Indoor Grow 6- Dutch Passion-AutoNight Queen,Sweet Seeds-Auto BlackJack & DinaFem-Auto Moby Dick

Babies are growing up and looking real happy ;) Best of luck for the grow bro, not that you gonna need it as i know you gonna rock it.
Captains Bong-10/23/16- Well I lugged the cab upstairs and put in with the gorilla, so now we are adding a Sweet Seeds Black Cream Auto to this grow, I just planted her today she is same soil and nutes, light is Kind L300 and SunBlaze 24 Side T5 and she has the whole cab to her self, she is in a 3 gallon smartie. Now on to the other ladies whom of which are all doing wonderful, the AutoNight Queen & Black Jack are @ day 15 the Moby Dick Auto is @ 12 days. Still on the same amount of SeaGrow,CalMag and Great White.. ah yeah I flipped the Mars II 400 to full spectrum on the 21st so the ANQ,BJ & MD are getting full blast now. I have the just planted Black Cream in cab with just T5's on until she sprouts. This is going to be one hell of a grow 4 plants/4 different strains...I may have to call upon the people of AFN for some energy for this spirit bomb lol. Much luv guys here are the pics for today have a mellow 1. @Spanglish thanks man, I appreciate you stopping by :D
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Captains Bong-10/26/16- We have new life today as the Sweet Seeds Black Cream has poked its little head up out of the soil! My other babies are doing well. I had to feed the AutoNight Queen so I snapped a few quick pics it is day 18 for the Night Queen & Black Jack and 15 for the Auto Moby Dick. Going to stay with 1/4tsp of SeaGrow 16-16-16,1/2TSP of Calmag Plus and 1/2 TSP of Great White until about week 3 then I will up the 16x3 to 1/2TSP and the CalMag to 1TSP per Gallon. Much luv guys and have a mellow one gonna upload these and play Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 for PS4.
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Firstly thank you for picking a Dinafem strain to be included in this grow. Our moby dick is a great strain, full of flavour and packs a punch :pass: and thank you for dropping a link in the Dinafem section of AFN much appreciated.

Secondly what a nice little set up you have. All 3 strains look very healthy and some nice growth starting on all 3 little ladies :toke:

Now I know where the thread is ill be along for the ride and again thank you for documenting your grow on AFN and thank you for including a Dinafem strain :slap:

All the best

Captains Bong-10/28/16- Well today is day 20 for the Dutch Passion AutoNight Queen & Sweet Seeds Black Jack Auto,17 for the Dinafem Moby Dick Auto and day 3 for the Sweet Seeds Black Cream Auto. Not much to complain about at this point all the girls are doing awesome, The Queen popped her first set of pistols today & Moby has some HUGE dumbo ear like leafs lol. BJ is already growing out of the 2 gallon smartie and the Black Cream is a strong 3 day seedling. I got the temps down with lights on in the cab to a safe and steady 83/84 degrees and R-H to about 35/40 after taking the dumbass Kind 300 out and replacing with the good'ol BlackStar 240 lights out temps are steady 74 the R-H does not really drop in the Cab during lights out. The lights on temp in the Gorilla are a steady 75/80 degrees and R-H is steady 43/45, lights out is steady at about 73 degrees and R-H 40. I am actually really happy to be back home and it shows in the plants and their growth. I have said this before and I will say it again the Cannabis plant to me is very conscious of what is going on in terms of mood and surroundings and since I started growing I have had a very deep/relaxed connection to every plant I have grown. I consumed all through High School but then quit for a long time probably 10 years, but then I started to get into reading about growing and I had a friend that did and as soon as I saw his girls I felt a immediate connection to Cannabis again. I nearly made it through my first grow without consuming and I still had the same connection to the plants but I finally gave in and took a bong rip of the Mohan and it was like I was home again :D, I probably sound like a nut case but it is the truth and I have never been happier. Growing actually has more of an effect on my depression than smoking/consuming. I am rambling now, but yeah that is it for the day going to upload pics and there are a shit ton this round...Oh yeah the nutes are still the same tomorrow will be 21 days or 3 weeks for the AutoNight and Black Jack so the next feed I am going to up the SeaGrow 16x3 to 1/2TSP and CalMag Plus to 1TSP for those two. The Moby will stay at 1/4 and 1/2 for one more feed as she is 3 days behind the others and the Black Cream is still a baby so nothin but water and white for her...Ok much luv guys and have a mellow one.
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Captains Bong-10/30/16- Quick update, the Black Jack has shown her SEX PISTOLS ohhh yeah babeh its day 22 for the ANQ & BJ. The Queen showed hers on day 20, just waiting on the Moby to get her Sex on bawchicawowow, Black Cream is 5 days will update with pics when I water the AutoNight Queen tomorrow, Much luv guys & have a mellow one... Stone Sour gonna carry us to bed tonight!
Captains Bong-10/31/16- Today makes day 23 for the AutoNight Queen & Auto Black Jack its day 20 for the Auto Moby Dick and day 6 for the Auto Black Cream. The feed for all 3 of the gals has been upped from 1/4 TSP of SeaGrow 16-16-16 and 1/2 TSP of CalMag PLUS to 1/2 TSP of SeaGrow 16-16-16 and 1 TSP of CalMag Plus. The Dutch Passion AutoNight Queen has been the first to receive the higher dose and she seems to have taken to it pretty well, hopefully the other 2 take to it to. I am also having something I have not really had with my other grows it has been there just not this much is Green Algae on the top soil, it is not that bad but I am OCD and will not stand for that shit lol so now everytime I water I do not let the soil just sit I take my G-Tool from my Snoop Dawg G-Pen lmao and just move the top soil around a bit to make it a bit airy so it drys off quicker thus the Algae does not have time to form. Other than that the girls are doing good. Much luv guys send me some good vibes not only for the grow but for my health as well, have a mellow one.
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Captains Bong-11/3/16- Well... I have said to hell with the 2 grand hot box that is the Stupid Closet and I love the Gorilla but not big enough... SOoooooo here is the ladies new home the beast that is the Mars 5x5x7 I about died getting this thing up in room as I had to do it while the gorilla was still up but damn it is sexy and it was worth it. I have the mars 700 and 400 running in it with the 4 inch Ventech fan and filter. 6 inch ventech fan and filter is on the way I have a 8 inch powermaxx but damn the thing is almost as big as the tent it is HUGE and way to damn big. The 4inch ventech is working surprisingly well as long as its on Medium speed there is seriously no smell and its keeping the temps down to about 82 at the hottest so it will do until I can get the 6inch... I also have 2 6 inch clip fans inside... There will be more to come, I have never had this much space to grow in and I can say the ladies are lovin it. I will do a entry later on... Here are some sneak pics! much luv guys..
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Captains Bong-11/3/16- Well today is day 26 for the AutoNight Queen & Auto Black Jack its day 23 for Auto Moby Dick & day 9 for the Black Cream oh yeah the Moby showed its Sex pistols so all 3 of the O.G have shown sex the Cream is a baby still so still a way to go for her. I have to say that now I am a pure Mars Man, it was hell because of the space and the fact I still had the gorilla tent up but I am so glad, and it was so worth putting up the 5x5x7 Mars tent with the mars 2 400 & 700 inside. The gals are loving it and I no longer have a damn worry on earth about the girls out growing the tent. The only thing that is not perfect about this setup is my fan and filter as it is only a VenTech 4inch Fan and Filter @ 190 CFM, I have a PowerMaxx 8inch fan & filter @ 720 CFM but it is seriously way to big..but do not fret my pet as I have 6 inch VenTech Fan and Filter @ 440 CFM on the way it will be here Monday, at this stage in the grow the 4incher is doing great for exhausting the heat and smell. I have never had a tent this big it is crazy because I can actually get inside and walk about with the girls lol, I think my pale ass got a sunburn today in there:hothot: I am actually surprised how well the 4inch Ventech Fan and filter are working on medium speed setting it keeps lights on temp to no hotter than 82 degrees. The 3 older girls are all on 1/2TSP of SeaGrow 16-16-16 & 1TSP of CalMag Plus with a 1/2tsp of Great White Mixed in there to, the Black Cream is just getting 10oz of plain water with some GW mixed in.. anyway much luv guys and have a mellow one gonna upload pics and crash, @MarshydroTina check out this post and my last to see your tent and lights put to use!
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