Indoor GreenBean's Grows

Nuggets is about 2 days out from harvest. Now I’m focusing on Alien Moon Rocks as I start to open her canopy up. One thing I feel is that my growing style is more suited to 7 gallon pots. It just gives that little bit of extra something to allow the buds to fully develop.

Believe it or not. My first purple strain. She’s taking on a beautiful structure and smells like fruity pebbles.

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Sage looks awesome bro. Any chance u can post a close up shot of nuggets?
Thanks for the kind words! It’s all about observation in my mind. I figure with the Floraflex schedule for autos it’s a little, standard 50% feeding rule for autos. Not sure how they came to that conclusion, but I can guess why. And from a business standpoint it makes sense.

@Cerebral Goo thank you for the reps!
I believe some of these newer autos are bigger and I think a lot of the ruderalis has been bred out of the plants.
They want to eat.
I have to grow AMR again it was an excellent grower and smoke. I have grown in 3,5,7 gallon. I only use 3 for small plants.
When I have grown in sevens it seems like the plants get bigger. more weight. The fives I use now are more like 5.5 gal vs some that are more like 4.5 gal. Even that makes a big difference.
I have to grow AMR again it was an excellent grower and smoke. I have grown in 3,5,7 gallon. I only use 3 for small plants.
When I have grown in sevens it seems like the plants get bigger. more weight. The fives I use now are more like 5.5 gal vs some that are more like 4.5 gal. Even that makes a big difference.

Its for sure strain dependent. But I feel like if the plant can take advantage of the larger pot, and extra time, I get fuller buds.

I’m kind of kicking myself for not doing Sage and Nuggets in 7s. An extra couple weeks and the buds may have been way fuller. Or maybe not. Nuggets is an odd one since it’s “supposed” to stay smaller. Not sure if I got lucky with this one. Guess we’ll see.
Sage looks awesome bro. Any chance u can post a close up shot of nuggets?
Oh Nuggets. I’ll be pulling her out any day now. She’s starting to swell. I’m hoping to get her out of the tent tomorrow. I’ll get photos when I do. I’ve been a little under the weather today. Hopefully back to normal tomorrow.
I have not seen this chart, so many thanks! Wondered when they were going to come out with one for autos. We've both proven that you can push this chart a lot further. I'm about two weeks out from chop and I'm at 3.0 ec with the full tilt. Cutting back after the next water/feed. Haven't done the bulky b yet, but will try it the next flora flex run. Think I might try Man O Greens Mega Crop formula. Howver, it's hard to argue your success and the simplicity of the FF.
Looking forward for the rest of your Mango Smile grow. Have one on deck!
Rock on btother!!!
You gotta find the nutrients that work best for you so if you think something different will work better, give it a go. That’s how we keep learning.
4x2 update
4x2 update. I’m discovering that certain strains…I just prefer the plant structure over others. I’m not sure why, but I just don’t have the patience, or desire, to do that “hardcore” LST anymore. I USED to love it. Sitting down with the plant, pinning it down, all that. Now I just prefer to top, keep the canopy as wide open as possible and get out of the plants way. Anyway, here’s an update on what’s going on in the 4x2.

@Jean-O Genetics- What’s My Name - 7 gallon- day 16. Now this is what I’m talking about! This plant is showing a beautiful structure. She’s going to be a beast. She’s going to eat that 7 gallon up:


Mephisto Mango Smile - Day 7? - 7 gallon. Not a lot to see here, but we’re good.


Glue Sniffer - 5 gallon - Day 30. Aside from topping, I really DON’T like training much before I see tassels and stretch. But this one is just a clump, and has forced me to do something with it. Nothing to do with laziness, etc. you guys know how much time I spend on these babies. But the structure here is leaving me a little “frustrated”. We’ll see how she turns out. If I can get some height out of her, it may be worth it.

She looks a lot like my recent Gold Leaf Auto. She was a head of cabbage at day 28. By day 36 the branches were stretching. I dropped a wire hoop between them to spread 'em. Today she's 40. I trimmed out the undergrowth this morning:
GLaS1.3_day28.jpg GLaS1.3_day40.jpg