Indoor Grow 6- Dutch Passion-AutoNight Queen,Sweet Seeds-Auto BlackJack & DinaFem-Auto Moby Dick

Moby Dick is the SHIT !

You have the opportunity to make a very cool grow my friend, nice set up you have there. I love the LED. You only have 4 plants, so you should try to gain the most of it. I was gonna tell you to super crop them, but I'm stoned you know, don't listen to me. I don't grow autoflow seeds anymore, but I've done my first grow with.

You're doing great, but your light is really high, and you'll have a lot of stretch at flowering. And this will make you loose a lot of good undergrowth stems. Remember you can top your cannabis plant, but you cannot super crop it. You should try to Scrog Train your plant, by pulling down your main stem (wires are the only thing you need). This will allow you to let the light penetrate and reach the full plant. Place the secondary stems next to it to form a circle and it will make a nice crown of weed.

Peace !
Captains Bong-11/3/16- Well today is day 26 for the AutoNight Queen & Auto Black Jack its day 23 for Auto Moby Dick & day 9 for the Black Cream oh yeah the Moby showed its Sex pistols so all 3 of the O.G have shown sex the Cream is a baby still so still a way to go for her. I have to say that now I am a pure Mars Man, it was hell because of the space and the fact I still had the gorilla tent up but I am so glad, and it was so worth putting up the 5x5x7 Mars tent with the mars 2 400 & 700 inside. The gals are loving it and I no longer have a damn worry on earth about the girls out growing the tent. The only thing that is not perfect about this setup is my fan and filter as it is only a VenTech 4inch Fan and Filter @ 190 CFM, I have a PowerMaxx 8inch fan & filter @ 720 CFM but it is seriously way to big..but do not fret my pet as I have 6 inch VenTech Fan and Filter @ 440 CFM on the way it will be here Monday, at this stage in the grow the 4incher is doing great for exhausting the heat and smell. I have never had a tent this big it is crazy because I can actually get inside and walk about with the girls lol, I think my pale ass got a sunburn today in there:hothot: I am actually surprised how well the 4inch Ventech Fan and filter are working on medium speed setting it keeps lights on temp to no hotter than 82 degrees. The 3 older girls are all on 1/2TSP of SeaGrow 16-16-16 & 1TSP of CalMag Plus with a 1/2tsp of Great White Mixed in there to, the Black Cream is just getting 10oz of plain water with some GW mixed in.. anyway much luv guys and have a mellow one gonna upload pics and crash, @MarshydroTina check out this post and my last to see your tent and lights put to use!
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Looking great Kakarot, the girls are beautiful to be ready get fatter and bigger
Captains Bong-11/5/16- Tewwwwwday is day 28 for the AutoNight Queen & Black Jack it's 25 for the Moby Dick and 11 for Black Cream. The Queen is hauling ass getting tall quick and with a shit ton of nodes and pistols, Jack is short and bushy she is slowly getting her stretch on (she is the only one in a 2 gallon). Moby is probably the biggest huge fans and big ass pre-flowers, I think I may have slowed the Cream seedling down by under watering but she is doing good now starting to see some good growth. I got rid of the green algae problem by simply roughing up the topsoil a bit after feeding, I think switching from the little tent and cab to the monster tent helped kill the rest of it off as well with a more stable and controlled climate. I was tempted to LST but I really like just letting them grow.. I have no height or space worries period so what the hell gonna let them just do their thing BUT I am doing some tuckin and duckin of the fans and that is going well. Not much going on right now, we are just going @ a nice medium pace... I am waiting for the explosion as we are nearing day 30. Much luv guys and have a mellow one here are a few pics, I have a feeling the gals are about to go Super Saiyan:fire:
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Captains Bong-11/7/16- Lawdy today is the big dirty 30 for AutoNight Queen and Black Jack,27 for the Moby Dick and 13 for the Black Cream. I have made another big change, I put the VenTech 440CFM fan and Carbon Filter inside the tent completely which about killed me, took the filter off the 4 inch and now I have it rigged as the exhaust and so far it is working awesome and there is no smell period and the airflow is great check it out!
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Captains Bong-11/9/16- Well MURICA we got THE DONALD for president, 1 step closer in my opinion... Today makes day 32 for the AutoNight Queen & Auto Black Jack, 29 for the Auto Moby Dick and 15 for the Auto Black Cream. The Moby is blowin up and appears to be out growin everyone else but she has not started to preflower yet neither has the Black Jack but I can tell she is about to. The AutoNight Queen already has Pea Size Nuggie preflowers I will probably do one more feed of 16x3 for her and then switch to the 4-26-26, other than that notta has changed... I did get a I-phone 7 and I have been Android for like 5 or 6 years so I have no idea what the hell I am doing with a IOS, so if the pics are a bit different that is why... I will figure the damn thing out sooner or later, much luv guys and have a mellow 1. (Today was feed day for Black Jack that is why she looks sad lol)
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Captains Bong-11/15/16- Thought I would do a quick one today, I got the Tap Talk app for mobile but it won't let me use Kakarot so my name on there is Kakarot932 anyway, today the AutoNight Queen & Auto Black Jack are 38 days, Auto Moby Dick is 35 and the Auto Black Cream is 21. Ok the Queen and Jack both were switched to 1/2TSP 4-26-26 SeaGrow with 1TSP of CalMag Plus yesterday, The Dick is still on 16-16-16 1 full TSP and she is getting 1 full TSP of CalMag as well. Moby and Queen are drinking a full gallon the Jack takes about a half gallon due to the 2 gallon smart, the rest are in 3 gallon. I soaked the Black Cream today with almost a full gallon of SeaGrow 16-16-16 1/4TSP with 1/2TSP of Calmag... all water PH is 6.7/6.8... Here are some pics everything going smooth for now, much luv guys have a mellow 1. (Forgot to mention that Black Cream popped her stinky pits already, she is so tiny it looks funny she is growing O.P lol)
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Captains Bong-11/15/16- Thought I would do a quick one today, I got the Tap Talk app for mobile but it won't let me use Kakarot so my name on there is Kakarot932 anyway, today the AutoNight Queen & Auto Black Jack are 38 days, Auto Moby Dick is 35 and the Auto Black Cream is 21. Ok the Queen and Jack both were switched to 1/2TSP 4-26-26 SeaGrow with 1TSP of CalMag Plus yesterday, The Dick is still on 16-16-16 1 full TSP and she is getting 1 full TSP of CalMag as well. Moby and Queen are drinking a full gallon the Jack takes about a half gallon due to the 2 gallon smart, the rest are in 3 gallon. I soaked the Black Cream today with almost a full gallon of SeaGrow 16-16-16 1/4TSP with 1/2TSP of Calmag... all water PH is 6.7/6.8... Here are some pics everything going smooth for now, much luv guys have a mellow 1. (Forgot to mention that Black Cream popped her stinky pits already, she is so tiny it looks funny she is growing O.P lol)
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Plants looks great, really nice job:ladies:
Captains Bong-11/18/16- Hello there neighbor, lol..... Today makes 41 days of life for the AutoNight Queen & Black Jack,38 for the Moby Dick and 24 for the Black Cream. As of today The Queen,BJ and The Dick have all made the switch from 16-16-16 SeaGrow to 4-26-26 1Tsp for all along with 1Tsp of Calmag Plus,per gallon of Geyser. The Moby is the giant out of this group and she just now has grape size nuggies she is going to be a monster. The AutoNight Queen is not very tall, she is about 1-1/2 feet but DAMN her structure is perfect and she is swoll with massive nugs and frost buh god the smell is that of skunky fruit that could knock a horse out:deadhorse:. The Black Jack is short and fat big'ol boosh with some good heads forming I cannot put a smell on her yet, Black Cream has finally started to take off at day 24 over the last week she has had some killer growth and she has 2 mutated leafs which is pretty weird. THAR SHEEE BLOWS the Moby Dick from DinaFem is a massive girl @ 38 days she is just starting to flower and I just switched her to SeaGrow 4-26-26 today she is going to be even more of a beast when she goes into full flower.. I have to admit I am starting to get excited as we are making the transition to flower. The Mars 2 400 and 700 are pretty much the perfect lights for this tent @ a space of 5x5x7 the 400 covers a 2.5x2.5 area while the 700 covers 3x3 so total coverage we have 5x5.5 LED coverage and the gals are loving it. If you are a grow virgin or vet Mars in my opinion is the way to go, I would actually like to see a up to date version of the 4x4 coverage reflector series. I really like the new Mars 2 Pro but they are pretty pricey I think I will wait to get anything new until the next new line comes out from Mars. I want to throw out there that my 2 fave LED companies are Mars and LightHouse Hydro (BlackStar). Black Dog LED is a brand that I WOULD LOVE to get my hands on good god I want one so bad, maybe somewhere down the road. I have not been able to do as many entries for this journal as I would like but I have a ton of stuff going on right now and all the girls are fed on different days tho they are drinking a hell of alot more now and ALOT faster, it is really hard (for me) to take them in and out of the tent for photo'ops every time I feed so I am just gonna do what I can in terms of pics, anyways guys that is it for today gonna upload and crash for the night much luv everyone keep it mellow! (Also I am not sure why I gave all the girls except the Moby Dick the shocker in pics lol).
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Captains Bong-11/20/16- Well there is not anyone who can say I do not have enough light in the damn 5x5x7 now as I fixed the shocking issue AND heat issue with the KIND K3 L300, who would have fucking thought that a live wire was hitting the brass fitting and one of the fans were not hooked up correctly it took me a total of 15 minutes if that to fix it, I have nothing else to say about KIND LED except that the customer service blows and the lights are good but way to over priced, so now I have the Mars 2 400,Mars 2 700 and the Kind 300 in the tent it looks like a space ship about to take off. I was worried about heat with the KIND but after I FIXED IT it is like I did not even put another one in there, now onto the ladies:dancer:. Dutch Passion AutoNight Queen is 43 days as is the Sweet Seeds Black Jack Auto. The Moby Dick Auto from DinaFem is a MONSTER at 40 days & Sweet Seeds Black Cream is picking up speed at 26. Black Cream took almost a full gallon of 1/2TSP of 16x3 with 1TSP of CalMag Plus all the rest of the ladies are on 1 gallon of Geyser with 1 full Tsp of 4-26-26 and a full TSP of CalMag Plus. Now let me get into the personas of each gal, The Queen is short but stout, her structure is perfect and she is frosting up like crazy she smells of skunky grapes. Black Jack is just now starting to frost she is also a shorty but a good size for a 2 gallon smart she smells of strong skunk. The Moby Dick is kind of the odd ball here and she is a fucking MONSTER but instead of smelling like skunk or fruit she smells like earth or something, I am sure she will get her stink on as she starts to frost. Black Cream has finally started to take off and is actually growing at a pretty fast pace.. she is getting light from all 3 LEDS and popped her pistols at like day 18 which was really early compared to the others AND I already see deep red and purple on the little calyx where the hairs are popping out :D. Stuff is going well for now. I kinda wish I would have fixed the KIND at the beginning of the grow but oh well its in there now and that is all that matters... Here are 8 pics I believe one of which is of the whole setup, take it easy guys have a mellow one and much luv. @Dinafem-Mark @DutchPassionTony
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