoming a full time gig and I am lovin it like McD's... Until tomorrow guys much luv and have a mellow one, Check out teh pics! *Edit real fast just now got a notification that a UPS truck was late so now light will not be here until the 2nd... UPS is fuckin up uhhh, as long as it arrives safe is all that matters I still hate UPS*)
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So do you have any better express company to recommend?
I meant that one needs to be created and UPS/Fedex should not be the only options. There is a company called Road-Runner but I think that they only do freight/large orders. We could go in and make a shipping company Tina, that actually has customer service and genuinely cares about the customer and safety/privacy of the customer, because now UPS and FED-ex are the only big delivery companies and in my opinion they suck...UPS is better than FED-EX, Fed-ex drivers will flat out go through your shit just shy of cutting open the box, I know this because I had a local driver that lives near me that used to open all the boxes then tape them shut again NO PRIVACY AT ALL, I am glad that you guys decided to start using UPS because fed-ex is genuinely horrible and dishonest. Tina,I know you live all the way in China (I assume) but if you are single we need to go on a date as you are my favorite sales woman :D:dancer::vibe::dancer:
I meant that one needs to be created and UPS/Fedex should not be the only options. There is a company called Road-Runner but I think that they only do freight/large orders. We could go in and make a shipping company Tina, that actually has customer service and genuinely cares about the customer and safety/privacy of the customer, because now UPS and FED-ex are the only big delivery companies and in my opinion they suck...UPS is better than FED-EX, Fed-ex drivers will flat out go through your shit just shy of cutting open the box, I know this because I had a local driver that lives near me that used to open all the boxes then tape them shut again NO PRIVACY AT ALL, I am glad that you guys decided to start using UPS because fed-ex is genuinely horrible and dishonest. Tina,I know you live all the way in China (I assume) but if you are single we need to go on a date as you are my favorite sales woman :D:dancer::vibe::dancer:
Hahaha thank you Kakarot, you flattered me